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Has the PS5 already cemented itself as the worst Playstation generation in history?

What's Sony's worst generation?

  • Playstation

    Votes: 14 1.3%
  • Playstation 2

    Votes: 15 1.4%
  • Playstation 3

    Votes: 287 26.5%
  • Playstation 4

    Votes: 31 2.9%
  • Playstation 5

    Votes: 735 67.9%

  • Total voters
To a degree it's the worst PlayStation only in regards to the number of exclusives and just generally new titles. We are far removed from the height's of the PS3 generation. 3 Uncharted games, 3 Resistance games. Entire series in a single generation. Performance wise however, this is the best since the PS2. As per usual though, the Series X is even worse so it's all relative.


I'd say its roughly on par with the first four years of the PS4, and certainly better then the four years of the PS3 gen. If we are just comparing console exclusives and Sony published games of course. Where the PS5 might stumble is the next 3 years, are they going to be able to compete with the amazing output of the last 3 years of the PS3/PS4? The only worthwhile things on the horizon are Death Stranding 2, Ghost of Yotei, and Intergalactic. It probably would have been even better if Sony didn't waste money and dev time on this pretty disastrous GaaS push.
As of now, yes. Partly because games just take too long to make nowdays. And while the gaas strategy did result in Helldivers 2, it has been disastrous for other games and has wasted a lot of studios time. Bend and Bluepoint may not have a game for the rest of the ps5 gen and that is a bit sad to think. Hopefully the lessons learned the hardway result in a better gen for the ps6.

Also, personally, I don't really care all that much about the framerate( as long as it is relatively stable), as a kid I used to play games using my Dad's integrated laptop, at a eye watering stable 5-15fps. Who knew that not even meeting the minimum requirements(besides storage space) for games would result in them not running well. So, I don't really care about a game being 30fps or 60fps or even higher, as long as it is stable which eleminates the biggest advantage and improvement that this gen has over the previous one.


To a degree it's the worst PlayStation only in regards to the number of exclusives and just generally new titles. We are far removed from the height's of the PS3 generation. 3 Uncharted games, 3 Resistance games. Entire series in a single generation. Performance wise however, this is the best since the PS2. As per usual though, the Series X is even worse so it's all relative.
Uncharted 1-3, The Last of Us, God of War 3, GoW Ascension, Killzone 2-3, Resistance 1-3, Infamous 1+2, multiple Ratchet & Clank games and all the Japan Studio stuff. And they also had some brilliant exclusives on the PSP (including 3 GoW titles, a couple Syphon Filters, Patapon, LocoRoco etc) in the same generation.

It may have started badly as a gen but once it got going it was amazing.
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I think PS2 is the worst generation. PS5 might be worse by the end but we still got like 4 years to go.

PS3 had Uncharted and Last of Us and the good Killzones and Motor Storm 1+2 and Dragon's Crown and 3rd party games were better that generation. PS2 is the most overrated Playstation by far.


Development times are so long that you cant compare the eras based on the output. I do enjoy my PS5 far more than PS3 so


I can only imagine the PS3 voters are voting for it because of sales or something. Objectively the game library shits on PS5, especially first party.

Totality of PS5 first few years -- PS plus, 3rd party, game variety, online possibilities -- blows first few years of PS3 away. PS3 was pretty much a joke for a long time. Barely even touches on sheer volume of backwards compatibility & performance increases for the cursed "cross-gen" games.

People forget, I guess? Probably why they're making lists including TLOU & Uncharted 3. which was almost exactly 5 years after PS3's release. A very good game, don't get me wrong... but it makes absolutely no sense to compare 4 years (including the big pandemic shuffle) of PS5 to everything offered in the full lifetime of PS3. That's nonsense, and selective in the extreme. Context matters.

Oh, and PS3s also notoriously and pretty regularly broke, and needed repair... and sometimes the repair didn't actually take? Can't let anyone forget about that bullshit.

