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Has the PS5 already cemented itself as the worst Playstation generation in history?

What's Sony's worst generation?

  • Playstation

    Votes: 14 1.3%
  • Playstation 2

    Votes: 15 1.4%
  • Playstation 3

    Votes: 287 26.5%
  • Playstation 4

    Votes: 31 2.9%
  • Playstation 5

    Votes: 735 67.9%

  • Total voters


I’ve had some amazing experiences on the ps5 and really like the hardware

Some of my favourite games like ratchet and clank, spider man 2 (and miles morales at launch) and god of war ragnorok have been worthwhile and super enjoyable


I agree with the sentiment that the output has been lacklustre from Sony and when comparing the last few gens, it’s not been enjoyable and the live service focus has taken away from the games many of us enjoy.

Next thing you know ps6 will be around the corner and the gen feels lacking from a first party perspective

What happened? Was it a focus on live service? Kicking back because Xbox self destructed and no real 1:1 competitor?
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I’m not even convinced ps5 will sell less

GTA has yet to come out and their competition is going third party

If ps5 gets price drops + gta6 and ps6 doesn’t release until 2028 or later, ps5 is probably going to have a long tail. Especially since ps6 cross gen will be even more of a factor for longer

That's a lot of hypotheticals right there.



8 of those games are on pc and I'm sure the other two will come to pc soon as well.

I see Miles, Returnal, Ratchet, Horizon, Ragnarok, FF Rebirth, Spidey 2, Stellar Blade, Helldivers, and Astro.

Demons Souls is a Ps3 lets be real.

Saying "exclusives" isn't an argument, and you should really stop caring about this... "exclusives" have never mattered less in console gaming.

The question you should ask is, during which generation did you miss out on something by not being in that console's ecosystem? You are missing very, very little with a PS5. That's why it's such a success! Despite "no first party".

I could see if it someone likes JRPGs.
PS1 was a better system than ps2 for those


It's really funny people say "PS5 only looks good because Xbox shit the bed"... but isn't something incredibly similar true of PSX vs N64? Nintendo significantly fumbled with cartridges, and PSX benefitted. Doesn't mean that PSX generation is lesser because of that. The games still are what they are.

Again the question is during which generation did you miss out on something by not being in a particular console's ecosystem?
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Aside from a couple of titles, the first party output on both PS3 and PS4 were substantially better towards the pointy end.

However between all the mismanagement, I can't see PS5 following that trajectory.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
If you’re talking COVID(?), fair point I guess.

But every other industry is back to normal the past couple years. And most other companies doing business and products also went through the hassle of port strikes, trucker strikes, and a lot more back to the office work. everything seems chill. Not too many industries can have companies doing digital file sharing for workers and digital downloads for customers at a whim.

I thought WFH was suppose to be ultimate productivity booster as people save time and energy commuting, gas, and wasting time talking at the water cooler. So any company with a big wfh focus should be firing on all cylinders.

First things first, I stressed the length of dev cycles to point out how pretty much any big game you see released right now will have been affected to some degree.

I mentioned back during Covid that they were severely soft-pedalling the impact of WFH on productivity, and ultimately I think even I underestimated the impact because when I made my assessment I was mainly thinking in terms of how it would affect the collaborative nature of production.

What I hadn't factored in was how the "return to normality" would be handled, with the sales bubble creating a false sense of security and the sheer extent of how far off-course hiring practices had drifted.

Devs of my generation (Gen-X types) I honestly think would have reacted quite differently to the Millennials who had become so prevalent in the workforce; there's no way to put this without sounding like a curmudgeon but the truth is I simply cannot imagine complaining about /resisting having to return to standard office working in the same way that a lot of younger employees apparently did.

A lot of the stuff I read really had me scratching my head wondering how "soft" so many industry people have become! I'm sorry, but what a lot of people consider abuse/exploitation in the workplace regarding hours and the need to crunch was just part of the job in my time! If you had a problem with it you simply had to strap on a set and refuse, knowing full-well how it'd affect your future prospects!

The observable fact is that Covid has clearly hit Western devs way harder than those in the East, and I think a lot of that is simply down to expectations and willingness to take the rough with the smooth.

The harsh truth is that game-dev isn't easy, it demands a lot, and as a result the attrition rate is pretty brutal. So, long story short, this cultural shift towards a "kinder, gentler" workplace was always inevitably going to impact productivity. Especially compared to workers in more traditional cultures.

