Star Wars Outlaws Main Character Already Hit With Criticism Due to Ubisoft Changing Actress Apperance



this looked just fine. damn fine at that

hair looked magnificent too. ruin the face but why ruin the hair as well?? it looks like a mop attached to her head now. I wonder if this was a bullshot cg-like render and reality is their engine cant actually handle hair or something. hair always looked off in ac games anyways

They crooked that nose intentionally. No way they let that slip up to blame some photogrammetry software.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Cherry picking and half-truths

1. The screenshot in the OP/tweets make her look worse than the rest of the trailer
2. If you watch the full trailer, the in-game face actually does look unattractive if compared to the face model Humberly González.
3. We don't know for a fact whether Humberly González was supposed to be the face model or only the voice / mocap performer.


GAFfers, come on, if we want to be better than the purple asylum crowd, let us tone down the reactionary criticism and check the facts. If you see the full new story trailer (and the gameplay showcased last year) the in-game face does not look as bad as the screenshots in those two tweets. Those screenshots seem cherry picked to make her look worse. I too think the in-game model does not look nearly as beautiful as Humberly González, but also not as bad as those screenshots. In fact, in this particular shot, she looks kinda good:
Basically. Almost nobody here had such complaints (other than the hair but those are obviously trying to be original Star Wars 80s stuff and successfully so) in the story/gameplay trailers but now somebody chooses a couple specific bad quality/angle/lighting/whatever images all hell breaks loose. They'll probably wanna lynch the model for downgrading herself if they see her in some less than charming, awkward photo stills taken during eating and/or conversing without make up etc. on, lol. The promos/bullshots is what they sell ffs, if the game has lesser quality it's not the woke agenda🤦‍♂️
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It seems that the style of the hair, the quality of the lighting, and the complexion of the face are deteriorating.
I'm uncertain whether this is due to downgrading or if it's intentionally made less appealing than the initial reveal.

I will purchase on day one if they switch back to the initial reveal, or opt for the $5 sharing account if they choose to keep it


I usually don't really think or care about how characters look in the game but this is a weird downgrade from that initial CGI trailer where she looked cool; kind of like a cute adventurous Latino Kirsten Stewart-type, but I don't know really know what we are getting her now and it is not like all the other human characters look better. Wonky animation, dead yes, etc.


Gold Member

I really believe those images in the OP were cherry picked. While they indeed weren’t the most appealing looks at our character here, they were really just awkward looking shots in general. The character model itself looks just fine with proper lighting, scene structure etc. She has a more “rugged” tomboy look to her, befitting of an outlaw “scoundrel”, as Vess is referred to. But, at least to me, she isn’t ugly at all. The wild hair style is the only weird part for me, but I guess it fits the whole “Star Wars” chic that the franchise is known for.
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I really believe those images in the OP were cherry picked. While they indeed weren’t the most appealing looks at our character here, they were really just awkward looking shots in general. The character model itself looks just fine with proper lighting, scene structure etc. She has a more “rugged” tomboy look to her, befitting of an outlaw “scoundrel”, as Vess is referred to. But, at least to me, she isn’t ugly at all. The wild hair style is the only weird part for me, but I guess it fits the whole “Star Wars” chic that the franchise is known for.

Yeah....there may be some small changes, and the hair is horrible but the facial design is still pretty decent imo.



I really believe those images in the OP were cherry picked. While they indeed weren’t the most appealing looks at our character here, they were really just awkward looking shots in general. The character model itself looks just fine with proper lighting, scene structure etc. She has a more “rugged” tomboy look to her, befitting of an outlaw “scoundrel”, as Vess is referred to. But, at least to me, she isn’t ugly at all. The wild hair style is the only weird part for me, but I guess it fits the whole “Star Wars” chic that the franchise is known for.
My hunch is they "intentionally" made her older than the reveal trailer in order to appeal to "western" audience


I get wanting to make her a bit more rough and scruffy but they took it too far. Looks a bit like a druggie.



