"Dog piling" when are you going to realize there's a REASON why you perceive this that way?
Until the cancer that is current day Xbox leadership is excised, until people don't feel burned by buying a Series X, until Phil Spencer is removed and they get their act together and start focusing on Xbox owners there are going to be a lot of us who will continue to heavily criticize MS.
Dog piling in your mind is some kind of "hidden agenda" or "hating" without good reason when the reality is this is one of the only forums where people call out companies without holding back. Yes there are fanboys here but the vast majority of criticism towards ANY company (and I see Sony get flak too when deserved) is coming from fans or people who have bought an Xbox and feel burned. That's where the passion to actually get angry enough to be felt by others comes from! That's the problem with a lot of Xbox fanboys here. They always default to this "stop dogpiling on (insert xbox/phil/ms)" line of defense.
There is no real defense anymore for the damage MS has done to Xbox and even the industry at large anymore. We're seeing too many things collapsing right in front of us this year, so as long as people ignore how terrible Phil Spencer is and how damaging MS business decisions (like sparking massive consolidation, pushing subscriptions at the expense of game quality and axing once great programs like Back Compat) then that anger is going to keep being felt.
MS has managed to kill Halo, force CrossPlay into multiplayer games, they've sparked Sony to pivot as well towards the PC at the EXPENSE of the Playstation, MS has been dishonest with trailers and marketing material as seen with Redfall and Forza, they've promoted wokeness in the industry etc etc and some people still want to pretend that Phil Spencer isn't a problem.
‘Dog piling in my mind is some kind of hidden agenda…’.
Stopped reading there.
I was on about dog piling on an individual poster, not MS

Edit: So I did finish your post, seeing as you took the time to write it. Some good points, a shit ton of hyperbole, but most of all I completely disagree that the majority of the flak and criticism towards MS is coming from folk who bought an Xbox and feel burned. I think most folk that bought an Xbox are very happy with their purchase and the games that have been made available to them over the years (barren 1st party years aside).
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