Again, there's a reason they needed to make a huge comeback -- because they were in an absolute pit. For multiple reasons.
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You must be shitting me. Most games do load fast. Even games that don't change anything in their code load much faster simply because it's an SSD vs the hdd in previous gens.
I think you missed my point, there's very few games worth playing to begin with so whether the PS5 can load games fast or not is moot.


Why would I ignore cross gen? That’s just stupid

Because if you include it it makes comparisons stupid. God of war 2 came out years after the ps3 launched. With pc architecture it would been cross gen too. The same with the 2013 ps3 games. The had like 5 big ps3 games the year the ps4 launched.


I think you missed my point, there's very few games worth playing to begin with so whether the PS5 can load games fast or not is moot.
Oh, but that doesn't make sense since people were saying it's worth it for the faster loading vs PS4 and there certainly are a lot of games that are PS4/PS5 and very much worth playing.


Might be age talking but it's never been quite the same since PS2. But PS5 has been by far the least interesting, and at this point it's nostalgia bait for remakes and new games in old franchises that Ill gravitate towards. Near anything else just looks the same as everything else to the point that after the initial gameplay trailer I feel I've played the entire game already.

Time is precious, and devs just making similar open world games isn't cutting it.

It's certainly a time, generation and point in life thing. There are good games there. But chances are, the older or experienced you are, the more disinterest you'll have on the last decade or so. This is definitely where I'm at. I'm glad in one hand though, there's a billion other things to enjoy.


All the pc master racists voting for ps5

Guess they’d rather go back to not getting first party games like prior gens, huh?

This revisionist history is comical
I would say you are the one who is comical as usual. I always had a PC + PS combo so I don't really care about first party games coming to PC, but I'm not against it. Please tell me which generation was worse than the current one in terms of Sony first party output.


It’s a bit early to call; I think that PS has squandered the easy opportunity for this to be the best console iteration.

The hardware benefits and quick loading times in particular are terrific. Yes the software output has been patchy but personally Im ok with the renaissance and refurbishment of older games.


The bear of bad news
It’s a bit early to call; I think that PS has squandered the easy opportunity for this to be the best console iteration.

The hardware benefits and quick loading times in particular are terrific. Yes the software output has been patchy but personally Im ok with the renaissance and refurbishment of older games.
whart? ahah



Moderated wildly
I look at this generation, thinking we are 5 years in and all I can say is thank god for gamepass because it allows me to play these mediocre to good third party games and Xbox games for a subscription cost.

WHen I look at how many games I have played and enjoyed on my PS5, it stands out as the worst Gen for Sony by a country mile.

Legit, the only games I have played on my PS5 are the below.

Demons souls
Spider-Man 2
God Of War Ragnorak (PS4 game)
Ghost Of tsushima (PS4 game)
Final Fantasy XVI (dog poop and could have waited for the PC version or just not played it)
Astro Bot

Out of that list, it is 4 good games and 4 that I could have skipped or played on PS4. I think it is a terrible generation for Sony 1st party output. Terrible.

Considering that, the draw for Sony consoles is strongly their first party. It was always pushed as the message from media and fans a like.

IMO, they need a strong close to the gen or it will be the last PS that I buy day one, if at all and I am sure there are many that feel the same.
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PS5 Has best controller quick load times
PS4 2nd best controller but sounds like a jet long load times
PS3 some great exclusives but nothing compared to Halo 3, terrible online and long load times
PS2 Best generation of games such as football and wrestling games at there peak
PS1 many classic games but horrible long load times


From all the Sony consoles I have PS5 is the weakest one In terms of games, I really like some games, Rise of Ronin, demon souls remake, never played returnal unfortunately.....ghost of, gow, spider man 2 ( the first one was cool) never liked that much....

In terms of console itself....yeah that I can't say the same thing....it really annoys me going back to other old consoles everything is so slow.....

PS1 was fucking great, PS2 is the best one for me and PS3 have a special place in my heart for me. I enjoyed PS4 enough.....


