1st day impressions...
- This game is a grind. If mmorpg's were fighting games, this is what it would feel like. Every fight feels so long and carried out lol. Probably because I use Arakune though haha. Even then it seems to take forever before you can get offensive momentum going for either player.
- SF4 easy mode inputs+ This game has even easier inputs than sf4, plus if you have a single button chain like A,A,A, all you have to do is hold down A instead of pressing it 3 times.
- Play on an hdtv!!! Seriously, I have a crt and the game looks sooo bad on it lol.
- Online am win. The online options in this game are phenomenal, seriously capcom, THIS is how it's done.
- Universal truth, rebel! The story mode is fun, but damn those cutscenes last forever lol.
- Hai look at me throw u in a combo! So far from what I've played, a lot of the game's mixups seem to revolve around mixing in throw resets in combos, and attempting to get your opponent to tech how you want to set up your next mixup. I personally don't like the whole combo throw thing, but whatever.
- Arakune is win. BEEEEES