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IndieStatik Founder apologizes for "inappropriate" comments to female game dev

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Adam Blue

His counter point is about sexual harassment as HE defines it and it's clearly wrong and prejudicial to his privilege and favor.

C'mon, this is no way to have a decent conversation. This is hostility. Even if you don't agree, he wasn't name calling or talking down to anyone.


Only a fool would read this and think she was into this guy. BUT you'd also have to be a fool to read this and NOT see her friendly acknowledgements of/joking about some of the horrifically vulgar things that he is saying.
Haven't you ever been in a situation that is horribly awkward and you just try to maintain composure? Not everyone can just say, "stop it"; some people are more passive than that, but that doesn't mean the exchange wasn't unwanted.

I doubt that anyone cares if it fits the book definition of sexual harassment or not; it's a shitty thing to do. Maybe public shaming is a bit far, but it's always good to learn from these experiences and nothing quite changes your ways faster than getting publicly shamed.
Of course this is coming from someone who's introduction to NeoGAF was publicly shaming someone, so maybe I'm a bit bias in that regard.

I'm pretty sure him going on about the 14 nerve endings in the vagina made her uncomfortable.
It's obvious why it made her so uncomfortable; the clitoris has at least 8,000 nerves which is 4x as much as the head of a penis. I wouldn't be able to deal with such grossly inaccurate statements either.


extra source of jiggaflops
I think what Jaffe is bringing up is actually worth discussing, but the time to bring up how to behave and what constitutes unwanted advancements is not the hour this creep is found out. People will just paint you as blaming the victim and defending the inappropriate discussion, no matter how much you try to say this isn't the case.

In my opinion her not acknowledging the sexual advancements should be enough to make it clear she doesn't want to go down that route. The crux is 11pm.
And I think she shouldn't have continued the conversation at 11pm and just said she fell asleep if he messaged her again. I feel these 37 minutes between the messages gives her a good non-confrontational "out."

The chat log could still be published and we could still have a conversation of what constitutes unethical advancements and how this is over the line for someone that judges whether or not your game gets coverage on a pretty big indie site.
Well first off, I'm telling you what the legal definition is. I assure you, there's no ivory tower of privilege here when it comes to my understanding of the law. I didn't go to law school and perhaps the law has changed. But I- like thousands of others- did attend Sony sexual harassment training back in the day and this is what we were told by those folks who ran the course and who- it should be mentioned-study and write such laws. A quick google search will confirm.

I don't think the dude who was so vulgar is in any way ok or should escape the wrath he is now- almost certainly- incurring. So I dunno why you think I feel he should not be a decent human. He should and his behavior was unacceptable.

As for WHY you need to be explicit in your rejection, here is why...cause this particular exchange is CONFUSING! NOWHERE is it made clear she digs this guys advancements, I'm not even suggesting suggesting that. That is super clear. But you really have to be ignoring clear sections of this text conversation to say you don't see how a rational person could feel that she's not bothered by them (at the least). Have you seen the whole thing or just what Kotaku put up?



So to cover your ass we're now into legal territory for some odd reason when most of what is said here hasn't been about how she should sue, just about the unwarranted attention in question.

Here's a clue for you Jaffe: someone not humoring your advances? Shut the fuck up.
By the way, if you've not seen the unedited version, it's here:


Only a fool would read this and think she was into this guy. BUT you'd also have to be a fool to read this and NOT see her friendly acknowledgements of/joking about some of the horrifically vulgar things that he is saying.

This is not me 'blaming a victim' as a) I don't really see a victim here and b) I don't forgive what the guy did (it was terrible) and say him being vulgar and inappropriate was her fault. But I do think she should have made her response more clear as while it doesn't read like she's interested in this creep (not by a long shot) it also doesn't read like she's just keeping things pure business.

And for the dick who felt I was saying that her mentioning her divorce was a signal that she wanted him to flirt- wow, you missed the point. I never said that and that was not my point. My point was that she was that by mentioning something as personal as her dealing with her divorce she was opening the conversation to a more personal level when she probably needed to keep it pure business (especially since he started flirting with her in his very opening line, making his intention to NOT be pure business clear).