I have bought every single PlayStation since the very beginning and ps5 is the first time I just could’t be bothered it’s the most phoned in by the books one yet, there’s virtually nothing released that would get me to cough up the cash and the way it’s heading I can’t see that ever changing. PS4 pulled me in with vr and the psvr2 is literally fixed every complaint of the first version and yet in typical Sony fashion they just pulled a google and give it pretty much no support. Hell if they had made it do psvr1 games I would have jumped on it but nope too much effort to try and give it some bc.

I don’t give a shit about western aaa stuff which makes the remainder of what’s released been indies and most of those I can already get on switch. Not everyone wants to play the normie cinematic mainstream releases, along the way they forgot about fun.

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
From best to worst:


So, is it the worst? Yes.

I want to add that I've bought every PS console and managed to keep it until the end of its generation. The PS5 is the first PS console I've abandoned (given away) before the end, with no intention of buying another one or a Pro. (But GTA6?) Well, I might buy a cheap/used Series S or wait for a PS6 remaster.
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Yep, it started with we believe in a generation of crossgens and it continued with the gaas push and mismanaging studios, hopefully they are gonna end strong, they still have 2-3 years and a couple of possible bangers in development.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
The least appealing for sure. Having a PC for the multiplats I see no reason for getting one, most of the exclusives seem to be either Marvel stuff or cinematic stuff, which is not my jam. Previous gens seemed to had more stuff to offer.

Also my condolences for all those millions upon millions of dollars wasted on silly multiplayer projects.


Well each gen has gotten worse for me since the ps1.
The least appealing for sure. Having a PC for the multiplats I see no reason for getting one, most of the exclusives seem to be either Marvel stuff or cinematic stuff, which is not my jam. Previous gens seemed to had more stuff to offer.

Also my condolences for all those millions upon millions of dollars wasted on silly multiplayer projects.
It might actually be over a billion wasted on the multiplayer projects. I would guess the last of us multiplayer cost a good amount of money, plus concord, plus the spiderman, twisted metal, and the last of us that were canceled. This doesn't even count that heist game coming out this year that will probably flop. I think I'm still missing some canceled projects
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I'm a little surprised by all this PS3 talk. It was the generation that brought us these exclusives:

  • Uncharted 1, 2, and 3
  • The Last of Us
  • Metal Gear Solid 4
  • God of War III
  • LittleBigPlanet and it's sequels
  • Resistance 1, 2 and 3
  • Killzone 2 and 3
  • inFAMOUS 1 and 2
  • Dark Souls
  • Demon's Souls
  • Journey
  • Ni No Kuni
Not only that but if you only owned a PS3 you got to experience

  • The golden age of Call of Duty (COD4, MW2, World at War, Black Ops 1 and 2)
  • Battlefield Bad Company
  • The return of Mortal Kombat
  • Mass Effect series
  • Bioshock series
  • Batman Arkham series
  • Portal 2
  • Red Dead
  • Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Skyrim
  • Dead Space and so on.
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Technically? Probably the best. I still can't believe the rumors were true. Game wise, worse than wii u(it had great games during its short lifespan) and all the other playstations. If I didn’t have a PS4 game library, I wouldn’t consider buying it. But if I find it cheap, I might get it just to have a next gen console in the living room and to play my PS4 games on it(with faster loading times/better graphics). My opinion might change if a few more good games are released, but the latest news isn’t promising.


I'm a little surprised by all this PS3 talk. It was the generation that brought us these exclusives:

  • Uncharted 1, 2, and 3
  • The Last of Us
  • Metal Gear Solid 4
  • God of War III
  • LittleBigPlanet and it's sequels
  • Resistance 1, 2 and 3
  • Killzone 2 and 3
  • inFAMOUS 1 and 2
  • Dark Souls
  • Demon's Souls
  • Journey
  • Ni No Kuni
When I look at the first two years of the Ps3 and the 2011 PS hack I could agree that the PS3 was indeed the worst gen

However they seriously stepped their game up with a lot of great new IP's like you mentioned. So I'd say Ps5 to be the worst gen indeed
I know people like to shit on the PS3 generation (for good reason) but back then I had less buying power than I do today. I purchased more games during the PS3 era than I have during this current one by a wide margin. The quality of games this generation is by far the worst in the PlayStation's history.


