For all the people clamoring for Stella Nox Fleuret in some form, I'm not sure you really want Tabata and his team to have a go at her character
Hmmm. Didn't know they said that, I'm not saying necessarily that Cindy is "too sexy" (I'd say that her design is actually too generic and illogically over-exposed to be "sexy"), but the fact that they seem to be finding a "contradiction" between wanting a female character's design to be a bit more tasteful, and also wanting a female party member is somewhat odd. As if they think the reason people would want female party members is to see "sexy" designs, and not to have a variety of interesting characters of all backgrounds.
Considering Final Fantasy has typically had parties with both male and female members, it is very strange for them to have not seen the reasoning behind fans wanting female party members. For XV, and Versus XIII for that matter, it seems like it was always the plan for it just to be guys, so that's fine for it to stay that way, but if they can't think of any other reasons why Final Fantasy fans would want a party with female members in it besides eye-candy, that is a bit worrying for Luna and other women in this game.
I don't actually want to say I have an issue with attractive/"sexy" character design (done well, Cindy isn't for example), and am not calling for censorship of XV, just saying that if they don't see a reason for women to exist in the game besides being pretty, that's a little weird, especially coming from Final Fantasy.