Okay, here's where things start to get shitty:
This is just the same dumb-as-shit gatekeeping garbage that CliffyB was trying to pull on Olivia Munn a couple weeks ago. Snyder can
just be bad at story and pacing. Because it's been a weakspot his
entire career. It doesn't have to be evidence of some sort of nefarious infiltration of unworthies sullying
our things with their greasy, meathead fingers.
The idea that Batman and Superman are the sole province of the nerd space is fucking dumb. The idea that Zack Snyder is a vanguard of "Bro Culture" because he lifts weights is almost as dumb. The idea that Batman and Superman turned out poorly because Zack Snyder got his bro culture smeared all over our Nerd Culture is just weird.
It's not like this sort of shit comes up when any other director screws up a "nerd" property. Nobody goes "Well, what do you expect, he does pushups."