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Shuhei Yoshida: "I'm Sorry I Was Wrong" About PS VR2
Former head of PlayStation Studios Shuhei Yoshida is "sorry" for being wrong about PlayStation VR2, though described his work on the original as "the most fun I had".

On Thursday, Yoshida appeared on the Kinda Funny Gamescast for a two hour interview, his first since retiring from Sony. Near the end of the interview, the host Greg Miller asked Yoshida the direct question: "What happened with PS VR2, Shu?", prompting his "Let's move on" reply.
Shortly after, Miller asked Yoshida what words PlayStation VR2 brought to mind, as he had been asking him about other PlayStation hardware. Here's how Yoshida responded to that:Shuhei Yoshida:
"PS VR was the most fun I had, personally."
Greg Miller:
Shuhei Yoshida:
"Well, you know, that's another one of collaboration between the game team and hardware team. It was Santa Monica Studios, you know, the God War team in PS3 days, they customized the PS3 God War, and they put PS Move on to the video viewer, and created a headset, you know, a VR headset. And they put me [in the headset]. I was Kratos. That really amazed me. So it led to the idea: the PS4 generation, we can do proper VR. So that idea came from the studio side and the hardware team loved [it] as well. And I was one of the internal leads as an executive lead with the other head and myself leading the project internally, and I got to announce the project at GDC."
Greg Miller:
"I remember that. I still talk about that all the time. Whenever we talk about VR, you coming on the GDC show and talking about 'look, this is, we are at PlayStation 1 again, we are starting from scratch'."
Shuhei Yoshida:
"I'm sorry I was wrong - PS VR2 didn't become PS2."
Greg Miller:
"What happened with PS VR2, Shu?"
Shuhei Yoshida:
"Uh, well.... let's move on."
Shuhei Yoshida:
"Two games. I super, super love, Synapse, and Before Your Eyes. These are two amazing, amazing games I want everyone to try if you have a PS VR2. I remember that especially Before Your Eyes hit you too, right?"
Greg Miller:
"Oh yeah, I was sobbing!"
Shuhei Yoshida:
"Me too. You know, I had tears in my eyes playing games only twice in my life. The first time was Journey, and the second time was Before Your Eyes. It's an amazing, amazing story."
Greg Miller:
"Totally, yeah, 100%."