About the whole graphics argument, my friend came round yesterday and I gave her a a go at my Thrustmaster Non-FF Racing Wheel on the demo, which she found fine, but she ain't into racers.
However, when I showed her Sebring in the Rain, she was like "It looks so realistic" in which I replied "Really? People online complain the graphics could be better and other games look better."...
...she replied "You gamers complain too much. I played Black and White 1 for ages...and this looks much better."
So really, to the outside world, the graphics look fine and we should maybe stop acting like the game looks like ass.
Loved the trailer btw. Made me remember some old racers.
The thing is, i have been playing & loving racing games (all games) for thirty odd years & over time the graphics have improved & (i don't really want to start this off but) game-play is king, as good as the Gran Turismo series is, the first GT will always be the best one to me, OutRun 2 Coast to Coast was a hoot to play, RaceDriver: GRID was excellent, i have played all the Forza games & i really do prefer them to Gran Turismo, i had Pcars & traded it in as i just wasn't enjoying it, yes it is a very good game but i didn't enjoy playing it, the same for DriveClub it looks fantastic but i don't enjoy the racing, but the Forza games i cannot get enough of, to me the Forza games are like Top Gear, i want to go round the corners sideways & cross the finish line backwards with my hair on fire shouting
As for the people complaining about the Rio track in the demo for "being too colourful! what the hell are you on about, it is supposed to be fun, that is what it is all about, Forza has never been about tinkering to the nth degree, it has been about racing.
As for the old racers in the trailer, i would love some of them as tracks in future DLC.