And you might think that sucks, but its just reality. Western devs can't sit around patting themselves on the back thinking they are intrinisicly "better" than their counterparts in Japan or China or Korea! Ultimately their output is all ending up competing in the same commercial marketplace where nobody really gives a flying fuck about how overworked the staff were on the project! The audience will just compare on merit, and buy accordingly.

Pretty sure this is going to rattle a few people's cages, but its just how I see it.
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A cpu handling more tasks because the gpu isn't capable enough isn't an argument for the cell, it's more of an argument for it lacking as a well rounded platform. It was forced to do all those things.

Bur I see what you're saying. The cell would have to be the catalyst because everything else was lacking. But in the end, I don't think there's a single game on ps3 that couldn't be done on 360, some might have even has advantages if built from the ground up by Sony developers. I've always believed that time is one of the most valuable resources with development, and the 360 architecture was not only easier to use(saving alot of time) but it was easier to push because it was well rounded.

The disparity between Xbox one and ps4 was marginal at best. Developer working on both would tell you the advantage for ps4 was chewed up the the resolution bump to 1080p, as many games were 720p-900p on xbox. I read the comparisons from developers all through that generation and they were very similar.
However the exclusive games looked incredibly good compared to Xbox one games despite this because Sony developer prowess is a real thing. Xbox never had that level of talent.

The number of larger games wasn't the same. Uncharted ps3 and KZ were incredibly linear. Shadowfall flexed with more open ended levels as did UC4. UC4 level in Africa could now be done without the restrictive feel of previous games.
God of War on ps3 was exceptionally linear to the point the camera couldn't even be rotated to save resources.
Its actually an argument for both if you think about it.

I'm not arguing that PS3 exclusives were "impossible" on 360, my point is that they wouldn't survive the porting process unscathed. I'd say the exact same thing for 360 exclusives on PS3, since both consoles have their own strengths and weaknesses.

The 1080p bump alone should prove how big the disparity was. PS4 often ran games BETTER than Xbone despite also using a higher resolution. Some games even had improved visuals too iirc.

The point is that a majority of Sony's first party output is still linear. I can't comment on shadowfall since I haven't finished it, but Uncharted 4 only has 1 open area that was admittedly pretty empty when you actually examine it. You were pretty much going along a set path from point A-B in Madagascar, so its still pretty linear in design. As for GoW, I think you're forgetting that its supposed to be a fixed camera action game, which has its own advantages as a sub-genre.


Its actually an argument for both if you think about it.

I'm not arguing that PS3 exclusives were "impossible" on 360, my point is that they wouldn't survive the porting process unscathed. I'd say the exact same thing for 360 exclusives on PS3, since both consoles have their own strengths and weaknesses.

The 1080p bump alone should prove how big the disparity was. PS4 often ran games BETTER than Xbone despite also using a higher resolution. Some games even had improved visuals too iirc.

The point is that a majority of Sony's first party output is still linear. I can't comment on shadowfall since I haven't finished it, but Uncharted 4 only has 1 open area that was admittedly pretty empty when you actually examine it. You were pretty much going along a set path from point A-B in Madagascar, so its still pretty linear in design. As for GoW, I think you're forgetting that its supposed to be a fixed camera action game, which has its own advantages as a sub-genre.

GOW and most ps3 exclusives were very restrictive but struggled even then. That tends to reason that the hardware was pushed well beyond what it could do. But there was nothing about any of that screamed cell processor. If anything, the restrictive design leaned more toward design choices rooted on its split RAM 256+256. I don't see GOW ever going back to that style either, a choice that changed once more RAM was available with ps4.

The xbone and ps4 hardware settings came down to marginal frames and resolution bumps. As a pc gamer those resolution/fps differences were blown way out proportion. Even 99% of non gamers looking at them side by side would say "meh, maybe ps4 looks a bit clearer?" Thats IF they had a good eye. No sony developer would need to do an overhaul for an xbone port, it'd just be slightly softer and maybe a few frames less. But looking at the art and scale of many of the Sony exclusives, it felt like they'd be very difficult on xbone, which isn't true at all. A testament to Sony and their art teams.
I feel this is what fooled many ps3/360 gamers. They narrowed down that fov so they could focus on what they did best. Art.
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Gold Member
PS3 getting this many votes is wild. There were so many great games. PS5 is the first generation that I am skipping. I'm glad that I didn't get one when it came out, as I couldn't afford it. It is hard to justify the purchase now with most games I'm interested in coming out on PC.

