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April U.S. Primaries |OT| Vote in 20 Turns for World Leader

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I think if it doesn't go well for him on 4/26, he won't drop out, but his campaign will change. They won't mention Clinton by name after that date.


I think if it doesn't go well for him on 4/26, he won't drop out, but his campaign will change. They won't mention Clinton by name after that date.

I think there's a good chance that Sanders starts attacking more viciously. I mean, whenever I see his campaign manager speak about Hillary Clinton he all but calls her the devil, which is further than Sanders himself takes it.


contribute something
There are zero reasons for Hillary to tap Sanders for her VP, especially when there are better options out there.

Who? Patrick Murphy?

Hillary Clinton's best bet is to secure white male independents, particularly those in the South and Florida. If Trump is her opponent, the campaigns will likely focus on this demographic in ways that put Marvel Studios to shame.

If Trump or even Cruz is the nominee, minority support is essentially a given. Sanders brings a lot to the table, except geography and political centrism.
Hey now, he means people in the south when he says that!

Remind me again who was spouting the "superpredator" bullshit? And who was the one who had guards escort a BLM protester away trying to confront that her? Or supported 100% in full the 94 crime bill*? But no, apparently Bernie is the closet racist.

*Bernie signed it only because of of the VAWA that attached to it and said as much back then.


He is going to walk into the convention with 1237 delegates. I have no doubt about it. Gonna get some unbounds and Kasich's delegates for the VP slot.

Kasich's not gonna get on the Trump train. He's attacked him a few times(hell, he was the first one to come out against his immigration plan) and has outright said that he would be no one's VP under any circumstances.

That being said I could see Trump getting so close to 1237 that it'd look insane for them not to give it to him.

Remind me again who was spouting the "superpredator" bullshit? And who was the one who had guards escort a BLM protester away trying to confront that her? Or supported 100% in full the 94 crime bill*? But no, apparently Bernie is the closet racist.

*Bernie signed it only because of of the VAWA that attached to it and said as much back then.

Bernie was perfectly content to not vote for the auto-bailout because other things were attached that he didn't like.
Remind me again who was spouting the "superpredator" bullshit? And who was the one who had guards escort a BLM protester away trying to confront that her? Or supported 100% in full the 94 crime bill*? But no, apparently Bernie is the closet racist.

*Bernie signed it only because of of the VAWA that attached to it and said as much back then.

Oh for fucks sake, one side being scummy does not excuse the other. I think Clinton is going to be a miserable president, it certainly doesn't justify the attitude and ignorance with which Bernie Sanders addresses the black community.

I'v gone over this 1000x on here I really don't care to do it again.


There are zero reasons for Hillary to tap Sanders for her VP, especially when there are better options out there.
You Bernie haters are too much. Zero reasons to tap the guy with better likeability, with more energetic supporters, more popular with independents, giving her a run for her money coming in as a tiny underdog? Please. Sanders would absolutely help her in this anti-establishment election cycle. What would be a safe option in past elections is clearly not safe in 2016.

Also hilarious seeing you guys railing on the Bernie email as if Hillary doesn't spin when she loses. It's like you guys never seen a campaign before. He's trying to raise money and continue his campaign -- no shit he's going to go with glass half full. That scoundrel!
An email I received from the Bernie campaign says: "If everybody who has signed up to support our campaign made a $2.70 contribution tonight, we will have the resources we need to do very well next week and to take the pledged delegate lead on June 7."

To be honest, it scares me that people might believe this after his loss tonight.
I mean, its extremely dishonest and manipulative. He outspent all the other candidates in New York, and still lost. I expect such dishonest from political campaigns and practically all donation-soliciting e-mails say crap like that regardless of a candidate's performance, but part of the foundation of Sanders' campaign is that he's not supposed to be an "establishment" candidate, that things are different with him, and he is honest unlike his opponents and above such manipulative tactics and that image is precisely what's garnered him a lot of his appeal, so trying to have it both ways like that is just... yuck, especially considering how it's all but impossible for him to get the nomination at this point regardless.
Oh for fucks sake, one side being scummy does not excuse the other. I think Clinton is going to be a miserable president, it certainly doesn't justify the attitude and ignorance with which Bernie Sanders addresses the black community.

I'v gone over this 1000x on here I really don't care to do it again.

