This 100%, you know what you are getting with the Forza Motorsport series.
It's just a shame they still use prebaked lighting and no dynamic weather, but I suppose that's the pay off for a locked 60fps.
Just thinking out loud about dynamic weather.....
There are other technical reasons behind why it isn't there I think, you've got to factor in the systems required for the player actually handling dynamic weather, you've got to program different sets of tyres (slicks, inters, wets, and I wonder how the wet and dry tyre physics are actually modeled in FM6.....) and you've also got to communicate these things to the player, and make it possible that the player is both informed out the conditions, and able to change tyres at will.
Anyone who's played PCars will know that this isn't actually that easy to do, and probably for simplicity sake, and for streamlining the experience for the player, having the races either dry, or wet, make it a much easier proposition.
There's no excuse for no dynamic TOD though