I understand where you are coming from and I agree with some of your sentiments, but I think you need to learn how to form and express your arguments properly. Twitter was not a good idea for starters.


The Fucking MAN.
Jaffe this isn't a battle you can win, disengage because you're only making it worse.

Oh I don't really care- this is fun for me and I can't sleep.

Best case I'll get some genuinely good debate from folks out of this from folks smarter than me where I can learn some things. Always down for that; I'm ok not being right and my mind is open: If I'm wrong, I'll admit it.

Second best case I'll piss off some people who I would probably despise if I met them in real life.

So it's a win-win for me.



So to cover your ass we're now into legal territory for some odd reason when most of what is said here hasn't been about how she should sue, just about the unwarranted attention in question.

Here's a clue for you Jaffe: someone not humoring your advances? Shut the fuck up.

Remember he was drunk for 8+ hours so I'm pretty sure that excuses everything.
Oh I don't really care- this is fun for me and I can't sleep.

Best case I'll get some genuinely good debate from folks out of this from folks smarter than me where I can learn some things. Always down for that; I'm ok not being right and my mind is open: If I'm wrong, I'll admit it.

Second best case I'll piss off some people who I would probably despise if I met them in real life.

So it's a win-win for me.


Lol. I appreciate your straightforwardness coz I'm the same. Stick to your guns mate.

EDIT: genuinely not mocking btw
As for WHY you need to be explicit in your rejection, here is why...cause this particular exchange is CONFUSING! NOWHERE is it made clear she digs this guys advancements, I'm not even suggesting suggesting that. That is super clear. But you really have to be ignoring clear sections of this text conversation to say you don't see how a rational person could feel that she's not bothered by them (at the least). Have you seen the whole thing or just what Kotaku put up?



Legally, it may not be sexual harassment, but morally, I'm just a dumb 30 year old guy with less than great ability to talk to women and even I can tell about three messages in, she's doing the Internet version of "gritting your teeth and baring an idiotic conversation at a work party because this guy can possibly help you in the future" dance.

Every time he goes over the top, she answers the question professionally and tries to move on. It's not that complicated. No, she never said stop it. For a variety of reasons already explained in this thread.

But the point is, she shouldn't have had to say 'stop it' in the first place.


The Fucking MAN.
Haven't you ever been in a situation that is horribly awkward and you just try to maintain composure? Not everyone can just say, "stop it"; some people are more passive than that, but that doesn't mean the exchange wasn't unwanted.

I doubt that anyone cares if it fits the book definition of sexual harassment or not; it's a shitty thing to do. Maybe public shaming is a bit far, but it's always good to learn from these experiences and nothing quite changes your ways faster than getting publicly shamed.
Of course this is coming from someone who's introduction to NeoGAF was publicly shaming someone, so maybe I'm a bit bias in that regard.

Agree but then why joke back with him about some of his vulgarities ('shadow boxing? Not for texting...ZING!')

She doesn't have to say stop it. If she had said nothing but keeping it pro, I would not have said a THING. But it's the shades of grey about how she responds that makes me recoil at the 'kill the beast' knee jerkers.
Well first off, I'm telling you what the legal definition is. I assure you, there's no ivory tower of privilege here when it comes to my understanding of the law. I didn't go to law school and perhaps the law has changed. But I- like thousands of others- did attend Sony sexual harassment training back in the day and this is what we were told by those folks who ran the course and who- it should be mentioned-study and write such laws. A quick google search will confirm.


I think the reason this is important is that people can be difficult to read. Not everyone has the same social cues as others. I know now that I'm 36 that had I been a bit more 'agressive' - maybe confident is a better word - that girls would have responded better to me when I was younger. But it's hard to be a nice guy and also push the boundaries of a grey area.

Also, no one is saying this dude wasn't super inappropriate.
Its somewhat common for victims of sexual harassment and similar to be held up to the nearly impossible standard of the "perfect victim."

Sexual Harassment is not equal. It's on a 'your mileage may vary', but for certain situations such as in this case, I think calling them out on it in the conversation is surely a plus. If he responded rudely or try to 'harass her', then it's all in her favour and more evidence to publish.

