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How Do People Think That The Order: 1886 Will Turn Out?


From what I've seen so far it looks like a very pretty but extremely mediocre game.

I expect it to be received as such.


Here's a quote from the Game Director

"I think story and visuals are very high. Gameplay is something that... it's a game, we make games, we can't get around it. We love games, but we also love telling stories, so I think story is always going to be at the top because it's what we start with."

Plus they've said numerous times that they have made it look the way it does, 30fps, black borders etc, to improve the look as much as possible to tell their story.

I'm not complaining about this approach, I'm all for story centered games.

It's just that for me, nothing they've shown regarding the 'story' has looked interesting, everything seems dull or fairly by the book, i'm sure they're keeping lots of things hidden but for now the story doesn't look amazing.

I am specifically talking about Heavy Rain. The Order 1886 has yet to release.

As for the quote....I prefer to cut the BS and tell you that's the way majority of modern devs with a story-centric SP campaign worth a damn design their games - whether at the core of the game there is a FPS or TPS. Also, they may have a PR lapdog more strict on which words come out of the devs mouths. They might be some of your favorite series and games - you never know.


I am specifically talking about Heavy Rain.

As for the quote....I prefer to cut the BS and tell you that's the way majority of modern devs with a story-centric SP campaign worth a damn design their games - whether at the core be a FPS or TPS. That might some of your favorite series and games - you never know.

That's how the last of us was made. They first made the story and then made the gameplay around the story. It's much easier then doing the opposite. I also believe that comment was made by the creative director as well.


I am specifically talking about Heavy Rain.

Well those godawful walking controls could've been improved, holding R2 to accelerate? Bleugh. Plus letting us rotate the camera or go first person while walking or zoom in on objects and rotate them would've been neat.

But again I'm fine with the minimal approach to gameplay in story centered games, I was just repeating what the dev's had said.

GnawtyDog said:
As for the quote....I prefer to cut the BS and tell you that's the way majority of modern devs with a story-centric SP campaign worth a damn design their games - whether at the core be a FPS or TPS. That might some of your favorite series and games - you never know.

Sure and maybe The Order will be a knockout like some of those ones too.


Game of the Generation

Joke aside I just hope it's a good game with solid gameplay and fun elements. Make it more like RE4 and less like Ryze and we have a winner
It'll be fun and look great. Probably not a huge amount of depth or replay value but tps games are cool and I'll be getting a ps4 for this and bloodborne.


I can't wait, it looks great. Like Driveclub before it came out, it will get a lot of criticism from some fanboys. Hell, even TLOU:R and Infamous got criticized. Hmm, what's the pattern here? Hmm. Hmm.


Regardless what my opinion is of the game, I realize that the success of this game is the doom of us all. If this game hugely succeed, then the market would probably be flooded with "filmic games" for the next 5-8 years.

I hope critics and users can see through the impressive graphical fidelity, and judge the game's strengths and weaknesses in terms of gameplay and story.


Well those godawful walking controls could've been improved, holding R2 to accelerate? Bleugh. Plus letting us rotate the camera or go first person while walking or zoom in on objects and rotate them would've been neat.

But again I'm fine with the minimal approach to gameplay in story centered games, I was just repeating what the dev's had said.

So the improvements you suggest are more a refinement rather than a reinvention of what was provided. It's hard to say, well, fit a TPS there - it will not work. Fit a platformer - it will not work either. Fit a FPS, that won't work either. If you want Heavy Rain, that's probably the way you're going to tell that story. More "gameplay", "better gameplay" for the sake of it (which you'll have to define first) =/= good game. It's up to the developers to strike a balance and make everything cohesive. Some have greater success than others clearly.

Sure and maybe The Order will be a knockout like some of those ones too.

It might be, it might be not.
It's a project that is destined to be a love-it-or-hate-it game on enthusiast forums, since it has no real bespoke features. Outside of these circles, it'll probably be seen as something like Watchdogs. Another entry in a popular genre, which happens to be visually impressive for its time. I expect it to be and do just fine if Sony markets it right.


