After playing the blimp demo (latest) I have to admit I am not very fond of how the game looks to be like.
Granted its only a small slice of the game , but supposedly that slice is representative of a lot of things.
I hope that the game will surprise me, but so far my issues are the following:
- Bad camera. The camera is ridiculously close to the character. Now that is not a problem by itself, but it becomes an issue when you have tight corridor spaces and the camera is so close to the character. Sometimes the character seems to be taking half the screen space. Its ridiculous. Navigation becomes a chore
- Stealth is appalling really. I dont know who had the idea of making stealth a QTE event that upon failure grants a game over screen but everything is wrong with it. I know that people will say that this happens in many games (gameover if spotted) but those games atleast dont have it as a QTE. It is the combination of gameover and QTE that makes it completely archaic in design.
- Melee combat is just more of the same as above
- Everything they have showed so far is claustrophobic in terms of level design. I can appreciate the fact it is a linear level and was always meant to be that, but not having seen a somewhat bigger level that will provide more options as far as gameplay goes is not a good thing.
- And my biggest grip of all....
Those god damned stupid and completely unnecessary small cutscenes after completing the simplest actions that there are... You want to open a door? A simple damn door? Why dont you watch your character slowly open the door and then closing it. You want to use a ladder? press a button and just wait to see your character complete the process in 5 seconds. THis is ridiculous. It is not cinematic, its plain ridiculous.
The amount of times this games takes away control of the player, for such simple actions, is unbelievable. I am honestly amazed how they designed it that way. I dont want to watch a mini cutscene everytime I open a door. I just want to open the damn door. No need for drama. Its just a frigging door!
I honestly hope that these demoes, prove to be quite misleading once the finished game releases.
But if they are indeed representative of what the finished game will be, then it doesnt sound like a game that I would want to play. Would probably experience it (if the story is as good as what devs claim) but it doesnt look like something I would have fun playing.