What is ridiculous is the fact that we're treating her as she is a rape victim. She's a person who got the raw end of the stick and I do feel for her, but it saddens me that she didn't call him out on it or told him it was out of order.

The best way to diffuse a situation is to appeal to them first and say "No, this isn't right. That is out of order. Please stop it and do not contact me". If he didn't comply, then it was in her favour.
So I just saw that the original conversation had the guy blurred and his identity was not revealed. If she or her friend did not reveal the identity then I retract my statements concerning her actions. Who revealed the identity?


Hey David, I appreciate you taking the time to post here. I have a question. Sony's sexual harassment classes covered it, I'm sure.

If a woman doesn't explicitly say no to someone raping her it isn't rape, right? I mean, if the perpetrator DOESN'T KNOW said woman doesn't like the individual forcing themselves on her, how can they be held accountable? Especially in the eyes of the law.

Obviously if she didn't tell them 'no' or to 'stop it', it's totally cool. As long as they're adults and all.


I know this conversation is going into "We should teach men not to rape" or "Not to act like that" and I do agree with that to an extent, but I think women should be encouraged to talk out against this.

Silence or sidestepping is contributing to the problem. I know this from experience.

Again, im sure her first reaction was also telling him to fuck off, but what if she does, reports on him and find that his boss or human resources guy right away tells her that this doesn't fit under his/her definition of harassment? We have seen a lot of people here argue that it isnt, some tried to argue that the first messages are witty banter and that its only after 8 hours of messages that the woman was justified to report him. So what happens then? The same thing it happens in the military, it gets thrown under the table, the guy is seen as a poor victim of the PC police and the girl's career is stuck.

That is only a possibility, but its a scary one and it would make me hesitate if I were a woman. Implying that she needs to be a perfect victim otherwise her complains are not 100% valid is scummy.

He's just offering a counter-point. He's hoping to have some honest discussion instead of being told off.

I know I made some points earlier and was immediately shot down instead of having any thoughtful debate out of it. It made me feel bad really. I was hoping we could all have a good discussion about this. Because in the end, we want the same thing.

I think there's too much hostility where there doesn't need to be.

Your comments were met with hostility because you criticized her for bringing this to the public while saying "Women have a powerful voice! Speak up!", it was funny to me but it wouldnt surprise my if some women might find it offensive.
Agree but then why joke back with him about some of his vulgarities ('shadow boxing? Not for texting...ZING!')

She doesn't have to say stop it. If she had said nothing but keeping it pro, I would not have said a THING. But it's the shades of grey about how she responds that makes me recoil at the 'kill the beast' knee jerkers.

Let's say she was trying to be cool about it and not cause a scene, but as time went on and she thought about it more, and he added that final lengthy cunnilingus reply, she decided she had enough. That's perfectly ok on her part.


So to cover your ass we're now into legal territory for some odd reason when most of what is said here hasn't been about how she should sue, just about the unwarranted attention in question.

Here's a clue for you Jaffe: someone not humoring your advances? Shut the fuck up.

geeze devo ....

I agree with what you are saying but god damn lol, jaffe had no idea what he was in for.
Re: Jaffe Video

I don't see how awkwardly typing HAHAHAHA and only responding to the business related parts of a question is 'having a volley.'

She was asked some questions and along with it there was some unwanted shit that was clearly unwanted because she didn't respond to it at all. To call her unprofessional when she still gave an extremely thoughtful response to his business inquiries is bullshit.

It would be really awesome if every woman felt comfortable to respond in a super clear way, without worrying it could hurt their chances in the industry. Hell, here this asshole is inquiring about a place where she wants to work, she doesn't know how strong a connection he has with them or if he'd put in a bad word if she was more confrontational. In my opinion that is what makes this story even sadder, but for Jaffe it just means she didn't do enough.

People don't expect to have to deal with bullshit like this. You get caught off guard in a situation where you ready for one interaction, and it can be hard to transition from 'pleasant conversation' to 'being harassed.' It can be shocking, especially when tied with actual reasonable requests and questions. I bet she was never expecting it to continue past the 1st comment and when it did she just decided to respond in a business-like manner.