So the improvements you suggest are more a refinement rather than a reinvention of what was provided. It's hard to say, well, fit a TPS there - it will not work. Fit a platformer - it will not work either. Fit a FPS, that won't work either. If you want Heavy Rain, that's probably the way you're going to tell that story.

Absolutely, but I'm not about to praise a game like Heavy Rain for it's gameplay either, so it's okay if it's not as great in that department as other games because that's not the main draw.

GnawtyDog said:
It might be, it might be not.

I don't see how anyone can have decided one way or the other yet. We haven't seen enough of it. I'm hoping it turns out good as I love the setting.
Solid 8-9/10 title. I was very sceptical about the Order before but after the PSX event I am a believer. Hope it sells well enough to warrant a sequel with MP.


I have high hopes of liking it myself, not necessarily of it reviewing well. I love Telltale games, Quantic Dream games and Naughty Dog games and this seems to be a mixture of those with some insane graphics and atmosphere. I was impressed with the PS experience footage, it looked awesome and it seems to have enough actual gameplay.

Regardless what my opinion is of the game, I realize that the success of this game is the doom of us all. If this game hugely succeed, then the market would probably be flooded with "filmic games" for the next 5-8 years.

I hope critics and users can see through the impressive graphical fidelity, and judge the game's strengths and weaknesses in terms of gameplay and story.

Now I know what the grudge against this game is by someone saying it literally, thank you.

There is plenty of room for both. Aside from this one Sony also comes with Bloodborne. If both are a succes, the better it is for the variety of gaming. I love both types of experiences. Oh and if it is a large succes then that means people probably like it and it won't be doom for quite a lot of players if more titles would follow this direction.


I'm very excited for this game, however I expect the Metacritic to be at 75, just because reviewers will shave off point for crap like:

- No Multiplayer
- Linear Campaign
- Little Replayablility
I don't exactly know why, but I have a feeling this game will turn out to be great. Personally why I think I will like it though is the setting and I've honestly been waiting for a linear single player game for a while, I think we have had too many open world games lately.


This game will sale just fine.

Even if the market is flooded with used copies new copies wiil drop in price pretty fast. Just like driveclub.
its the nature of games like this.

It'll review quite well i think for a sp only campaign.But will prob get knocked down for replayabilty and lack of multiplayer.
If it's too short though its prob gonna get the shit kicked out of it.

To be honest there isn't a lot separating this and quantum break which is obviously another story driven corridor cover shooter. Order even has a slow mo special. Except on that we will prob have to endure a really bad live action script to get the whole story and not one bad bit of concern trolling will be passed its way.

Either way, extremely excited for both. From what little we have seen i'm hyped. Glad they havent shown off too much. Want most of it to be a surprise.

I don't exactly know why, but I have a feeling this game will turn out to be great. Personally why I think I will like it though is the setting and I've honestly been waiting for a linear single player game for a while, I think we have had too many open world games lately.

This is also another reason. Im wore out on open world collecttathon shit. Last year you really couldn't move for open world games. Almost every big AAA game was open world

Infamous/first light
Farcry 4
Sunset overdrive
Watch dogs
GTA 5 remaster
Tomb raider remaster on a smaller scale.
Dragon age although thats more open area than open world
Even racing games were getting in on the action.

no sense of urgency outside of main missions in any of those games bar Horizon. Like time just stops and antagonists and the like all have a nice break while you go about your daily collectathon.

Give me tension, urgency and a non segregated story any day of the week. this year is gonna be a good one


El Capitan Todd
I hope it turns out well.
It is one of the few games I'm interested in as PS4 exclusives so far, and one of the first I'll go back to once I'll have a PS4.
It looks great, but so far (unlike Quantum Break, that initially had the same issue with me) no gameplay footage thrilled me.


What is with all the persecution complexes?
The game will do fine. Some people will hate it with out playing it but that is no different to every game.
Exceptionally well.

Good reviews with most focusing on the visuals and the story, there'll be some complaints about the overuse of QTE and how you're sometimes left not really playing the game, but those complaints, while valid, won't really impact the general reception of the game.

Good commercial response too if the marketing is right. Something along the lines of Bobby Paige with some gameplay spliced throughout could do wonders for the game. The lack of multiplayer might hurt it, but it ultimately depends on how long the single player campaign is and if there's any kind of replay value.

