Whew, I fucks with it
I'm short enough to bite your goddamn legs off.
Always ask the minority population how in a given country about racism.
Jandro you want to speak on horse rights?
The rejection thread inevitably led me to a bunch of video blogs of rejected brothers on youtube wallowing in their self pity about their inability of getting a women and how they're losers and how confidence and self esteem don't matter because it's only about your looks. LOL I know I gotta be late to this but I didn't know this stuff existed.
I'm dying laughing at one of dudes claiming the women he tries talking to are never into the stuff he likes such as anime and video games. LOL I'm into anime and video games, and none of the women I've dated have really been into any of those things, nor have I ever brought it up.
The worse thing though is how it manifests into them hating Black women and repeating ad nauseum about how Black women are only into thugs and how they don't want a good man.
The craziest thing about it is none of them were ugly, but were merely average to decent looking dudes who had potential of upgrading themselves and drastically improving their social/dating life.
I wonder if that's where a lot of Black women hate comes from some Black men.
I feel like this is something we could make money of.
Jandros scary neighbour.
Why is Hellblade cheaper on PSN than on GoG?
Jandro is calling the police
Don't go to far. That shit is what created simping and fuck anyone who actually tries it. You ugly? Bring something else to the table. You Fat? Bring something else to the table. you short? bring something else to the table. You poor? Bring something else to the table. You built like the effing Hulk? Bring something else to the table.
Everyone has some sort of "shortcoming"so stop whining. And if you start hating just because you ugly on the outside? Tell you a secret. You're ugly on the inside as well.sorry faw
Ok so fill me in please.
Jandro is Jandro because of a bet but why is he the resident Snitch? What's the story.
Ok so fill me in please.
Jandro is Jandro because of a bet but why is he the resident Snitch? What's the story.
True, but I doubt they started out ugly on the inside and were naive and thought the world would accept them for who they were and they didn't have to make any changes but they could still get what they wanted in life particularly in the dating pool until that cold reality kept beating them over the top of their head that it ain't true.
He's Slayven's alt. Slayven likes reward money...
But he was a horse before he was a snitch
Ok so fill me in please.
Jandro is Jandro because of a bet but why is he the resident Snitch? What's the story.
Says johndoey and viktors altHe's Slayven's alt. Slayven likes reward money...
Well, I'm shy so it's a bit of challenge for me, unless they talk about video games or comics and manga. Then I open up completely.
being friendly is easy, making friends is not as easy. you have to be a good judge of character, and its a good rule to get what you give.
Learn to be a listener, and be a quick learner. Be adaptable and at least able to discuss subjects, unless they really just don't interest you at all.
Generally yes, but I have stupid high charisma, wit, and charm. 95% of people like me. I'm a huge social butterfly in spite of being an extroverted introvert.
Nope, too miserable for a lot of people.
I usually just make acquaintances. Which is fine as I'm normally too busy and anchored to do friend stuff.
Dang, remembered about a certain group of friends that I had yonks ago that made me not want any business with fellow nerdy folk for a while.
Everyone has some sort of "shortcoming"so stop whining. And if you start hating just because you ugly on the outside? Tell you a secret. You're ugly on the inside as well.sorry faw
Says johndoey and viktors alt
✋What if someone is ugly on the inside but doesn't start hating?![]()
What if someone is ugly on the inside but doesn't start hating?![]()
Man we all ugly on the inside if that is the thing turning them into shit.
LOL Nah, but I'm learning more and more there's just something that deeply affects men when they're undesired and constantly rejected from women. I really never put much thought into it until I read a lot of posts in Offtopic and how hopeless and defeated they sound. I guess it makes sense but still.
Says johndoey and viktors alt
Doesn't make a lick of sense to me. First thing to do after that is to look in the damn mirror. Think about what didn't work. Is it that deck around your neck? Is it hygiene? Is it anything physical at all? If not is it anything on how you behave? Do you walk in like they owe you the time of their day? Are you coming of as a creep because you know you are a creep? If nothing of that fits in you are either lying to yourself or just really damn unlucky.
No I have zero damn sympathy for that particular type of behaviour. For all I care when you start hating and wallow in self pity just find a damn rock and live under it.
Doesn't make a lick of sense to me. First thing to do after that is to look in the damn mirror. Think about what didn't work. Is it that deck around your neck? Is it hygiene? Is it anything physical at all? If not is it anything on how you behave? Do you walk in like they owe you the time of their day? Are you coming of as a creep because you know you are a creep? If nothing of that fits in you are either lying to yourself or just really damn unlucky.
No I have zero damn sympathy for that particular type of behaviour. For all I care when you start hating and wallow in self pity just find a damn rock and live under it.
Hygiene is for cowards. Musk is the cologne of champions.
*Retches*Next you're gonna tell us you clean yourself with baby wipes because showering is bad for the environment.