The Fucking MAN.
Hey David, I appreciate you taking the time to post here. I have a question. Sony's sexual harassment classes covered it, I'm sure.

If a woman doesn't explicitly say no to someone raping her it isn't rape, right? I mean, if the perpetrator DOESN'T KNOW said woman doesn't like the individual forcing themselves on her, how can they be held accountable? Especially in the eyes of the law.

Obviously if she didn't tell them 'no' or to 'stop it', it's totally cool. As long as they're adults and all.

I don't mean to be a dick, but that's just a terrible comparison and I think you know it. :(
Hey David, I appreciate you taking the time to post here. I have a question. Sony's sexual harassment classes covered it, I'm sure.

If a woman doesn't explicitly say no to someone raping her it isn't rape, right? I mean, if the perpetrator DOESN'T KNOW said woman doesn't like him forcing himself on her, how can he be held accountable? Especially in the eyes of the law.

This is just awful. And garbage thinking. Equating stupid or offensive texts to actual assault is...fuck I don't have the words. Get a grip.


all I see in that chat log is her 'keeping it pro'. you are honing in on some off-white phrase in her reaction while seemingly not at all imagining the more likely scenario of someone on the other end of a computer in an awkward work-related situation and thinking "what the fuck? how do I even respond to this?"

I don't mean to be a dick, but that's just a terrible comparison and I think you know it. :(

but this is exactly what you were bringing up in your video, like almost word for word, and now you're backpedaling.
Agree but then why joke back with him about some of his vulgarities ('shadow boxing? Not for texting...ZING!')

She doesn't have to say stop it. If she had said nothing but keeping it pro, I would not have said a THING. But it's the shades of grey about how she responds that makes me recoil at the 'kill the beast' knee jerkers.

Note that that comment was after five inappropriate comments. I think at that point of ignoring...advances, it should be quite clear the party has no interest and you should stop.


The Fucking MAN.
Re: Jaffe Video

I don't see how awkwardly typing HAHAHAHA and only responding to the business related parts of a question is 'having a volley.'

She was asked some questions and along with it there was some unwanted shit that was clearly unwanted because she didn't respond to it at all. To call her unprofessional when she still gave an extremely thoughtful response to his business inquiries is bullshit.

It would be really awesome if every woman felt comfortable to respond in a super clear way, without worrying it could hurt their chances in the industry. Hell, here this asshole is inquiring about a place where she wants to work, she doesn't know how strong a connection he has with them or if he'd put in a bad word if she was more confrontational. In my opinion that is what makes this story even sadder, but for Jaffe it just means she didn't do enough.

People don't expect to have to deal with bullshit like this. You get caught off guard in a situation where you ready for one interaction, and it can be hard to transition from 'pleasant conversation' to 'being harassed.' It can be shocking, especially when tied with actual reasonable requests and questions. I bet she was never expecting it to continue past the 1st comment and when it did she just decided to respond in a business-like manner.

It was more than HAHAHA...check it: http://i.imgur.com/kQ6XlXZ.png
Again, im sure her first reaction was also telling him to fuck off, but what if she does, reports on him and find that his boss or human resources guy right away tells her that this doesn't fit under his/her definition of harassment? We have seen a lot of people here argue that it isnt, some tried to argue that the first messages are witty banter and that its only after 8 hours of messages that the woman was justified to report him. So what happens then? The same thing it happens in the military, it gets thrown under the table, the guy is seen as a poor victim of the PC police and the girl's career is stuck.

That is only a possibility, but its a scary one and it would make me hesitate if I were a woman.

Hell, look at the some of the absolute bullshit in this thread (and I'm not putting Jaffe's statements under that blanket - I mean, the stuff earlier on that was literally "I don't see what's wrong here) in a situation where it's blatant.

He Said/She Said still happens when we have a literal f'ing record of the conversation.


Please don't listen to what Jaffe says as legally correct. Is the guy in question NOT a journalist? Was he NOT asking questions related to work? Sexual harassment under the workforce is defined as some one making you FEEL uncomfortable through a sexual suggestion or act. You don't have to tell some one "stop" for it be not considered harassment. All it does is have to make that person feel uncomfortable, which later they can report it.