I'm a little surprised by all this PS3 talk. It was the generation that brought us these exclusives:

  • Uncharted 1, 2, and 3
  • The Last of Us
  • Metal Gear Solid 4
  • God of War III
  • LittleBigPlanet and it's sequels
  • Resistance 1, 2 and 3
  • Killzone 2 and 3
  • inFAMOUS 1 and 2
  • Dark Souls
  • Demon's Souls
  • Journey
  • Ni No Kuni

Not only that but if you only owned a PS3 you got to experience

  • The golden age of Call of Duty (COD4, MW2, World at War, Black Ops 1 and 2)
  • Battlefield Bad Company
  • The return of Mortal Kombat
  • Mass Effect series
  • Bioshock series
  • Batman Arkham series
  • Portal 2
  • Red Dead
  • Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Skyrim
  • Dead Space and so on.
How could you guys forget?


That's why the "if it didn't exist" is a poor argument. The console exists and it has those games.

Same can be said about PC. Majority of biggest PS "exclusives" are also on PC.

But why pretend like that's exclusive to Sony?

Sony has created more hit new IP in the last 8 years than any other company... They've already tried to deliver more hit IP

Astro Bot
Death Stranding**

Stellar Blade**
Rise of the Ronin**

I feel like gamers have the shortest memory and strangest barometers.

Sony just delivered Astro Bot GOTY for 2024 and they still get hate.

New IP? This year alone is going to bring Marathon and maybe Wolverine*. Then we have Intergalactic coming probably this year or next year. And that's just stuff we know about.

8 years? You needed to go to middle of PS4 gen to start making this list...

When it comes to PS3 vs. PS5:

- PS3 was shit console to have in general vs. 360, most games performed and looked worse. BUT it had arguably the best Sony FP support ever (PS2 had better games but most of them TP).
- PS5 is great console to have, most games run and look good on it. BUT it has dreadful FP support, Sony released few big games initially and then focused on GaaS and woke bullshit...

They are making changes right now but people at charge ar the same morons that created this mess.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Same can be said about PC. Majority of biggest PS "exclusives" are also on PC.

8 years? You needed to go to middle of PS4 gen to start making this list...

When it comes to PS3 vs. PS5:

- PS3 was shit console to have in general vs. 360, most games performed and looked worse. BUT it had arguably the best Sony FP support ever (PS2 had better games but most of them TP).
- PS5 is great console to have, most games run and look good on it. BUT it has dreadful FP support, Sony released few big games initially and then focused on GaaS and woke bullshit...

They are making changes right now but people at charge ar the same morons that created this mess.

Games take 5+ years to develop, so yeah, I think 8 years is a fair place to start to gauge a barometer.

Notice how you pushed to go to slights rather than making a list opposing my thesis.


For those saying that the PS3 suffered during its 4 initial years, here are the exclusives of the first 4 years of each PS console (some are still missing)

Read it and let it sink in

PlayStation (PS1) Exclusives (1994–1998)

  1. Jumping Flash! – 1995 (First-party)
  2. Wipeout – 1995 (First-party)
  3. Twisted Metal – 1995 (First-party)
  4. Motor Toon Grand Prix – 1995 (First-party)
  5. Crash Bandicoot – 1996 (Third-party, Naughty Dog/Sony-published)
  6. Parappa the Rapper – 1996 (First-party)
  7. Gran Turismo – 1997 (First-party)
  8. Final Fantasy VII – 1997 (Third-party, SquareSoft)
  9. Tekken 3 – 1997 (Third-party, Namco)
  10. Xenogears – 1998 (Third-party, SquareSoft)
  11. Metal Gear Solid – 1998 (Third-party, Konami)

PlayStation 2 (PS2) Exclusives (2000–2004)