I think it's because a lot of people aren't considering the games first and foremost when responding to the question. They're thinking about how "arrogant Sony" shot themselves in the foot with the PS3 hardware, its pricing, and the way they marketed it ("get a second job") - how all that cost them reputation, sales, and (for a while) top spot in the console race - something they had held securely just years before. And I see their point. From that perspective, the PS3 was a bad generation for them.

But other people (like me) aren't taking business considerations into account. We are responding to the poll based on our personal experience with the games. From that perspective, for me at least, PS5 gen has been a big disappointment. Nothing has really pleased me, and several sequels have been lackluster (haven't played Astro yet). I don't have much faith in their upcoming projects, either.

If I weren't a dyed in the wool console gamer, I would jump to PC. In fact, I'm hoping the hybrid models coming in a few years rescue me.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
I’ve had some amazing experiences on the ps5 and really like the hardware

Some of my favourite games like ratchet and clank, spider man 2 (and miles morales at launch) and god of war ragnorok have been worthwhile and super enjoyable


I agree with the sentiment that the output has been lacklustre from Sony and when comparing the last few gens, it’s not been enjoyable and the live service focus has taken away from the games many of us enjoy.

Next thing you know ps6 will be around the corner and the gen feels lacking from a first party perspective

What happened? Was it a focus on live service? Kicking back because Xbox self destructed and no real 1:1 competitor?

I think PS5 will be remembered as the Playstation gen where Sony goes full fledged into GAAS and then released Concord.



So how is that different from any cross gen Sony games?

Fact remains, these games sold best on current gen consoles, pushed sales, and looked/performed significantly better than their last gen versions

You're trying a bit too hard. For all inents and purposes if PS5 only upped the res and framerate of PS4 games then it would be a great console gen? PS5 and Sony overall has been shitty this gen.

Not that it gives it much credence, but ive been a PS only owner since PS1. This is by far the worse gen IMO and PS4 wasnt that great for me either. Dont get me wrong, gaming is still one of my fav hobbies but PS5 has been underwhelming...and then factor in all the price increases and GaaS push and you have a catastrophe (for whay I like).


I think it's because a lot of people aren't considering the games first and foremost when responding to the question. They're thinking about how "arrogant Sony" shot themselves in the foot with the PS3 hardware, its pricing, and the way they marketed it ("get a second job") - how all that cost them reputation, sales, and (for a while) top spot in the console race - something they had held securely just years before. And I see their point. From that perspective, the PS3 was a bad generation for them.

But other people (like me) aren't taking business considerations into account. We are responding to the poll based on our personal experience with the games. From that perspective, for me at least, PS5 gen has been a big disappointment. Nothing has really pleased me, and several sequels have been lackluster (haven't played Astro yet). I don't have much faith in their upcoming projects, either.

If I weren't a dyed in the wool console gamer, I would jump to PC. In fact, I'm hoping the hybrid models coming in a few years rescue me.

I dont know Gaf demographics butbi feel like they play a part too....i feel like the older gen is likely to choose PS1 or 2, while the younger gen PS4 or 5. Seems like PS3 is caught between generations.
For all inents and purposes if PS5 only upped the res and framerate of PS4 games then it would be a great console gen?

That’s not what they did, they introduced fast loading with SSDs, an amazing controller upgrade with very innovative features, and a platform where 60 fps is 99% standard…and it’s completely silent with a great UI

It’s by far the best hardware they’ve ever released

The lineup I mentioned previously has been superb as well, I don’t now how a gamer can look at that and not have a ton of stuff to play


Looks like the South Korean and Chinese developer partners of ps5 is its hope. There recent ( stellar blade ) game was impressive and upcoming games ( Lost soul, Phantom blade, and possibly Stellar blade dlc and sequel) will be impressive. Ps5 will survive.
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It’s remarkable because the ps5 hardware has been stellar but the games just don’t stack up compared to others. I enjoyed ps4 and ps2 the best.


I have to put ps2, 3 and 4 ahead of 5. PS5 would have to release a triple a title every 4 months for the next 3 years to compete.


I have to put ps2, 3 and 4 ahead of 5. PS5 would have to release a triple a title every 4 months for the next 3 years to compete.
PS3 was far and away Sonys worst. OG PS, PS2, PS4 were all beasts. Of course very late in it it’s like the ps3 was finally hitting its stride but the 360 killed it the entire gen in how it ran all big 3rd party games much better. The Cell processor was a mistake .

