Star Wars Outlaws Main Character Already Hit With Criticism Due to Ubisoft Changing Actress Apperance


Before Reeee:
shakira dancing GIF

After Reeee:
The Goonies Sloth GIF


Only the hair is different I feel like if they changed the hair it would look quite similar to the actress that hair is just absurdly ugly.


This was done at the request of the head IGN france editor who warned UBI that this hot real life actress when accurately represented in a game may cause female gamers to comit suicide due to not being able to live up to the expectations of digital pixels. REEEEE also came in and confirmed this as factual evidence.

or something.

Oh well - it's an ubi game (which are usually shit these days). This will help people finalize their decisions to skip this game.
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Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
Hey guys,

I have applied to Ubisoft for a job in character design and modeling. I submitted a sample of my work, along with my reference model.
What do you think?

She needs to be overweight, have black glasses and dyed purple hair.


She looks like what could happen if someone would prank the artist and changed all of the reference photos to images of bats or something like that and artist just shrugging and rolling with it


Complaining that a video game character doesn't look like the person portraying them seems like something that people on era would do.

Culture warriors on 'both sides' are insufferable, and more alike than they realize.

Someone had to say It. Congrats man.


Those images are BS and propoganda in there own right. They purposely took shots of her in mid speech to make her look like a freak while choosing the hottest photos of the actress online. The premise of wtf western devs still stands though.

She looks cute. And yes i do agree and think they took off her makeup. Yet she still looks cute.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Why did they change her like that?? This is like the definition of what’s wrong with western game development. They take someone beautiful and make the person uglier for literally no logic reason at all.

Time to vote with my wallet. I’ll get it dirt cheap or on Gamepass another year. I still have the whole Jedi saga to go through anyway, plus No Rest for the Wicked, Ghost of Tsushima, Shadow of the Erdtree and nearly 10 games I’m currently playing. No problem keeping the wallet closed here.

Those images make the character look worse than she does in the game.


Now someone go through the trailer and cherry pic the shots where she looks fine.


*not gonna lie, she still looks like a team america puppet in 90% of the trailer.

That nose is pure 70 dollars MSRP art.

Maybe they should hire the $90.000 AI artist to remodel this one.
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