Huh? Where is this from? I don't see anything in the OP.
The us is full of dudebros it seems.
I have played my Vita about 10x as much as i have played my 3ds
Great post. I agree with all your points.Well on GAF something is either amazing or terrible without a middle ground. 1 million units ltd in the US isnt THAT bad. But not a flying start either. Its not hard to find out why though:
(Defense force inc if you're 12)
- the console is 100 bucks more than a 360
- tablets are hot amongst kids now for games
- terrible marketing
- wii u is a terrible name
- no killer app game at launch
- no killer app game announced for near future
- huge launchpatch
- wiis are covered in dust in most households, why upgrade to wii u if you even realise wii u is the wii sucessor
... And so on. Lets hope Nintendo is extra motivated now. Start by firing your marketing and PR division and go from there.
They needed to come out big and set the tone for the next generation. Instead they mailed it in, and are paying for it. They need to substantially change the course of the ship because right now it is heading right for an iceberg.
A press conference showing new games is needed ASAP. Show whatever you have in the oven, even if they are bullshots. Get 3D mario and Zelda up on that stage, then show us a game that actually highlights why the tablet controller is useful in a game.
I concur.
We're hearing far too much FIRE IWATA and not enough FIRE REGGIE.
That explains why even a game like Just Dance sells a lot more on the 360 right?The us is full of dudebros it seems.
Vita > 1/10 3DS
cod bundle ~ 70%
I doubt it will have a worse first year than the PS3.the xbox 360 was super, SUPER supply-constrained. the ps3 was supply-constrained in november and not so much in december. the wii u was the same as the ps3. the thing to note is that the wii u really dropped off week-to-week from november to december. it's going to have a very poor 2013, probably rivaling the ds's 2005 and the ps3's 2007. or worse.
Huh? Where is this from? I don't see anything in the OP.
I would imagine that most of the sterotypic dudebros already bought a Xbox 360 a long time ago.The us is full of dudebros it seems.
We'll see...
Vita numbers are
I could actually see Sony relaunching with a price cut and dropping the Vita name.
What? The Gamecube sold 1.2 million units in Nov/Dec of its launch year - with a direct competitor launching a few days earlier. The Wii U just did 885k with no competition launching. If the Gamecube's launch was a "whimper", then the Wii U's launch was a death rattle.
Man, this not look good for the WiiU. How's it doing in Europe?
PS3's doing well for beating 360 WW with a 1 year late start.
I don't think he would set the bar that low if it weren't near that amount. (Within 5% more than likely)I want to be clear--does "Greater than 1/10 3DS" also mean "Less than 2/10 3DS"? Because it's a vague statement without that qualifier.
Wow dude you need to go recheck your figures. That's just not correct. At all. Go run that again.
Gamecube sold more in its first November and its first December.
Vita > 1/10 3DS
cod bundle ~ 70%
Wow dude you need to go recheck your figures. That's just not correct. At all. Go run that again.
To put it even more into perspective:
Xbox 360 US Launch (Nov+Dec): 607k
PS3 US Launch (Nov+Dec): 687k
Wii U US Launch (Nov+Dec): 890k
Wii U is not setting the world on fire but some of the reactions in this thread are way overblown.
You could even say Wii U is the best North American launch of a HD console in history.Nintendo should hire me to do their PR.
The us is full of dudebros it seems.
same, and I got my 3DS a long time ago and my vita 2 months ago :/I have played my Vita about 10x as much as i have played my 3ds
Wow dude you need to go recheck your figures. That's just not correct. At all. Go run that again.
Wait, why is everyone panicing if Wii U outperformed both ps360 launches. And dont come with supply/theoretical sales please.
Do you know who creamsugar is?
I would imagine that most of the sterotypic dudebros already bought a Xbox 360 a long time ago.
i disagree. i really struggle to believe Sony/MS is going to launch this winter with product that is anywhere near Nintendo's launch efforts, which has been received pretty bad. they need to let their competitors launch and market first, get the public actually interested in a new console, and then sell themselves as being the #1 option.
i disagree. i really struggle to believe Sony/MS is going to launch this winter with product that is anywhere near Nintendo's launch efforts, which has been received pretty bad. they need to let their competitors launch and market first, get the public actually interested in a new console, and then sell themselves as being the #1 option.
Wait, why is everyone panicing if Wii U outperformed both ps360 launches. And dont come with supply/theoretical sales please.
Wait, why is everyone panicing if Wii U outperformed both ps360 launches. And dont come with supply/theoretical sales please.
Desperate times calls for desperate measures, and if Microsoft's next console hits huge, both companies might be desperate.
Nope. But there are others that have that data. And what he's saying isn't correct.
They're too busy monitoring the accounts of nieces worldwide to bother with everyone else.Good summary (although it's a shame about Nintendoland because it is fantastic). I think it's clear Nintendo has somewhat lost touch with today's growing market.
Found it myself
Wii Dec 2006 - 604,200
PS3 Dec 2006 - 490,700
Wii U Dec 2012 - 460,000
360 Dec 2005 - 281,441
And here are PS2's numbers
PS2 October 2000 (Launch) - 391 245
PS2 November 2000 (second month) - 187 554
PS2 December 2000 (first December) -522 239
Do you know who creamsugar is?
Desperate times calls for desperate measures, and if Microsoft's next console hits huge, both companies might be desperate.
Seeing Halo beat all these multiplatform games is impressive. Especially impressive beating AC3 which started getting TV ads almost a year before release. Halo is now easily the biggest exclusive game franchise in the US and Gears of War is probably second.
Microsoft should make a version of Halo 4 and Gears for Windows 8 tablets and Windows Phone 8.5. I'd really love a Halo Wars for tablets too. MS could easily charge $20 for Halo in the Windows Store and have ads in between free multiplayer matchmaking on Windows 8.
Yes, that would explain the 5 million copies of Minecraft sold and the huge spike of copies sold on Christmas alone. Dudebros are renowned for their love of building.
Vita did over 250k then?
They will have substantial third party support. Watch Dogs and Destiny alone will generate more attention than Nintendoland and New Super Mario Bros 4 were able to.
Down 22%
Time for some new boxes and some excitement up in here!
Nope. But there are others that have that data. And what he's saying isn't correct.
He should have access to NPD numbers too. Interesting.Are you in a state of disbelief or do you have access to NPD too? (Serious question)