What? How does he "address" the black community? When BLM protesters came to a rally of his last year, he stepped out of the way and let them speak. Hillary had them escorted away by guards. Not to mention the fact that Hillary has done Jack & Shit for the black community in this country except to use them to further her political career and then summarily throw them under the bus just like her husband did.
Remind me again who was spouting the "superpredator" bullshit? And who was the one who had guards escort a BLM protester away trying to confront that her? Or supported 100% in full the 94 crime bill*? But no, apparently Bernie is the closet racist.

*Bernie signed it only because of of the VAWA that attached to it and said as much back then.
"Bernie had to" sort of goes against the narrative of him sticking to his guns, never stepping back from the moral high ground and all that flowery nonsense. Amazing how he is able to be pragmatic when it suits him or his supporters' defense of him. Amazing how similar pragmatism is bemoaned as selling out when shown by others.

This is all besides the point. His campaign has treated the South and the PoC thereof like shit, and he is paying for this. You can deflect to Clinton all day and that won't change a thing.
If my math is not wrong, Bernie needs 58% of the remaining delegates from here in order to overtake Hillary.

He is in very tough position but not really that bleak. 26 will be the real test, if he can't make big wins on the 26 (esp in PA) then his campaign will be truly over.
You Bernie haters are too much. Zero reasons to tap the guy with better likeability, with more energetic supporters, more popular with independents, giving her a run for her money coming in as a tiny underdog? Please. Sanders would absolutely help her in this anti-establishment election cycle. What would be a safe option in past elections is clearly not safe in 2016.

Also hilarious seeing you guys railing on the Bernie email as if Hillary doesn't spin when she loses. It's like you guys never seen a campaign before. He's trying to raise money and continue his campaign -- no shit he's going to go with glass half full. That scoundrel!

You must not be familiar with GAF political threads or something.


Bernie has ZERO chance at veep.

Tom Perez, Tim Kaine, Julian Castro, that's the short list. Even seen Franken thrown out there as a possibility and he'd be a solid choice too.


You Bernie haters are too much. Zero reasons to tap the guy with better likeability, with more energetic supporters, more popular with independents, giving her a run for her money coming in as a tiny underdog? Please. Sanders would absolutely help her in this anti-establishment election cycle. What would be a safe option in past elections is clearly not safe in 2016.

Also hilarious seeing you guys railing on the Bernie email as if Hillary doesn't spin when she loses. It's like you guys never seen a campaign before. He's trying to raise money and continue his campaign -- no shit he's going to go with glass half full. That scoundrel!

The problem isn't that he's spinning, the problem is that it's dumb spin. He won more delegates in New York than any other state before because duh, New York has way more delegates than any other state before. That has really nothing to do with his actual performance in the state.
If my math is not wrong, Bernie needs 58% of the remaining delegates from here in order to overtake Hillary.

He is in very tough position but not really that bleak. 26 will be the real test, if he can't make big wins on the 26 (esp in PA) then his campaign will be truly over.
The proportionality of the Dem race means it is that bleak. He needs to win by increasingly absurd margins to hit his targets.
Remind me again who was spouting the "superpredator" bullshit? And who was the one who had guards escort a BLM protester away trying to confront that her? Or supported 100% in full the 94 crime bill*? But no, apparently Bernie is the closet racist.

*Bernie signed it only because of of the VAWA that attached to it and said as much back then
Attacking Hillary Clinton for supporting the 1994 crime bill that her husband signed when she was First Lady is intellectually dishonest. This is so on several grounds. First, his attacks omit that he himself voted for that bill; Clinton supporters have had to bring that up. Second, Sanders keeps attacking Hillary for having on one occasion used the term “superpredator”, when she has already apologized for it, said she would not use it today, and has put it in context (which I think makes clear it was not intended as code for race or to apply broadly), and yet he never admits that he used the term “sociopath” in when supporting that same bill, nor has he ever apologized for doing so. Instead, he rips out all context and background for that bill, pins the entirety of its consequences on Hillary (who did not vote for it), and omits his own role in voting for it and the reasons why so many people supported it at the time, including him and the Congressional Black Caucus, despite its warts. So he blames Hillary for the draconian sentencing rules that the GOP insisted on in order to pass the bill, contributing to a false narrative he has constructed that Hillary is not actually a liberal.

