Yeah that oldschool nintendo sold nothing. A 22 million world wide disaster with gamecube 2 would have been the final console for them. Same with DS. If they didnt differentiate they might have lost to PSP.You're welcome. I'm not actually happy. Well sorta, just because getting a laugh out of anything with the current direction of the videogame business is one of my favorite past times.
I like Nintendo, I grew up on Nintendo, the only system I even have is the 3DS. I just want to see them drop the fucking gimmicks and get back to old school kick ass Nintendo, just like Amir0x said.
I don't want to see how I can draw fucking platforms in Mario games, or play house with a bunch of big headed created stick figures, or see how many goofy pin the tail on the donkey mini game collections they can pack in one game. MAKE GAMES.