Wolfenstein made it clear that you don't always need a multiplayer mode if your single player and replay value is up to snuff, will be interesting to see if the same applies here.

It'll do great, certainly enough for Sony to consider it as valuable IP for this generation and beyond.


I'm pulling for it since I want to have a great experience with it as well as revel in the review thread carnage if it scores really well. After I pre-order The Order like a fiend, I'll pull up a chair, light up my pipe, and wait.
What is with all the persecution complexes?
The game will do fine. Some people will hate it with out playing it but that is no different to every game.

First big PS4 exclusive that's already received a hammering. It's no surprise some people feel others have it out for the game or that it won't be given a fair shake.

Not that that line of thinking has any real basis, but the reasons for why they feel that way seem pretty obvious.


It will probably get mixed reviews.

Some will give it high scores, then some will give it a 5/10.
Eurogamer, Polygon
A liniar gears of wat clone that has terrible black bars that makes only about 1/3 of the game seeable.
30 sec gamplay 1 min cute scene to 3 min gamepkay to 5 min cute scene.

GFX Will be nice though.


I hope that it will be good because i like the setting and find it interesting and unique, but i fear and think its going to be bad.


The game will probably be good, so people will like it.
But the first reviews will be terrible, because most of the journalist are sheep, and the hype for this game is bad.
Standard scripted cover shooter from the gameplay videos I have seen. The theme might be interesting, as long as there isn't too much focus on killing fellow humans.

I predict mediocre reviews and sales.
I'm still looking forward to it. It's in a setting I like

Steampunk Victorian London with creatures of the night.
Single Player - doesn't bother me. I don't touch online unless it's an online only game like Team Fortress etc.

How it will sell I don't know.

They've done themselves no favours in regards to demo play so it's got a negative perception about it. So much so people have a dump on it for things which are in other games (insta-fail stealth, insta fail qte) Hello0o0o. Tomb Raider anyone?
Did my head in that game at first but ended up loving it.

BUT..... recent experiences seem to suggest it's turned a corner.



Right press campaign.... should sell well on pretty graphics alone

Sword Familiar

178% of NeoGAF posters don't understand statistics
It will please fans of cover based shooters for a while, but it won't be very memorable. A snack, if you will.


Standard scripted cover shooter from the gameplay videos I have seen. The theme might be interesting, as long as there isn't too much focus on killing fellow humans.

I predict mediocre reviews and sales.

It will sale better than any xbox one exclusive that isn't halo just based on the date its coming out., It's coming out at the right time. Just like infamous did. infamous has never been a heavy seller. It sold over a million in a week. i can see this being no different. That and its the first new sony ip since knack with probably the best graphics i have ever seen and is easily marketable. mediocre sales it wont have.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
It will be a mediocre, 6-8 hour corridor action game with nice graphics.



But i still pre-ordered it because i love the setting and the atmosphere, hopefully i'll be proven wrong


Well it seems to have an excellent foundation story wise. From what I've seen the storytelling is rather slick and of course it looks gorgeous. The world they've designed is really appealing to me and provided the gameplay isn't completely garbage I expect I'll enjoy my time with the game. I'd like a good solid 10 hours of so of play time with an intriguing story and I feel like I'm going to get that, at least.

I still hold some hope that they're holding back some awesomeness from what they've shown so far.

I am definitely concerned by how some elements in the gaming press seem to have a real vendetta against the game. The Eurogamer article saying why you shouldn't pre-order the game when they've NEVER done a similar style feature for a yet to be released game like that in my life, is really worrying. Not because I'm worried about the game, but because they genuinely seem to have made their mind up based off a demo or two, when no other game has been targeted as such and given the benefit of the doubt until a more in depth preview or even the review has occurred.


I predict it will be widely regarded by consumers as Playstation's Ryse, which already seems to be the case in gaming communities, and that it will sell reasonably well, perhaps better than expected depending on coinciding launches (though it will likely not be as well received critically). The majority of those who buy and play the game will enjoy it for what it is and hope for a much better sequel. Unlike Ryse, this has a good chance of getting a sequel though, since I believe Sony own the IP and RAD is effectively a first party studio by now.
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