Avatar is the Roman Reigns of movies.
Didn't matter. Justice had to be served.
So avatar is the big dog. And the box office is his yard?
I agree
Avatar is the Roman Reigns of movies.
Didn't matter. Justice had to be served.
Does that make whatever Star Wars movie is also opening that December the Braun Strowman of movies?
Avatar is the Roman Reigns of movies.
Didn't matter. Justice had to be served.
Box office crow-serving is only fun when people try to move goal posts or completely ignore all data to avoid admitting they were wrong way past the point where it was obvious that they were wrong.
Tyrese has 17 films to his name, 7 of those have grossed at least 600M WW, 6 over 700M, 3 over 1B.
True star power and the next John Stewart.
Tyrese has 17 films to his name, 7 of those have grossed at least 600M WW, 6 over 700M, 3 over 1B.
True star power and the next John Stewart.
Personally, I think Ghost in the Shell would've succeeded if Tyrese was The Major
Avatar is the Roman Reigns of movies.
Have him act the same as he does in the F&F movies, given him a sock to stuff that Stealth suit, and keep the big revelationat the ending.that he's actually a Japanese woman
Let the opinion pieces sort that one out.
So avatar is the big dog. And the box office is his yard?
I agree
I don't get it, does that mean we're mad we can't fuck blue cats or
A lot of people seem to like discussing a movie they claim to hate...over and over.
Good man. Any other takers for the #LessThanABilli camp?Fuck it.
That's not really what's happening here.
The meltdowns when Avatar 2 demolishes the box office might actually give Avengers vs. TDKR some competition.
Fucking billion dollars right there.Have him act the same as he does in the F&F movies, give him a sock to stuff that Stealth suit, and keep the big revelationat the ending.that he's actually a Japanese woman
Let the opinion pieces sort that one out.
Define demolish? Are you going to start the A2 vs TFA thread?
We sort of had that back in 2014. This thread is set to expire at the end of the year:
Some comedy in that thread.
I'm not gonna go through that thread, but did anybody predict Furious 7 would be up there? And almost beating Avengers 2 to boot?We sort of had that back in 2014. This thread is set to expire at the end of the year:
I still don't understand why so many people put Avengers 2 above TFA, even after the prequels.
Jurassic World/Furious 7 really came out of nowhere for most people huh?We sort of had that back in 2014. This thread is set to expire at the end of the year:
As much shit as I talked about ID4 2, I knew not to wade into that thread. Or I completely overlooked it.We sort of had that back in 2014. This thread is set to expire at the end of the year:
First of all, hindsight is 20/20. People would have laughed in your face if you said the next movie from the Tangled people would gross a billion dollars.
Also, predicting a Bond movie will be successful is one thing (it's been at least a decade since one wasn't successful). But there's a difference between "being a success" and grossing over a billion dollars. Predicting Skyfall would do that is basically similar to some people putting Fast and Furious 7 on their lists. Sure, it's a successful franchise, but this is a whole different level of success.
Or to use your other example, it wouldn't be a surprise if a Disney/Pixar movie made this list, but it might be a surprise which one it is. Maybe it's Inside/Out and not Finding Dory?
Some comedy in that thread.
(my picks included)
You know what this picture says to me? 2 billion worldwide at the boxoffice:
Furious 7 really was this anomaly. That death boost!
Did you just call Paul Walker a human canister of NOS?
I think you did. 😮
Now if only the rest of the world gave a shit about Star Wars as much as America does.
The real question now is what kind of death boost is Episode VIII going to get because of Carrie Fisher?
TFA had the major boost of being a long awaited Star Wars sequel with the original cast returning. The hunger was there. Last Jedi was always going to go down from that monster gross. But now that it has the morbid death boost? I really have no fucking clue how that is going to play out.
I mean, they might give nearly as much of a shit, but they still give a pretty massive shit nonetheless lol. Overseas was damn close to Furious 7 and still fourth all-time.
They obviously give a shit, but the domestic/foreign split was much more even compared to other big films lately. Really it is just America going bonkers for it.
I remember Bobby posted an article last year about it was just repeat business from the core fans going over and over again that propelled TFA so high domestically, and not as much casual repeat business. Or something like that.
How do you quantify a death boost though? How do we know how much it would've made without an actor's death?OK, so the term Death Boost is now trending in this thread.
I wonder by percentage of gross, when all is said and done, who have the biggest death boost:
The Last Jedi
The Dark Knight
The Crow
Street Fighter