And when confronted about his dishonest and hypocritical approach to discussing the crime bill and his own support for it, he lied. He claimed that he supported it in part because it included an assault weapons ban. This is false. He voted in favor of an earlier version of the bill, which did not include that assault weapons ban. Other Democrats — not Sanders (who never pushes for gun safety legislation) — then insisted on that assault weapons ban and he voted for the new version of bill after that language was added. It’s dishonest for him to take other people to task for the consequences of a bill he himself voted for, which was the product of having to compromise with the GOP to get anything done, while blaming Hillary for the GOP’s actions, lying about his reasons for voting for it, and refusing to acknowledge or take any responsibility for his own role. It would be so much more productive to have a national dialogue about what we learned as a nation from these mistakes, the role of systemic racism in mass incarceration, and a proposed set of recommendations and legislation to correct it now, instead of disingenuously attacking, blaming, and lying by omission about Hillary, and further erasing the historical reality in which that bill was passed.

There is another element of the story that hasn’t been mentioned much. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who is building a serious challenge to Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, appears to have invoked the superpredator myth as well. And he did so in a speech addressing the crime bill before it passed.

Sanders, who was in the House of Representatives at the time, was skeptical about the legislation when it was being debated. Though he would vote for its passage, he did have strong progressive-minded criticisms, lamenting the country’s mass incarceration problem and income inequality. “We can create meaningful jobs, rebuilding our society, or we can build more jails,” he said.

Sanders also added this caveat:

It is my firm belief that clearly, there are people in our society who are horribly violent, who are deeply sick and sociopathic, and clearly these people must be put behind bars in order to protect society from them.

Sanders doesn’t explicitly invoke the so-called superpredator idea in this statement. But it seems likely this was his reference. In the context of the crime bill, it’s hard to imagine that his remarks were about serial killers. This doesn’t necessarily make him non-progressive. It just underscores that Sanders, too, got swept up in the crack-era fearmongering of the time. He did, after all, support the bill, despite his reservations.


You Bernie haters are too much. Zero reasons to tap the guy with better likeability, with more energetic supporters, more popular with independents, giving her a run for her money coming in as a tiny underdog? Please. Sanders would absolutely help her in this anti-establishment election cycle. What would be a safe option in past elections is clearly not safe in 2016.

Also hilarious seeing you guys railing on the Bernie email as if Hillary doesn't spin when she loses. It's like you guys never seen a campaign before. He's trying to raise money and continue his campaign -- no shit he's going to go with glass half full. That scoundrel!

Read this: https://medium.com/@robinalperstein/on-becoming-anti-bernie-ee87943ae699#.fzgreiql4

Dude is not as likable as you may think! He's extremely disingenuous and basically just a professional protester. If he really cared about his "downticket revolution" message he'd have the core of his campaign about raising money for local elections


He is in very tough position but not really that bleak. 26 will be the real test, if he can't make big wins on the 26 (esp in PA) then his campaign will be truly over.

The only April 26 state Sanders looks remotely competitive in is Connecticut, and that's really only because there haven't been a lot of polls.

538 has Clinton with a 98% chance to win Pennsylvania, and 3 recent polls showing her with a 6-22 point lead in the state.


Obviously he isn't.

Why else would he bring up Sanders having more energetic supporters?

More energetic at what? Losing? Complaining on Reddit?

All the things but actually voting?
Bigger rallies? More donations? Not enough to overcome Hillary at the polls -- he is the underdog after all. But it is common knowledge that he has more excitement -- this denial is so weird to see. It's not even a controversial statement.

Edit: I forgot gaf doesn't know what any of these terms mean and they conflate (intentionally?) excitement with votes.


You Bernie haters are too much. Zero reasons to tap the guy with better likeability, with more energetic supporters, more popular with independents, giving her a run for her money coming in as a tiny underdog? Please. Sanders would absolutely help her in this anti-establishment election cycle. What would be a safe option in past elections is clearly not safe in 2016.

Also hilarious seeing you guys railing on the Bernie email as if Hillary doesn't spin when she loses. It's like you guys never seen a campaign before. He's trying to raise money and continue his campaign -- no shit he's going to go with glass half full. That scoundrel!