I said GOT DAMN. Just when I was gaining a bit of sympathy for them. LOL I guess me getting older has made me go soft. You right though.
Hygiene is for cowards. Musk is the cologne of champions.
Next you're gonna tell us you clean yourself with baby wipes because showering is bad for the environment.
That's stupid. Better just roll around in any pool of liquid he finds.
Next you're gonna tell us you clean yourself with baby wipes because showering is bad for the environment.
You are staying at least 10 yards away from me at the cookout.
I make undergarments out of spider webbing. It keeps the flies away
I stand on soapboxes. I don't use the soap
I'm cursing worse than when Numb trashed my ass in Tekken. Way worse. I mean ok that's OK for a few occasions like when your out trekking for the week in nowhere but that came of as a real substitute to washing.
I need my grant to see if whooping grown ass people will cure them of their foolishness.
That first part is just expensive silk the second i can respect. Respect it so much I want to take you out to dinner. Meet me at Chets canine and Jandro wash down the road?
So Rejection does suck, rather it be from one girl or many. That said I don't have any sympathy for dudes hung up on that shit. It doesn't help that alot of those guys probably might not have alot of friends;and liking anime and manga is the only nerdy stuff that really carries a stigma these days. Despite that alot of those guys think its excusable to blame their lack of getting a girlfriend as permission to join shit like Gamergate. Its even worse if the girl is also into nerd stuff (games, anime, and cosplay).
My word of advice to most dudes, is don't let rejection get you down but don't become a raging asshole. It also helps to talk about stuff other, than your favorite hobbies and get to know some of hers or other things you might have in common. Granted I did meet my girlfriend by chance because she was new to my job and she overheard me and a friend nerding out about video games.
This brings to mind a Tweet I loved from Doug Baldwin:So Rejection does suck, rather it be from one girl or many. That said I don't have any sympathy for dudes hung up on that shit. It doesn't help that alot of those guys probably might not have alot of friends;and liking anime and manga is the only nerdy stuff that really carries a stigma these days. Despite that alot of those guys think its excusable to blame their lack of getting a girlfriend as permission to join shit like Gamergate. Its even worse if the girl is also into nerd stuff (games, anime, and cosplay).
My word of advice to most dudes, is don't let rejection get you down but don't become a raging asshole. It also helps to talk about stuff other, than your favorite hobbies and get to know some of hers or other things you might have in common. Granted I did meet my girlfriend by chance because she was new to my job and she overheard me and a friend nerding out about video games.
This brings to mind a Tweet I loved from Doug Baldwin:
Doug Baldwin Jr @DougBaldwinJr
You tell a kid failure is not an option and he is going to feel like a failure when he fails. Failing is part of the process. Teach truth.
Some of this shit I've watched is depressing as they wallow in their misery
WB is about to DCEU the shit out of the Godzilla universe.
If my phone wasn't shitty and dying this was gonna be my reply to lightskin earlier.
It's not that people can't handle rejection from women, it's that we've conditioned countless generations of young men that any failure AT ALL is unacceptable and reflects on their character, humanity, and value as an individual.
When people talk about toxic masculinity, this is where it all stems back too.
We have to stop demonizing failure.
He keeps saying, "Women aren't attracted to me." but it is pretty clear he means, "The women I want don't want me."
If Jermaine Dupree can get Janet Jackson, this dude can find someone.
It seems like he doesn't want to put in the work for fear of being rejected.
So Mothra will be the best one?
Janet is probably just a fan of BloodborneHe keeps saying, "Women aren't attracted to me." but it is pretty clear he means, "The women I want don't want me."
If Jermaine Dupree can get Janet Jackson, this dude can find someone.
It seems like he doesn't want to put in the work for fear of being rejected.
Toxic Motivation seems about right for some of those guys.
It doesn't help that a lot of these guys don't have friends so there's no one they can talk to about it. I also notice guys that fall into this category typically have very poor social skills.
So Mothra will be the best one?
But Janet Jackson isn't some random video chick or aspiring model... she's Janet Jackson. Her being with Dupri was a lateral move as far as status is concerned.Reading the posts and watching the videos I didn't get the sense. I got constant and consistent reject and failure with women is utterly demoralizing, and definitely reflects on their deficiencies, humanity, and value as a MAN and they'll never be loved, or intimiate with a woman and there's nothing they can do to change that because I'm ugly, and a loser and have nothing to offer them.
I don't see the phrase "Failure is not an option" as Toxic Masculinity, perhaps Toxic Motivation but gender doesn't really have anything to do with that. LOL
So he has to be a massively successful music producer, artist, and executive? LOL I agree, about not putting in the work to change your circumstances in order to improve your outcome.
Yep, I think the poor social skills leads to them not having many if any friends, and poor social skills is the last thing you want to have in order to attract or interest the opposite/same sex who are making snap judgement based off of first impressions. For whatever reason, I'm fascinated by it. LOL