I really believe those images in the OP were cherry picked. While they indeed weren’t the most appealing looks at our character here, they were really just awkward looking shots in general. The character model itself looks just fine with proper lighting, scene structure etc. She has a more “rugged” tomboy look to her, befitting of an outlaw “scoundrel”, as Vess is referred to. But, at least to me, she isn’t ugly at all. The wild hair style is the only weird part for me, but I guess it fits the whole “Star Wars” chic that the franchise is known for.
Nah, even as you cherrypick the best angles/lights, she still looks much worse than the IRL actress. They definitely made her less feminine on purpose.
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Yeah. She looks better there. I guess they were just some bad pics.
All is right with the world.
I agree there are also shots she still emits some coolness to her but hair got nerfed/downgraded big time. If it is hardware limitations or engine limitations okay, but it still is sad. this is not watch dogs levels of downgrade but still a downgrade regardless. The hair simply does not look as nice as they showcased 9 months prior. and hair is a big part of perceived beauty imo. a hair looking like a badly rendered digital mop would probably make margot robbie ugly or something

I really believe those images in the OP were cherry picked. While they indeed weren’t the most appealing looks at our character here, they were really just awkward looking shots in general. The character model itself looks just fine with proper lighting, scene structure etc. She has a more “rugged” tomboy look to her, befitting of an outlaw “scoundrel”, as Vess is referred to. But, at least to me, she isn’t ugly at all. The wild hair style is the only weird part for me, but I guess it fits the whole “Star Wars” chic that the franchise is known for.

These still look like shit. She looks like a Vulcan. That 1980's mop just covers up her pointy ears.


Game gets released with the gremlin model
Modder's inevitably fix it
NexusMods bans the mod for it being 'Problematic'

As for why they didn't stick to the original model/actor, chances are they did but a lot of the consultants provided feedback and requested the character to be altered in order for it to be inclusive and less offensive/objectifying to women in order to decolonize the game.


Basically. Almost nobody here had such complaints (other than the hair but those are obviously trying to be original Star Wars 80s stuff and successfully so) in the story/gameplay trailers but now somebody chooses a couple specific bad quality/angle/lighting/whatever images all hell breaks loose. They'll probably wanna lynch the model for downgrading herself if they see her in some less than charming, awkward photo stills taken during eating and/or conversing without make up etc. on, lol. The promos/bullshots is what they sell ffs, if the game has lesser quality it's not feminist agenda🤦‍♂️
Same thing happened with Aloy when Horizon Forbidden West released. In reality she looks beautiful in the game and very close to her face model, Hannah Hoekstra.
Game gets released with the gremlin model
Modder's inevitably fix it
NexusMods bans the mod for it being 'Problematic'

As for why they didn't stick to the original model/actor, chances are they did but a lot of the consultants provided feedback and requested the character to be altered in order for it to be inclusive and less offensive/objectifying to women in order to decolonize the game.

I dread to think what the default fem character in the next Mass Effect will be like



Gold Member
As for why they didn't stick to the original model/actor, chances are they did but a lot of the consultants provided feedback and requested the character to be altered in order for it to be inclusive and less offensive/objectifying to women in order to decolonize the game.
You're probably not far off at all in all actuality.

I think it’s less about changing appearance on purpose, and more about certain devs being shittier and shittier at their jobs.

Probably both though 😂


thread reminded me of putting some diapers on when reading shit like this. you guys have too much time digging for the most ridiculous images in all of the interwebz
Shrug, at least this made me realize they make the main characters older than they were in the reveal trailer (which is why I was interested in the first place). No, I'm not interested to pay full price to play as a 40-50 year old hag (yes, that's what Southeast/East Asian people perceived) no matter how cool they are.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Shrug, at least this made me realize they make the main characters older than they were in the reveal trailer (which is why I was interested in the first place). No, I'm not interested to pay full price to play as a 40-50 year old hag (yes, that's what Southeast/East Asian people perceived) no matter how cool they are.
She just doesn't have a tiktok filter and massive amounts of make up on to airbrush anything resembling a skin/pore/whatever away on top of studio lighting, she doesn't look anything like 40-50 regardless of region, lol.
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I really believe those images in the OP were cherry picked. While they indeed weren’t the most appealing looks at our character here, they were really just awkward looking shots in general. The character model itself looks just fine with proper lighting, scene structure etc. She has a more “rugged” tomboy look to her, befitting of an outlaw “scoundrel”, as Vess is referred to. But, at least to me, she isn’t ugly at all. The wild hair style is the only weird part for me, but I guess it fits the whole “Star Wars” chic that the franchise is known for.

