I do think some people are enjoying making this game their punching bag and that's pretty petty. And the defense force (no criticism allowed) people are no better.
More hyped for the review thread now then the game. I'll like the game I'm sure but the thread...man, that thread is going to be epic. It will start out half civil for about 20 posts then the drive-bys will start. Feelings will get hurt and after some QTEs, people will start shit posting. Bish will come in and start sending people to the graveyard. Juniors will be the first to go and the smart members will refrain from entering into the fray but a person can only hold their tongue for so long and then BAM! Oblivion.
Games going to good, though. Couldn't give two shits about review scores.
And also imo
No review embargo => Promising review score
Have review embargo => Worrying review score![]()
The drive-by usually start at post #5-8, sometimes, even less. Mind you, posters are aware that post #1-5 drive-by's will have mod-hawks in them - so shit post at your own peril. I've noticed that - posters adapt.
I still don't know why some people have such vitriol against the game. I don't know why you would make l yourself get so mad at a videogame instead of just moving on to something else that does not.
An extremely pretty yet very average shooter? That's at least what I imagine the general consensus being.
But, since you've played it and are happy to answer questions.... I might be asking too much but, from what you played, does the game focus/prioritize human v human combat or is it more focused on the werewolves?
Didn't get an answer before, so what makes this game bad/bland/boring but makes Gears good and fun? Because I don't see it.
I like this logic for the wrong reasons. The media has been taking a dump on this game for quite a while and have gone out of their way to make it known that they don't like what they see AND yet, some people are working under the impression that the game is a media darling.
I mean the same kind as The Crew and Unity's embargoI assume you mean day one embargo, because almost all games have some sort of embargo in place for reviews.
It's probably going to score a sub 80 on metacritic with the narrative that "Gameplay wise, it doesn't revolutionize." Then I'm going to have to hear about how much the reviewers got it wrong and how good the "Simcade" controls feel or whatever. I'll eventually buy it for $35, only to discover the game is boring shit.
What the hell kind of comment is this.
It'll sell well at least, it's quite high in pre-order charts and PS4 exclusives have shown they don't need to be amazing to sell high numbers.
An honest one?
We'll see in six months!What the hell kind of comment is this.
Sorry but buying a game you know is going to be boring as shit is fucking stupid.
No no, I won't be buying it thinking it's boring shit. Initially I will be put off by the reviews, but by the time it goes on sale for $35 I will have read enough positive Neogaf posts about the game that I'll think "Y'know, maybe this time they're right. Maybe this time the game really DOES have a classical feel with perfect controls and masterful pacing."Sorry but buying a game you know is going to be boring as shit is fucking stupid.
7/10 for me.
What the hell kind of comment is this.
Maybe you should not be a fucking lemming. If the reviews convince you then leave it at that if you have been duped before.No no, I won't be buying it thinking it's boring shit. Initially I will be put off by the reviews, but by the time it goes on sale for $35 I will have read enough positive Neogaf posts about the game that I'll think "Y'know, maybe this time they're right. Maybe this time the game really DOES have a classical feel with perfect controls and masterful pacing."
I hope it is excellent, RAD deserved the chance to make a huge console game and this is it. The Order is basically the cinematic gaming theory brought to its conclusion.
But prwxv3, this time around they'll really mean it when they say that the game is actually masterfully designed around gameplay principles that are pure and untarnished from modern influences like "Innovation" and "Content" or "Level Flow." On hard, it will be the Dark Souls of third person shooting. Because it's hard!Maybe you should not be a fucking lemming. If the reviews convince you then leave it at that if you have been duped before.
How the hell is this game anything like HEAVY RAIN? Because it has QTEs and the developers have used the phrase "cinematic. ." God damn people are reaching.
Because by the dev's very own admission the design of the game was story + presentation > gameplay, which is similar to Heavy Rain.
You've played Heavy Rain?
Yup, story and presentation definitely took precedence over the 'gameplay' there.
What aspects of the gameplay do you think could have been improved to tell the game's story better? What games do you think tell this type of story better? I seeing more an arbritary approach at throwing > or < signs without any thought.
Here's a quote from the Game Director
"I think story and visuals are very high. Gameplay is something that... it's a game, we make games, we can't get around it. We love games, but we also love telling stories, so I think story is always going to be at the top because it's what we start with."
Plus they've said numerous times that they have made it look the way it does, 30fps, black borders etc, to improve the look as much as possible to tell their story.
I'm not complaining about this approach, I'm all for story centered games.
It's just that for me, nothing they've shown regarding the 'story' has looked interesting, everything seems dull or fairly by the book, i'm sure they're keeping lots of things hidden but for now the story doesn't look amazing.
Have you seen the stock footage that leaked around the time that PSX was going on? Seemed to have some political stuff going on that seemed interesting despite it being broken up so much. Not sure how it's all by-the-books otherwise, but there were some things in there that put the game in a more positive light in my eyes.