Not really.
Fable Legends, Forza 6, Quantum Break and Halo 5. Plus Rise of Tomb Raider.
I'm sure there will be more, but these are the big guns.
I wonder if Dying Light was helped more by the Gamestop glitch or the Pewdiepie recommendation
.......probably the latter
You can tell this is a slow NPD when bread and smartphones are being discussed.
Don't forget towels.
Man, MS's PR is masterful. So many people still thinking it sold more software. I have to applaud them for being good at their jobs.
Quick thinking and clever. Nicely done.
Today's market really isn't all that "healthy" when you look back.![]()
This is why single pie charts are misleading. Not everything is great in the bread industry.
While they obviously sell a lot. There have been recent trends where indie baker have been shuttered by hypermarkets.
Man, MS's PR is masterful. So many people still thinking it sold more software. I have to applaud them for being good at their jobs.
Maybe the man just has really big hands?
He probably designed the original Xbox controller.
so according to that Sony man who talked to gamingbolt, the Ps4 sold 18.5 mio consoles up to date..
But is that an old statement that Venture Beat is using or why is it still 18.5 Mio? (Early Januar it was already this number)
There are a lot of returns in January. Just sayin'!so according to that Sony man who talked to gamingbolt, the Ps4 sold 18.5 mio consoles up to date..
But is that an old statement that Venture Beat is using or why is it still 18.5 Mio? (Early Januar it was already this number)
Is there something I'm missing? Didn't they sell more software?
read carefully
"more game sales per console than any other platform"
Meaning, xbone could sell 10 consoles and 20 games (2:1 attach rate) ; ps4 could sell 30 consoles and 30 games (1:1 attach ratio). PR speak.
Psst everyone knows indie breads are not real breads
Wait sony has marketing deal for mortal kombat too?
Microsoft has witched
Sony has batman
Witcher for Xbox and Batman for PS4
Microsofts 2015 games are largely unknown at the moment, I guess their waiting til E3. Their first half is looking pretty barren tho and they don't do random directs with surprise releases. I think Nintendo and Sony are looking to have a good year with exclusives, especially Sony who had a terrible First party year in 2014.
Sony will also have MGSV comarketing and MLB The ShowWith The Order coming out next week, Bloodborne in March and Sony's co-marking deals for both Mortal Kombat X and Batman Arkham, I can't see Microsoft winning a single month this year that isn't Halo month.
No, just higher attach rate.Is there something I'm missing? Didn't they sell more software?
Now that Forza 6 has been announced, I seriously doubt they have anything else ready for 2015. There's a reason why their big announcements last year (Crackdown, Scalebound and Phantom Dust) were 2016 games.
Their 2015 lineup is Quantum Break, Halo 5, Forza 6, Fable Legends, Tomb Raider and a few smaller titles/remasters (Ori, State of Decay, Screamride and Happy Wars). I could see them announcing one or two more smaller titles but otherwise, I'm pretty sure that's the entire lineup.
A guns no use if you cant insert your finger to pull the trigger.It's not the size that matters.
It's how you use it.
Now that Forza 6 has been announced, I seriously doubt they have anything else ready for 2015. There's a reason why their big announcements last year (Crackdown, Scalebound and Phantom Dust) were 2016 games.
Their 2015 lineup is Quantum Break, Halo 5, Forza 6, Fable Legends, Tomb Raider and a few smaller titles/remasters (Ori, State of Decay, Screamride and Happy Wars). I could see them announcing one or two more smaller titles but otherwise, I'm pretty sure that's the entire lineup.
But in January they sold fuck all consoles but most multiplats still sold more on One. Obviously while there aren't a lot of Xbox One owners out there, the ones that exist buy shit tonnes of games.
lol @ MS PR
That's downright diabolical.
Thanks, its pretty even than for the upcoming games.
Sony will also have MGSV comarketing and MLB The Show
Damn straight it probably does. Those cards are like stoop kids; they just never budge, no matter what.
More software sold per console sold. This could be less software in absolute numbers.Is there something I'm missing? Didn't they sell more software?
A guns no use if you cant insert your finger to pull the trigger.
even? batman is like 10x bigger than the witcher and looks cool as fuck
Yeah, I was taken aback when I saw GTA 5 selling better on Xbone than PS4. Any Theories on this?
They have all the final fantasies, metal gears, kingdom hearts, battlefield, mortal kombat, batman. They are set for the next few years.
read carefully
"more game sales per console than any other platform"
Meaning, xbone could sell 10 consoles and 20 games (2:1 attach rate) ; ps4 could sell 30 consoles and 30 games (1:1 attach ratio). PR speak.
The King continues to rule.