The PS5 is an extension from 4, and both are great machines. I feel like Sony hasn’t had their best 1st party output this gen, but the gen isn’t over and the ps5 pro just came out. So I believe Sony will make some gems here going forward leading up to ps6 in a few years.


That’s not what they did, they introduced fast loading with SSDs, an amazing controller upgrade with very innovative features, and a platform where 60 fps is 99% standard…and it’s completely silent with a great UI

It’s by far the best hardware they’ve ever released

The lineup I mentioned previously has been superb as well, I don’t now how a gamer can look at that and not have a ton of stuff to play

I (and many more as well) bought PS5 mostly for exclusives, this approach worked fine with PS4 but now you get maybe 2,3 quality games per year that are not on PC? And if you wait you will get those games on PC anyway (most of them) in complete versions.

PS consoles before were perfect for this because Sony produced many quality games, none of them were also ported (so many games still trapped on PS3...) but PS5 is like Xbox (mostly shared library with PC) but more successful.


yes, as gaming system it's decent, but as platform owner, none of its first party make me want to buy it, most of these are sequel of game i bought day 1 back in PS4


how is ps1 better than ps2
At the time when it was realeased and through it's lifespan I preffered the games. The PS1 was ground breaking and that was something very special. It introduced me to many new franchises MGS and Gran Turismo to name a couple and had FFVII.
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I will always prefer the latest gen over the previous ones.

Unfortunately, I seem to have lost my nostalgia-goggles ages ago.


i see that anyone who agrees with this take is only considering the number of PS5 exclusives as the primary metric.

However, for anyone who has the PS5 as their only gaming device (no pc or xbox or switch or steam deck), for them, this generation has had a great set of games released for it, counting both first and third party titles. 2023 alone had multiple bangers.

As a standalone primary gaming device, the PS5 is great value and has had a good run of games on it so far.
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i see that anyone who agrees with this take is only considering the number of PS5 exclusives as the primary metric.

However, for anyone who has the PS5 as their only gaming device (no pc or xbox or switch or steam deck), for them, this generation has had a great set of games released for it, counting both first and third party titles. 2023 alone had multiple bangers.
2024 was great too.
Astrobot, Wukong, Stellar blade, Helldivers 2, Silent Hill 2, Rise of the Ronin, FF7 Rebirth. All playable on that system.


LOL at comparing the games that came out on the ps3 gen with this ps5 shitty sequels, remaster of 6 months games and vaporware gallore of a gen.

Worst first party output by a huge mile
Worst Pro upgrade than the last gen even without considering the price, with the price its just atrocious
GaaS push
Woke push
Horizon push

First gen that my playstation became a 3rd party and retro gaming machine, with the very occasional first party game. And not the other way around as usual.
The tech behind the PS5 is pretty cool.
- Remote play is dope on PS5. Playing PS5 games on your cell or portal is dope AF
- Controller has some neat features.
- Loading is great

However, there is a low amount of games that are interesting to me.
I (and many more as well) bought PS5 mostly for exclusives, this approach worked fine with PS4 but now you get maybe 2,3 quality games per year that are not on PC? And if you wait you will get those games on PC anyway (most of them) in complete versions.

PS consoles before were perfect for this because Sony produced many quality games, none of them were also ported (so many games still trapped on PS3...) but PS5 is like Xbox (mostly shared library with PC) but more successful.

Most consumers do not own multiple platforms

Do you want to go back to Sony games not coming to PC?

Being able to play games on other platforms doesn’t mean that for others that primarily play on ps5 that its value is diminished

Outside of Nintendo games, all my gaming is done on ps5 and it’s a superb platform. Everything day 1, great console couch experience, no hassle


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
LOL at comparing the games that came out on the ps3 gen with this ps5 shitty sequels, remaster of 6 months games and vaporware gallore of a gen.

Worst first party output by a huge mile
Worst Pro upgrade than the last gen even without considering the price, with the price its just atrocious
GaaS push
Woke push
Horizon push

First gen that my playstation became a 3rd party and retro gaming machine, with the very occasional first party game. And not the other way around as usual.

I reckon you're going to see better ROI on first party SP games in the PS6 gen cause by then they'll have almost all the studios working on those kind of games, the one's that are just reeling back from the cancellation of their GAAS games.
I reckon you're going to see better ROI on first party SP games in the PS6 gen cause by then they'll have almost all the studios working on those kind of games, the one's that are just reeling back from the cancellation of their GAAS games.