Hey that last one is like the exact frame I snapped but couldn't post!! And then I cherrypicked the real actress with no makeup scrunching up her face while doing the mocap.


She just doesn't have a tiktok filter and massive amounts of make up on to airbrush anything resembling a skin/pore/whatever away on top of studio lighting, she doesn't look anything like 40-50 regardless of region, lol.

Fuckin a, preach bro. I'm too busy or I'd be all over this thread lol. I find it very annoying. My youtube feed is full of the same shitty pic.

I actually found a scene one could snap where there is all kinds of light leak on her face and she looks like a monster. I am surprised nobody picked up on that one.

She only looks vaguely like the actress but the changes are not ugly. Like you said they just don't look exactly like what gets clicks/likes. They cut down the baby fat and made her a little rough around the edges. After looking at this so much now, the game model looks far more appropriate for the setting than the pics of the actress with her face beat.

"beat face" = lots of makeup. Sorry for the girly lingo lol.
It’s hard to believe that someone that looks like the real model is capable of doing the things the character does in the game, so I think they try to make the character look “rougher” on purpose but either way it’s stupid because they could just use a male main character instead.


If they don't make the face ingame look like the real life counterpart actress, why do they use a real life counterpart actress at all?

What's that about?
The same reason you hire Andy Serkis but have him portray Gollum and King Kong? I'm declaring Hollywood woke for not using the actual face of Andy Serkis on all of his character models.
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NOW cherrypicking is a problem? Really I know it's too much to ask but I'd like to see samples taken with a more appropriate method.
I see that reading comprehension is hard.

What I meant is that cherry picking is NOT the problem. No matter how your try to sugarcoat it, they made her look a lot worse on purpose.
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She just doesn't have a tiktok filter and massive amounts of make up on to airbrush anything resembling a skin/pore/whatever away on top of studio lighting, she doesn't look anything like 40-50 regardless of region, lol.
Shrug, then we can agree to disagree.
I know cause I'm native and live in the region for 44 years and actively moving between 3 east asian country for works.

Tsai Ing-wen 63 years old



Gold Member
The same reason you hire Andy Serkis but have him portray Gollum and King Kong? I'm declaring Hollywood woke for not using the actual face of Andy Serkis on all of his character models.
But Serkis did play a hobbit before Golem?

Or does this actress also go through a torment of evil to look like her ingame character?

As for the King Kong part, my question still stands. Does it really matter who you hire? You could have had anyone as King Kong?


Do these actors have any say on how they look in game? I am guessing they sign their lives away to take this work. Maybe if this keeps up, less actors will be willing to work on games knowing what will happen.
I am so close to just not ever buying a western developed game ever again. It is so crazy how they treat their female characters. Good luck with your rising production costs Ubisoft. You can get your +70$ from someone else, I'm out 😂
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But Serkis did play a hobbit before Golem?

Or does this actress also go through a torment of evil to look like her ingame character?

As for the King Kong part, my question still stands. Does it really matter who you hire? You could have had anyone as King Kong?
Yeah, that was kind of my whole point. When the character is generated in a computer, it really doesn't matter who you hire. Did you hire the person for their physical and voice acting and not so much their look, or were they hired specifically for their look (see : Stellar Blade)? When it comes to Outlaws, nobody in this forum has any clue as to the intent of the hire, what the company planned on, whether the intent was ever to fully use this chicks image in the first place. It's the just the typical "I CAN'T FAP TO THIS" circle jerk that always happens around here and it's the most loserish shit imaginable.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!

Tsai Ing-wen 63 years old

She looks ~35 years older than the main character here and the wrinkles/age are apparent even in that professional photo shoot she probably took a lot of preparation for (hair removal etc.) and tiny resolution, not sure what your point is.
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She looks ~35 years older than the main character here and the wrinkles/age are apparent even in that professional photo shoot and tiny resolution, not sure what your point is.
My point is Asian people tend to age slower than western counterpart.
The char on reveal trailer for me at least on mid or late 20 or early 30. While the recent story trailer is clearly older that that.
That's my point.
My mother (100% Asian) wrinkles showed when her reach 60 and none before that age. Me (44 years old) have no wrinkle at all.
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