Personally i would love 999$ msrp ps5pr0, that instead of bit overclocked zen2 cpu and 7800xt, had as its baze zen4 cpu and 7900xtx, but unfortunately we got ps4pr0 to compare(and that very realistic and heartbreaking leak, rip).
And it was same cpu like in base ps4 just clocked higher, gpu wise it was midrange amd offering, not even highend, at that time, and like mentioned again, ps5pr0 would have to be made on 3nm node for it to be really big improvement in terms of performance, while still being around 220W tdp aka console box format, remember miles morales on base ps5 drew over 200W of power already(measured by DF, so legit info).
TLDR: There is not much room for improvement, aka it cant go 140W ps5 to 250W ps5pr0 but it will realisticly go from 220W ps5 base to 220W maybe tiny bit more for ps5pr0.
Its not even as much sony's fault, simply amd has no good offering for them to give, at least for now, they have great price/perf in midrange, but at high end its combo of very high tdp and not that much of improvement unfortunately, rnda3 was big letdown/diseaster in terms of top performance, both in raster and in raytracing, thats why currently u got top nvidia's 4090 at around 2k usd streetprice vs top amd's 7900xtx at not even 1k usd street price, it is what it is =/