The general assumption is that Bernie supporters are going to vote for Clinton anyway, so why give him the VP nod. It makes more sense to give the VP to a person you like and who you can work with who is popular in a contested state. Clinton will also want to go after moderates. A VP who openly admits to being a socialist is going to hurt that. And Clinton will never be able to play herself off as anti-establishment, so I don't see the point in that.

I am very skeptical of the VP being a lasting bump and think it makes far more sense to give the VP to someone you like and someone you can work with. Clinton and Bernie do not seem to have that relationship.
Bigger rallies? More donations? Not enough to overcome Hillary at the polls -- he is the underdog after all. But it is common knowledge that he has more excitement -- this denial is so weird to see. It's not even a controversial statement.
What does this mean, "more excitement"? Would not the fact that he is losing by such a huge margin suggest voters are overall not that excited for the man or his campaign?


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
What does this mean, "more excitement"? Would not the fact that he is losing by such a huge margin suggest voters are overall not that excited for the man or his campaign?

But he won more delegates tonight than in any previous contest! That's 100% pure excitement.
Bigger rallies? More donations? Not enough to overcome Hillary at the polls -- he is the underdog after all. But it is common knowledge that he has more excitement -- this denial is so weird to see. It's not even a controversial statement.

Yea, it's really weird. He has all that excitement that's really unquantifiable to a degree and depends largely on which sites you visit and who you talk to.

But that one measure that actually matters, he's getting stomped in.

Yep, I'm totally in denial.


remember me
Bernie is not a good vp pick. He's too old. That right there is enough of a disqualifier. She's pretty old herself so she's going to want to go with someone younger to balance it out, and someone that can run in 2024. He also has all the socialist/honey moon to soviet russia/praising of communist dictators baggage that the GOP is salivating over being able to use. If you don't think that matters just look at Palin to see the kind of damage attacks on a VP pick can make.


Dude is not as likable as you may think! He's extremely disingenuous and basically just a professional protester. If he really cared about his "downticket revolution" message he'd have the core of his campaign about raising money for local elections
Lol I'm talking about stuff like http://www.usnews.com/news/politics...rs-lags-in-delegates-but-leads-in-likeability

Twenty-three percent of Republicans and 38 percent of independents have a favorable view of Sanders, while 67 percent of Republicans and 32 percent of independents give him negative ratings. Just 7 percent of Republicans and 21 percent of independents rate Clinton positively.

You can't deny he's likeable -- that's just the facts. Right now he's the only candidate with net likeability. You could argue that'd change as more people get to know him, but so far he's gotten MORE likeable as he's gotten more exposure, so...
why would a woman knocking at 70 pick an older man beyond 75?

the Dems need fresh young faces for the next generation.

She will pick a younger man; perhaps a handsome younger man to be groomed as her sucessor after her terms are up.

Bernie? 79 ? 83? LOL


If my math is not wrong, Bernie needs 58% of the remaining delegates from here in order to overtake Hillary.

He is in very tough position but not really that bleak. 26 will be the real test, if he can't make big wins on the 26 (esp in PA) then his campaign will be truly over.
This is the same thing week after week. Campaign has been over yet people say with each loss, oh it's the next vote that matters. This is just going to go on till the convention I'm convinced. I'm sure once the numbers get bad enough the dialogue will switch to him outright getting all the superdelegates and things will be okay. I'm kind of curious what his supporters will say after Hillary gets the Nomination and then the Presidency? Will it be... 'Well it looks bad now but if we can keep the momentum for 4 years in 2020 he can win!'

Like when is it time to give up? House is on fire, may be time to get out instead of waiting and seeing if it will correct itself.

Bernard is literally just stealing people's money at this point.
Obviously he isn't.

Why else would he bring up Sanders having more energetic supporters?

More energetic at what? Losing? Complaining on Reddit?

All the things but actually voting?

This is typical sour grapes from the supporter of the candidate who was expected to win without even trying from the very first day of the primary season.

I've never seen such vindictive and appalling behavior from supporters of the front-running candidate who was supposed to steamroll all opposition on the way to coronation as Empress of the United States. And yet an insurgent underdog candidate whose name was largely unknown in 2015 ultimately forced a contest that went to late April.

Keep on winning ugly, Hillary supporters! You sure showed that underdog a thing or two! Celebrate your ultra-wealthy, ultra-establishment candidate's hard-earned victory against an obscure Senator from Vermont!
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