Hey, PC players.
I want to recommend a list of Nexus quality of life and immersion Mods, that I've been using, to improve the game experience.:
Henry's Complexions: As the Name implies. I chose to make both Henry and Hans look younger, instead of the default 30yo+ face captures, as it fits their age group.
No Depth of Field in Conversations and Cutscenes: For those of us, who hate blurred back grounds, when talking to NPCs.
Thinner Health and Stamina HUD: Does as mentions, including reduces reticle size, and offers other options.
Faster Bow Charge Duration - PTF: For those of us who want to make Archery a viable combat role. 2x speed is best and least immersion breaking.
Stay Clean for Longer - PTF: Increases time for Henry to accumulate dirtiness. No more dirty Henry, after 5 minutes of running around.
Easy Smithing: Varies options to reduce the time spent on creating weapons.
1st person Herb Picking II: Stay immersed in FP, when picking plants.
More Gather Radius and XP: Various options to reduce time spent picking up multiple plants and herbs, with XP adjustable to compensate.
Fast Launch (Skip Startup Intro Videos): Does exactly as titled. A godsend, for sure.