The Fucking MAN.
all I see in that chat log is her 'keeping it pro'. you are honing in on some off-white phrase in her reaction while seemingly not at all imagining the more likely scenario of someone on the other end of a computer in an awkward work-related situation and thinking "what the fuck? how do I even respond to this?"

That's a fair read of the situation. I don't think it's any more logical than my read however.
Again, im sure her first reaction was also telling him to fuck off, but what if she does, reports on him and find that his boss or human resources guy right away tells her that this doesn't fit under his/her definition of harassment? We have seen a lot of people here argue that it isnt, some tried to argue that the first messages are witty banter and that its only after 8 hours of messages that the woman was justified to report him. So what happens then? The same thing it happens in the military, it gets thrown under the table, the guy is seen as a poor victim of the PC police and the girl's career is stuck.

Oh I know full well of the situation and I'm not ignorant of the barriers that women face in the workplace. I've seen some examples of it in my lifetime. But it's a massive barrier that women should try to overcome and I would encourage them all the way to speak out against it, in the workplace, and try to secure as much evidence as they can if HR don't want to do anything about it.

I'm not blaming the woman for not speaking out. I never would. But I know that silence or sidestepping the situation contributes to the situation and I say this from experience.
I meant that I cant criticize her because unlike her I can say with all the confidence in the world that I will be supported if I report sexual harassment, there have been hundreds of examples of ignored reports and victim blamed when a woman decides to speak up on this issues which is why some hesitate in the first place on how to engage this kind of situation.

The very fact that some are criticizing her actions here is enough to deter a woman reading this thread to avoid her initial impulse of telling some creep to fuck off in the future. I still dont understand why bringing it to light is a bad thing.
But she didn't tell him to fuck off so the comparison is off. If she or her friend revealed the identity and publicly shamed him, it has nothing to do with legitimate reporting of sexual harassment or telling someone to ''fuck off''. Pretty sure that plenty of people would have applauded her for telling him to fuck off or actually reporting a case like this to relevant authorities instead of this public shaming.
Re: Jaffe Video

I don't see how awkwardly typing HAHAHAHA and only responding to the business related parts of a question is 'having a volley.'

She was asked some questions and along with it there was some unwanted shit that was clearly unwanted because she didn't respond to it at all. To call her unprofessional when she still gave an extremely thoughtful response to his business inquiries is bullshit.

It would be really awesome if every woman felt comfortable to respond in a super clear way, without worrying it could hurt their chances in the industry. Hell, here this asshole is inquiring about a place where she wants to work, she doesn't know how strong a connection he has with them or if he'd put in a bad word if she was more confrontational. In my opinion that is what makes this story even sadder, but for Jaffe it just means she didn't do enough.

People don't expect to have to deal with bullshit like this. You get caught off guard in a situation where you ready for one interaction, and it can be hard to transition from 'pleasant conversation' to 'being harassed.' It can be shocking, especially when tied with actual reasonable requests and questions. I bet she was never expecting it to continue past the 1st comment and when it did she just decided to respond in a business-like manner.

This is likely the most realistic breakdown of what was going on. I think she handled it perfectly if her goal was to keep a working relationship with the guy and not make things even more awkward than he made them. That's the problem though, unless she was waving the red flag those incapable of reading social situations easily will never see it for what it is.


extra source of jiggaflops
The business conversation, despite being already inappropriate throughout, ends at 10:23pm.

She choose to respond to his lewd comments 37 minutes later and her motivation for that might have been the fear of repercussions. But it's still 37 minutes after the business talk is over from her side.
That's what he said, in his video.

If he does think what the guy did was unacceptable it begs the question why she would need to say anything? WHICH IS IT.

He didn't say she's not a victim, you're paraphrasing and taking it out of context .

To be clear, I am not agreeing entirely on how Jaffe expressed himself, but some people on here (including you) are on a witch hunt and it is not constructive.

