Around 55 hours on my main wizard character I finally got to the credit roll, but I’m a fastidious map explorer. I’ll write more of my thoughts when I have more time but for now all I want to say is this game makes me glad I’m not a hardcore achievement hunter.
Looked at my achievement list and saw a ton of hidden ones I hadn’t unlocked so I revealed them out of curiosity and holy hell there are A TON of achievements in this game that are either contingent on picking specific dialog options with specific NPCs or easily missable.
And it also looks like the one for completing all the side quests is screwed behind and early side quest that, more often than not, is bugged. (You’re supposed to get a gear upgrade quest from Kai after taking down Thalla, but it’s a coin flip on whether it pops. It didn’t pop for me, and it hasn’t shown up on my second warrior playthrough either.)