I played some Ranked matches, finally.
I actually won some! In others, the other players were having their way with me...and I did not enjoy it D:
I think my proudest one was facing a level 38 Akune who was just jumping to get away from me, releasing a shit-ton of things in the air, THEN would move in to attack. He managed to beat me the first time but I won the others...and they were all really close ones, too--like, a-sliver-left close.
Screw Jin D: Seriously; I hate playing against him =/ If it's not the blade barrage it's the freezing + running up and grab that annoys me. And the iceboard is too fast! WTF D:
I'm getting a bit better, but I've noticed that I can't pull off some moves because of the d-pad, which is a shame (and I have the "superior" red controller) because it makes me forego them while they can be really useful. Either that or the come out wrong =/ (Though admittedly sometimes I mess up, myself)