Yeah, I know it does. The comment was a bit harsh, though. I do know what MadCatz was thinking, but I still think it was a poor design choice. Yes, it matches up with the default SFIV layout, but SFIV is completely customizable, so it's easily adjusted. I would assume if someone knows enough to buy a non-default controller for SFIV, they can figure out how to change buttons, and not just choose the default 'pad' config and be perplexed if it's not making sense in-game. The first thing I do is go to the button config and make sure it's set up how I want, especially if I buy a non-default controller.
Many games don't allow complete button reconfiguration aren't and it is an issue for them. For those games having functions locked to the triggers, it usually makes sense, and having one on the face and the LT on the right is a mess on this pad. I think MadCatz should have considered that people would want to use it for much more than just SFIV.