This game will sale just fine.
Even if the market is flooded with used copies new copies wiil drop in price pretty fast. Just like driveclub.
its the nature of games like this.
It'll review quite well i think for a sp only campaign.But will prob get knocked down for replayabilty and lack of multiplayer.
If it's too short though its prob gonna get the shit kicked out of it.
To be honest there isn't a lot separating this and quantum break which is obviously another story driven corridor cover shooter. Order even has a slow mo special. Except on that we will prob have to endure a really bad live action script to get the whole story and not one bad bit of concern trolling will be passed its way.
Either way, extremely excited for both. From what little we have seen i'm hyped. Glad they havent shown off too much. Want most of it to be a surprise.
I don't exactly know why, but I have a feeling this game will turn out to be great. Personally why I think I will like it though is the setting and I've honestly been waiting for a linear single player game for a while, I think we have had too many open world games lately.
This is also another reason. Im wore out on open world collecttathon shit. Last year you really couldn't move for open world games. Almost every big AAA game was open world
Infamous/first light
Farcry 4
Sunset overdrive
Watch dogs
GTA 5 remaster
Tomb raider remaster on a smaller scale.
Dragon age although thats more open area than open world
Even racing games were getting in on the action.
no sense of urgency outside of main missions in any of those games bar Horizon. Like time just stops and antagonists and the like all have a nice break while you go about your daily collectathon.
Give me tension, urgency and a non segregated story any day of the week. this year is gonna be a good one