5? Okay. I can respect the choice.
I mean 6, roman numerals are not taught in American schools
5? Okay. I can respect the choice.
I mean 6, roman numerals are not taught in American schools
They sure are doing a lot to not say that this dude is white. If my black ass was shopping across the street my profile would be all over the place within seconds.
I mean 6, roman numerals are not taught in American schools
5 or bust.
They would have your facebook and dick pics on the BBC already
Whats wrong with 6?
US netflix too? I don't think I've seen it while browsing.
Morning.Morning bct.
Sorry I feel asleep but I have no idea anyway. Haven't bothered with US Netflix in a while. I'm content with what I get here.
Not a damn thing, actually. It's a really good game. I own it.
It's also a fairly recent release, though, so that price (coupled with the fact I bought someone Tekken 7 recently, and the amount of money I've had to spend this month... whew).
Maybe on your birthday, old man, I got like CDN$29 left to my entertainment budget. LOL.
Can you still even access it? They made it hard as hell, so I gave up on using any service to bypass the Canadian front.
I own too many 4x games anyway
No such thing.
Are there any 4X games on consoles?
No such thing.
Level with me. Have you played all the games in your Steam account? I know I haven't.
All in my GoG account tho
4x games are the only games where i lose all sense of time
"Let me set a few things up
*Click, Click, Click,*
Damn why is it dark outside?
Are there any 4X games on consoles?
She looks like a Mortal Kombat character
Absolutely not. I've been working through it, though. I've got something like 350 games in my account. I'd say I've played about 100 of them, I've completed (not necessarily 100%'d) something like 80 of those, the rest are in purgatory because I didn't like the game, or I lost enjoyment, or my save vanished and I had no motivation to go back to it, or it just can't be completed in the conventional sense.
Yeah. Any particular console? I can list some for you.
You probably have a better completion rate than most. I don't even look at the Steam store front anymore because I have too much that I won't ever touch.
No offense to my Christian and Muslim family here, but until we see our life here and now as just as worth the success and happiness as the promised after-life we put out hopes on. We will always feel like a victimized and cursed people needing saving. To touch and work on real things of substance... Not just feeling blessed, but actually knowing and using your talents and your brain for something physical, touchable, that you don't need to believe in for it to prosper.
I feel we like our suffering too much.
Not much.Sup Shy?
It's all because I do that 52 Games A Year challenge. Completed it the last 2 years, about halfway through just now. Just take jabs at some of the shorter titles in your library, Diz, might spark something.
It's all because I do that 52 Games A Year challenge. Completed it the last 2 years, about halfway through just now. Just take jabs at some of the shorter titles in your library, Diz, might spark something.
Not much.
You ?
It's not awful
London thread pissing me off fam
The fuck is a 4X game? A 4 player game?
So the new Planet of the Apes has an ape that shaves himself so he can be accepted by humans?
So the new Planet of the Apes has an ape that shaves himself so he can be accepted by humans?
Really? 😂
I'm puzzled and a bit amused. Not sure if I should feel either.
Just saw a commercial and it showed a shaved ape in army gear handing with the humans looking like a puppy starved for attention
You know you like white iversonMan, Post Malone is so fucking wack
I get angry just looking at that dumb fuck, how is he successful?
this monkey look like he's trying to barter a deal with you
Has this " heat " been posted yet?