EDIT: nice stealth edit btw
It was more than HAHAHA...check it: http://i.imgur.com/kQ6XlXZ.png

Have you ever laughed at a fan's dumb jokes or taken their personal information because "they have a really great idea", then tossed all of it the moment they were out the door? That's what this woman was doing. She was trying to get through the conversation with as little damage as possible. Probably because she's had to deal with idiotic conversation like this since she grew breasts.


The Fucking MAN.
Well that escalated quickly.

I don't think so. She's looking for a fight with me, so she's got it. Not that it will be very dramatic or worth her time or mine but hell, a person can only take so much poking.

Plus, come on: it's a picture of a woman...with a pussy on her face.

The pun Gods would strike me down if I didn't say SOMETHING.

Requiring someone to clearly say "no" in the heat of the moment in order for something to be considered harassment is not a good policy, it completely ignores power dynamics and human nature. Holding someone up to that standard just makes it more difficult for people to speak out and to shed light on real acts of harassment.

If someone feels like they were harassed but did not, in the moment of harassment, clearly enough state that the person should stop, or do not have evidence of telling the person to stop, reading responses like Jaffe's would force them to re-think coming forward. That they will end up holding some of the blame for what happened and therefore stay quiet and allow the harasser to continue, and to let other people think that kind of believe is okay. Having these kinds of standards put on the victim is ultimately silencing to major problems in workplaces and elsewhere.

This isn't a positive way of dealing with a serious issue. You can't hold a victim up to a "perfect" standard of behavior.


I don't mean to be a dick, but that's just a terrible comparison and I think you know it. :(

I want to see how far your views go.

You have to understand making the same argument that is made daily in regards to rape. She clearly didn't want any of the bullshit he was giving her, but I guess because she didn't say 'no' or 'stop it' in a way that satisfies your requirements, it's no big deal.

Someone shouldn't be operating under the guise of their job only in reality to be like YO BABY, LET ME GLAZE THAT FACE OF YOURS WITH MY CUM.

He's a gross piece of shit. It's pretty open and shut and I think you should know better than to make excuses for him.

This is just awful. And garbage thinking. Equating stupid or offensive texts to actual assault is...fuck I don't have the words. Get a grip.

It's also garbage thinking to suggest she needed to be clearer when she was pretty fucking clear already.

But maybe she was just leading him on!
I don't think so. She's looking for a fight with me, so she's got it. Not that it will be very dramatic or worth her time or mine but hell, a person can only take so much poking.

Plus, come on: it's a picture of a woman...with a pussy on her face.

The pun Gods would strike me down if I didn't say SOMETHING.


That's me actually. That's my pussy. And here's where I tell you to stop.


The Fucking MAN.
That's me actually. That's my pussy. And here's where I tell you to stop.

And as much as I think I may really dislike you (I honestly think if we met in real life we'd just HATE each other, you know?) I DO respect and appreciate that you want me to stop and it's noted and you got it!
And what is all this talk about vaginas and cunnilingus? I'm surprised he didn't start mentioning her vulva and cervix. This guy has all the skills of an alien who has come down to earth and read one medical text on female anatomy.


The Fucking MAN.
I want to see how far your views go.

You have to understand making the same argument that is made daily in regards to rape. She clearly didn't want any of the bullshit he was giving her, but I guess because she didn't say 'no' or 'stop it' in a way that satisfies your requirements, it's no big deal.

Someone shouldn't be operating under the guise of their job only in reality to be like YO BABY, LET ME GLAZE THAT FACE OF YOURS WITH MY CUM.

He's a gross piece of shit. It's pretty open and shut and I think you should know better than to make excuses for him.

On what planet am I making excuses for him?!?! This is the problem I have with some of you folks- you hear one thing and totally warp it into something else. Not once have I said what this guy did was anywhere in the REALM of ANYTHING other than super douche baggery. Not ONCE. And yet you are ok typing a sentence saying that I am making 'excuses for him'...just stunning.
And what is all this talk about vaginas and cunnilingus? I'm surprised he didn't start mentioning her vulva and cervix. This guy has all the skills of an alien who has come down to earth and read one medical text on female anatomy.

"i want to insert my penis into your vagina so that we may both reach climax and feel pleasant"


"im good at it i swears"
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