They’ll just complain that those ps6 games are cross gen despite looking much better on ps6
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I reckon you're going to see better ROI on first party SP games in the PS6 gen cause by then they'll have almost all the studios working on those kind of games, the one's that are just reeling back from the cancellation of their GAAS games.
Thats the problem mate.. until now we can only see the FAILURES.. until they talk openly about a change in course or a new strategy.. or going back to what they know.. its only speculation.. maybe over there they are saying " fuck this bad gaas games.. cancell them .. now make good gaas games.. go"


That’s not what they did, they introduced fast loading with SSDs, an amazing controller upgrade with very innovative features, and a platform where 60 fps is 99% standard…and it’s completely silent with a great UI

It’s by far the best hardware they’ve ever released

The lineup I mentioned previously has been superb as well, I don’t now how a gamer can look at that and not have a ton of stuff to play

I can def give you the SSD and the quietness, but i also never had much of an issue with my base PS4 being lound like a few have. Those 2 things for me, (and many others it seems) arent enough when there has been so much cross-gen. They're more like icing on the cake, but the cake itself is largely missing.

Had i not gotten a launch PS5 i wouldnt be missing too much, partly because i just recently got a 4k TV, but thus far there are very few games that have made me think wow look at the power of PS5. I was also never a framerate whore (if you will). 30 fps never bothered me...just really bad frame drops.

I think PS6 will bridge the gap though. The prob with PS5 is the targeting of 60fps and 4k, both of which hinder graphically fidelity and then PS4 acting as the lowest common denominator.

Part of me doesnt want PS6 to be backwards compatible simply to shorten the cross-gen period or 1st gen games as it used to be called. Hopefully covid is what has extended it, but its more likely the GaaS push that has caused that and the remakes/remasters. They have to recoup somehow.

Also, im somewhat picky and old school. Only buy disk unless no other option (waited for Wukong and Marvel Vs Comp) and generally have no more than 40 games in a gen


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
I (and many more as well) bought PS5 mostly for exclusives, this approach worked fine with PS4 but now you get maybe 2,3 quality games per year that are not on PC? And if you wait you will get those games on PC anyway (most of them) in complete versions.

PS consoles before were perfect for this because Sony produced many quality games, none of them were also ported (so many games still trapped on PS3...) but PS5 is like Xbox (mostly shared library with PC) but more successful.

Yah, I tried to find some PS5 games to buy, but I find it hard because I’ll just tell myself “why should I buy this game on PS5 when I can buy the superior version on PC with more features and cheaper prices?”

Like why should I buy Stellar Blade now on PS5, when I can buy on PC with mod later this year.


Moderated wildly
Never thought i would read on Gaf that Sony first party doesn't matter and third party is where it's at for ps5....

..im actually pretty dumbfounded by it.

I and I am sure many others buy Sony consoles for great exclusives.

Third parties are more or less giving up on the exclusive Sony approach if they are half way known as a publisher and first party releases are drying up.

Hopefully Sony has some big hitters for 2025 that cone out of no where like astro bot.
I don't know how to evaluate this, but I've enjoyed the PS5 generation much more than PS4, but I don't want to say it's because of Sony, necessarily, but because of how great of an experience it is to play the PS5 and use it as a media device. I miss many of the features PS3 had.
Yah, I tried to find some PS5 games to buy, but I find it hard because I’ll just tell myself “why should I buy this game on PS5 when I can buy the superior version on PC with more features and cheaper prices?”

Like why should I buy Stellar Blade now on PS5, when I can buy on PC with mod later this year.

This is why it's hilarious when people, like yourself or similar, argue that "this is the worst PS generation ever". If that's true, then it must ALSO be true for your precious PCs that you prefer to game on. The only difference in current gen libraries between the two platforms is that PS5 gets day and date releases of Sony titles, while PC gets day and date releases of MS exclusives.

So let me ask you - is this generation ALSO AWFUL for you PC players? Are you lacking games to play? Are you about to give up the hobby for how AWFUL this generation has been?

Intellectually honest minds would like to know.


The tech behind the PS5 is pretty cool.
- Remote play is dope on PS5. Playing PS5 games on your cell or portal is dope AF
- Controller has some neat features.
- Loading is great

However, there is a low amount of games that are interesting to me.
Right, the rest means shit if you don't have the games.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
This is why it's hilarious when people, like yourself or similar, argue that "this is the worst PS generation ever". If that's true, then it must ALSO be true for your precious PCs that you prefer to game on. The only difference in current gen libraries between the two platforms is that PS5 gets day and date releases of Sony titles, while PC gets day and date releases of MS exclusives.

