*Sigh*... the Psyches. Low level beasts.
Nimrook, aka "The Wall", in particular. Frekin bastard.
I think you can play a few league matches without it going away but not sure the exact formula.
I don't mean to sound flippant, but just save your game and give the psyches a go. If it goes wrong you can just reload. They are tough at that level but I still beat them the same way I beat the goers in the story - Jecht Shot those f****ers
ok guys i got the game
so ?
normal or expert sphere grid
and is it similar to Xillias system?
If you've never played it before, go Standard.
ive heard bad things about yuna being a heal bot for the first half?
is it true?
ive heard bad things about yuna being a heal bot for the first half?
is it true?
It's different from Xillia's. Xillia (and FFXIII)'s system is deceptive in how much customization you really have. With the sphere grid, it's all about customization. Everyone's path is unique, you can cross paths to make your characters more diverse, you can add stat spheres to empty nodes, and late in the game, you'll also be able to clear nodes and replace them with stat spheres of your choice.ok guys i got the game
so ?
normal or expert sphere grid
and is it similar to Xillias system?
ive heard bad things about yuna being a heal bot for the first half?
is it true?
i'm about to start the game, i've never played International version before. any tip for a first time run? i plan to platinum this game![]()
seriously, who thought that chocobo race is fun.
after one hour of trying the best I got was 23 seconds. guess I'll never get the trophy, might as well stop playing now. fuck this shit.
Stop playing as in stop trying for the platinum or not even finish the game? Would be silly to not finish the game!
It's true; Yuna's default Sphere Grid path gives her no means of dealing damage other than via summoning. Summons are very powerful though.
Use bonus stat nodes as soon as you get them. Their relative value will be much lower in the late game, so there's no point hoarding them.
If you're going for the plat, be careful to get the four missable Al Bhed Primers. Also, make sure to get the Destruction Sphere treasure in Besaid and the Sun Crest after fighting. Those two aren't missable, but they will be guarded by dark aeons later.Yunalesca
i don't play this since 2005/06, i have a couple of questions, every temple has a secret "destruction sphere" chest right?
i don't remember those four missable primers, the first one i think is outside the temple where?, the second one is on the dessertTidus meets Rikku, the third one is afterinside al bhed's home?, i don't remember the last one xD .Yuma and Seymour get married in Kilika right?
So, is it 4 or 5 of each eye fiend to unlock One-Eye? Keep reading both here and there and it's bugging me.
Just started Final Fantasy X for the first time ever and been given a choice of Standard Sphere Grid or Expert Sphere Grid. GAF I'm scared, tell me what to pick.
i don't play this since 2005/06, i have a couple of questions, every temple has a secret "destruction sphere" chest right?
i don't remember those four missable primers, the first one i think is outside the temple where?, the second one is on the dessertTidus meets Rikku, the third one is afterinside al bhed's home?, i don't remember the last one xD .Yuma and Seymour get married in Kilika right?
You only need 4 of each.
Eternal Calm is a 15 minute video you can probably youtube.
If the balloons had shadows I'd have it by now
And if the controls werent awful
and if I could see where the boundaries of the course were
And if birds wouldn't spawn in front of me with no warning
Paine just said "Ice, ice, baby" when casting Blizzard.
This game just keeps on giving.
seriously, who thought that chocobo race is fun.
after one hour of trying the best I got was 23 seconds. guess I'll never get the trophy, might as well stop playing now. fuck this shit.
I don't think I can go any higher. Just finished a 16-0 game against the luca goers.
After I finish this league, I'm resetting blitzball, this has gotten way too easy.
I think it's pretty funny that the Aurochs use Keepa as a goalie considering he is the only character that can get a 99 on SHT, at least if the original guidebook is to be believed.
Any advice on armor for end game? Was thinking:
Break HP Limit
Not sure about auto-haste and have read that BHPL isn't worth it? Seems crazy to me but would like to hear what people think.
where is the guide you guys follow to get 100% in FFX-2?
According to the first guide, I should be at 15%.
I'm at 18. Welp.
does this let me get all the hidden items and dresspheres, etc?
Any advice on armor for end game? Was thinking:
Break HP Limit
Not sure about auto-haste and have read that BHPL isn't worth it? Seems crazy to me but would like to hear what people think.