  1. Fantavision – 2000 (First-party)
  2. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec – 2001 (First-party)
  3. Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy – 2001 (First-party)
  4. ICO – 2001 (First-party)
  5. Twisted Metal: Black – 2001 (First-party)
  6. Final Fantasy X – 2001 (Third-party, SquareSoft)
  7. Ratchet & Clank – 2002 (First-party)
  8. Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus – 2002 (First-party)
  9. The Getaway – 2002 (First-party)
  10. Kingdom Hearts – 2002 (Third-party, SquareSoft/Disney)
  11. Jak II – 2003 (First-party)
  12. Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando – 2003 (First-party)
  13. Final Fantasy X-2 – 2003 (Third-party, Square Enix)
  14. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater – 2004 (Third-party, Konami)

PlayStation 3 (PS3) Exclusives (2006–2010)

  1. Resistance: Fall of Man – 2006 (First-party)
  2. MotorStorm – 2006 (First-party)
  3. Warhawk – 2007 (First-party)
  4. Heavenly Sword – 2007 (First-party)
  5. Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction – 2007 (First-party)
  6. Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune – 2007 (First-party)
  7. Gran Turismo 5 Prologue – 2007 (First-party)
  8. LittleBigPlanet – 2008 (First-party)
  9. Resistance 2 – 2008 (First-party)
  10. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots – 2008 (Third-party, Konami)
  11. Valkyria Chronicles – 2008 (Third-party, Sega)
  12. Killzone 2 – 2009 (First-party)
  13. inFAMOUS – 2009 (First-party)
  14. Demon’s Souls – 2009 (Third-party, FromSoftware, Sony-published in Japan)
  15. Final Fantasy XIII – 2009 (Initially PS3-exclusive in Japan, later multi-platform)

PlayStation 4 (PS4) Exclusives (2013–2017)

  1. Killzone: Shadow Fall – 2013 (First-party)
  2. Knack – 2013 (First-party)
  3. inFAMOUS Second Son – 2014 (First-party)
  4. Driveclub – 2014 (First-party)
  5. The Order: 1886 – 2015 (First-party)
  6. Bloodborne – 2015 (Third-party, FromSoftware, Sony-published)
  7. Until Dawn – 2015 (First-party)
  8. Street Fighter V – 2016 (Third-party, Capcom, PS4 console-exclusive)
  9. Ratchet & Clank (Remake) – 2016 (First-party)
  10. Persona 5 – 2016 (Third-party, Atlus, PS4/PS3 exclusive at launch)

PlayStation 5 (PS5) Exclusives (2020–2024)

  1. Demon’s Souls (Remake) – 2020 (First-party, Bluepoint Games)
  2. Returnal – 2021 (First-party)
  3. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart – 2021 (First-party)
  4. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth – 2023 (Third-party, Square Enix, PS5 console-exclusive)
  5. Horizon Call of the Mountain – 2023 (First-party, PS VR2 exclusive)
  6. Final Fantasy XVI – 2023 (Third-party, Square Enix, PS5 console-exclusive)
  7. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 – 2023 (First-party)
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Neo Member
It's handily better than the PS4 because almost every game runs at 60fps now

And the PS3 era was a technical disaster aside from Kojima and Naughty Dog who were the only ones who could figure out how the CELL processor worked


PS5 is the worst in terms of amount and quality of the games but somehow PS5 managed to still sell well as the console.


OP is projecting his opinion as a fact in the title 🤣

Backfired wonderfully.

Look at poll results.

Games take 5+ years to develop, so yeah, I think 8 years is a fair place to start to gauge a barometer.

Notice how you pushed to go to slights rather than making a list opposing my thesis.

How can you judge Sony output in Gen 9 when you are using half of Gen 8 as well?

Many people posted lists of games, I don't need to repeat that. PS5 is the worst gen not only because current output (after 4+ years) is mediocre but because next few years look dreadful as well:
Sony fucked many studios by making them build live service bullshit, some of them had their games cancelled recently and have to start from scratch - their games will be ready for PS6...
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PS3 really turned it around at the end of the generation, there’s still time for PS5 and there have already been some great games. Just not that many.


To be clear this the worst mangers in playstation history those cunts on top of them hirman hulst need to be fired immediately
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