So let me ask you - is this generation ALSO AWFUL for you PC players? Are you lacking games to play? Are you about to give up the hobby for how AWFUL this generation has been?

Intellectually honest minds would like to know.

Not true, as there are numerous PC games not available on PS5 that are not MS exclusive. The PS5 offering is just a portion to what PC has to offer.


This is why it's hilarious when people, like yourself or similar, argue that "this is the worst PS generation ever". If that's true, then it must ALSO be true for your precious PCs that you prefer to game on. The only difference in current gen libraries between the two platforms is that PS5 gets day and date releases of Sony titles, while PC gets day and date releases of MS exclusives.

So let me ask you - is this generation ALSO AWFUL for you PC players? Are you lacking games to play? Are you about to give up the hobby for how AWFUL this generation has been?

Intellectually honest minds would like to know.
PC's library is insane, there are no generations, you have access to basically everything. Im still coasting off my 2080 super I got in 2019. I dont plan to upgrade for along time because why should I if its still playing the new releases with solid graphical power and frame rate. Also for most game's it doesn't cost anything to play online unlike consoles, indie's typically release first on PC (and since indies quality is going up vs. AAA going down that's big), and everyone already needs a PC for other things so its not much of an "additional" thing you really need to acquire. The console's on the other hand NEED to give me a reason to buy them. Im a gamer, I play games, so that's what I care about and if your box has consistent exclusives on it that are impossible to ignore then I'll shell out the funds otherwise its an expensive brick.

One could argue you have nothing to complain about then because I don't have to buy these bricks since they are coming to pc, well here's the thing. Incentives to improve are good and competition creates incentives. A lot of these incredible games wouldn't get made if they weren't used as an attempt to incentive you to purchase their brick. The more they decide that they don't need the audience that cares about those exclusive games the less they may feel incentivized to keep putting so much effort into their existence, aka they wont try as hard to make incredible games. This could affect the quality and/or the quantity of the games they put out which is something I do not want. It's already a bad enough situation that Xbox has deleted itself and Nintendo decided to live on an island (thankfully they believe in exclusives and pushing themselves, for now). I just want to make sure that AAA has incentives to improve and keep making these games.


This is why it's hilarious when people, like yourself or similar, argue that "this is the worst PS generation ever". If that's true, then it must ALSO be true for your precious PCs that you prefer to game on. The only difference in current gen libraries between the two platforms is that PS5 gets day and date releases of Sony titles, while PC gets day and date releases of MS exclusives.

So let me ask you - is this generation ALSO AWFUL for you PC players? Are you lacking games to play? Are you about to give up the hobby for how AWFUL this generation has been?

Intellectually honest minds would like to know.

No generations on PC.

At the same time you can still use hardware from 2018 (2080ti for example and 8700k) to play new games with decent settings while PS4 Pro unit produced in 2018 is obsolete.
No generations on PC.

At the same time you can still use hardware from 2018 (2080ti for example and 8700k) to play new games with decent settings while PS4 Pro unit produced in 2018 is obsolete.

Derp. No generations on console! PS5 plays ps4 games in addition to ps1 and ps2 titles, and can stream ps3 cloud titles

Seriously the logic of you guys :LOL:
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Neo Member
Derp. No generations on console! PS5 plays ps4 games in addition to ps1 and ps2 titles, and can stream ps3 cloud titles

Seriously the logic of you guys :LOL:
Fuck yeah! I can play my copy of Gitaroo man on my ps5? I had no idea.

Here I was thinking it was just a few selected titles with emulation worse than pc


Derp. No generations on console! PS5 plays ps4 games in addition to ps1 and ps2 titles, and can stream ps3 cloud titles

Seriously the logic of you guys :LOL:

You can play few % (at most) of PS1, PS2 and PS3 games. The best part is games you have on disc will not work, you need special PS4/PS5 versions AND PS1 and PS2 classics you bought from PS3 PSN will also NOT WORK! I have few games like that so I know...

You have to buy games multiple times and quality ranges from bad (PS1 games on PS5) to laughable (PS3 games streamed lol).

Meanwhile I can play 2006-2013 (PS3 era) games in 4k/120fps on PC.
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