Can someone explain why this is bad news? All I see are positives.
There's a 0% chance this won't bomb. Nobody asked for or wants this game, even if it turns out to be good. Asking full price for a game based on this concept is
insane. Whoever greenlit this should be fired immediately. If the game has to exist, it should be a downloadable title at most.
And there's a very slim chance this will turn out to be worthwhile. If the game were tailored and structured to feel like its own original, extended episode of the show, it could be amazing. But it's going to be filled with lame fanservice and endless allusions to things from pre-existing episodes, just like almost all games based on shows.
I can just see Cartman now, activating some sort of power-up and screaming, "Respect my authori-tah!" as he mows down enemies with his nightstick. Maybe they eat Cheesy-Poofs to regain HP, too! HA HA JUST LIKE IN THE SHOW GET IT?! That's the kind of shit we'll get, almost guaranteed, and there's nothing clever about that. Just a serious of "I recognize that!" moments strung together.
Do Parker and Stone have any idea what would make a good game? A good RPG? What do I care if they're overseeing the production, then? Plenty of good writers have helped make forgettable or horrible games.
This entire project has "bomb" written all over it, a huge, pointless waste of money on a project nobody asked for, nobody is anticipating, and nobody will buy. It will litter bargain bins months after release.
I want to be wrong about all of this, but... I just can't see it working. All I can think about is the earlier SP games (all trash) and also how hyped some people were for Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood ("A great IP paired with a talented developer is sure to result in a classic!").