Alright, mi a go drop a big shitpost right yah so, mi yute! Even setting aside the possibility that some snot nosed brat might purchase their games outright, the fact that not everyone is on a free trial at the same time as you, ignoring unknown operational costs, and whatever puff the magic dragon believes sales numbers would be without Game Pass, the rough math still suggests:
- If all 30 million subscribers followed your described pattern, that would amount to roughly $225 million in three months.
- Over a full year, that would be $900 million.
By way of a simplistic example, if Game Pass generates $900 million annually and 50% goes to Microsoft (for any number of expenses), with the remaining 50% split evenly among 500 games, each game would receive $900,000 per year. If Microsoft takes 70% and the remaining 30% goes to the studios, then each game could still receive about $540,000 per year, based solely on your subscription pattern.
In other words, you’re still talking about a substantial sum of money.