Tiger kills visitor inside Delhi (India) zoo.

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Yes let's keep killing off species and endanger more to save dumbass drunks looking for the Darwinism award.

Sorry man, if it's between me and a tiger. Or someone's life is in danger, I'm not thinking about tigers as an endangered species needing protecting. I'm only thinking about surviving or helping someone not get eaten. You can be for both wild life conservation, and, killing a wild animal when it's about to kill a person.


I wonder is standing and flailing your arms around would work. There is an African tribe I believe, that uses the screaming and flailing technique that has had success. Although, a caged animal who regularly sees humans may not even care about that method.

In any case, the cowering technique is guaranteed death. A stone, rock, stick and maybe a choke hold would be your only defense while trying to scare it away. You have to try something, even if futile.

You can't blame the tiger for it instincts.


#TeamHuman is the reason most of these animals are in cages.

Step 1: Bring animals from natural habitat and put in cages.
Step 2: Profit
Step 3: Kill animal when cages are breached

Yes, I don't go to zoo's personally but I don't believe anyone should be killed if they open or or visit it


Was at a zoo the other day when two tigers (apparently brothers) went at it...full on roaring. Holy shit...I was safe behind iron bars and I still felt scared.

They were fighting each other?

Having incestuous tiger sex together?

Eating something together?

Pls repond


yeah unfortunate accident that doesn't deserve any consequences other than the zoo getting the fuck sued out of them for not being able to react for 15 minutes.
Just saw the video on liveleak because I like to torture myself. Very chilling. The tiger carries the boy away like a rag doll.
Watching the video you have to wonder how things would have unfolded if the people weren't throwing rocks and shit at the tiger. That seems to be what set it off and made it attack, of course that may have happened anyway.

You would think the zoo would be able to do something after that length of time, if not they probably need better measures stopping people from getting in than that tiny fence.


Watching the video you have to wonder how things would have unfolded if the people weren't throwing rocks and shit at the tiger. That seems to be what set it off and made it attack, of course that may have happened anyway
It looks like they sent it from "What is this? Can I eat it" to "Fuck it I'll figure this out somewhere else" which is the worst possible thing they could've done. It probably would've decided to eat him eventually but they definitely sped up the process.


Is the video gorey?

The tiger stands there looking confused while the guy is praying, occassionally pawing at him. Eventually it gets fed up with the crowd, jumps on him and carries him off. No visible blood, not really much of a visible struggle either.
I dunno, I just wouldn't have expected it to be so effortless for the tiger. It just trots away, uphill, with the guy in his mouth like it's carrying a feather.

For perspective, Bengal Tigers are bigger and stronger cats than African Lions.

It can be hard to fathom how big they are until you see them up close though.


Watching the video you have to wonder how things would have unfolded if the people weren't throwing rocks and shit at the tiger. That seems to be what set it off and made it attack, of course that may have happened anyway.

You would think the zoo would be able to do something after that length of time, if not they probably need better measures stopping people from getting in than that tiny fence.
Id guess the only options would be to kill the animal in such a situation. Tranquilizers still take some time before the effects start to kick in. I doubt the tiger would just sit around and wait quietly for 5 to 10 minutes for the drugs to take effect.

I agree, the zoo is at fault for giving people the oppertunity to get into the enclosure. Now its some kid who was possibly under influence. Next time its some young kid or someone with mental issues.
The tiger dragging his corpse away was too much for me. Absolutely brutal.

15 minutes and the only thing they could think of was throwing stones? I can't fathom any one actually thinking that would work and wouldn't piss the tiger off more. The fact that no one else also climbed into the cage to try to do something, like staff or some shit, and everyone just watched.....That shit just doesn't make sense. Tranq it? Lure it away with food? Like actually do something holy fuck

It seems like his death had a huge window to be avoided and no one really took it which is incredibly unfortunate.
I think they kill gators in FL after it eats a dog/cat/person because it will develop a taste for it. Not sure if true but maybe Floridian GAF can confirm.

They hunt down alligators that kill fucking cats?! Maybe they're just pissed off because the cats won't stop shitting in their garden?


Maybe I should get an alligator.

Just saw the video on liveleak because I like to torture myself. Very chilling. The tiger carries the boy away like a rag doll.

Yeah, I was surprised at how easily the tiger carried him away. Jesus, he must have been so fucking terrified. RIP.

I dunno, I just wouldn't have expected it to be so effortless for the tiger. It just trots away, uphill, with the guy in his mouth like it's carrying a feather.

Well, what do tigers eat - deer, antelope, boars? Any one of those animals is probably 50-100kg, and I bet a grown adult tiger is a good 200kg. They're built to carry prey of equivalent size, so I bet a skinny 20 year old boy isn't going to trouble them.
When you go to the zoo there should be a document you sign that states if you're idiotic enough to fall into an enclosure, don't expect the keepers to shoot the animal. A bit like the agreement you get in prisons if you go as a visitor.


Well, what do tigers eat - deer, antelope, boars? Any one of those animals is probably 50-100kg, and I bet a grown adult tiger is a good 200kg. They're built to carry prey of equivalent size, so I bet a skinny 20 year old boy isn't going to trouble them.

And gaur. From the tiger wiki:

After killing their prey, tigers sometimes drag it to conceal it in vegetative cover, usually pulling it by grasping with their mouths at the site of the killing bite. This, too, can require great physical strength. In one case, after it had killed an adult gaur, a tiger was observed to drag the massive carcass over a distance of 12 m (39 ft). When 13 men simultaneously tried to drag the same carcass later, they were unable to move it.

An adult male gaur can weigh 2200 pounds; not sure how much that one weighed.


Gonna be #teamtiger here because of all of the creatures in this video, he did the thing that makes the most sense. Sorry to say it and rip kid in the video, but the humans were not helping.
Also you had to climb over a fence to get to that part of the wall...maybe he "slipped" but it took some effort to do it.
Was at a zoo the other day when two tigers (apparently brothers) went at it...full on roaring. Holy shit...I was safe behind iron bars and I still felt scared.

I remember a male Lion in Berlin Zoo going on a full on roar-fest standing directly in front of me (behind glass obviously). Made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, it was absolutely terrifying in real life

Went to the link and instantly turned away.



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after watching the video kid should have played dead or stop moving altogether, he keeps moving his hands up and down constantly and even a few times moves the tigers face and paw away from him
Id guess the only options would be to kill the animal in such a situation. Tranquilizers still take some time before the effects start to kick in. I doubt the tiger would just sit around and wait quietly for 5 to 10 minutes for the drugs to take effect.

I agree, the zoo is at fault for giving people the oppertunity to get into the enclosure. Now its some kid who was possibly under influence. Next time its some young kid or someone with mental issues.

That's pretty much what i was thinking. You either need to have some way of neutralizing the tiger quickly or you need to have more precautions in place.

The tiger dragging his corpse away was too much for me. Absolutely brutal.

15 minutes and the only thing they could think of was throwing stones? I can't fathom any one actually thinking that would work and wouldn't piss the tiger off more. The fact that no one else also climbed into the cage to try to do something, like staff or some shit, and everyone just watched.....That shit just doesn't make sense. Tranq it? Lure it away with food? Like actually do something holy fuck

It seems like his death had a huge window to be avoided and no one really took it which is incredibly unfortunate.

What would be achieved by anyone else climbing in there? Unarmed humans are no match for an animal that size, hell even armed humans won't be able to do much unless it's a gun they're holding. If anything that's likely to upset the tiger even more and end up with more injured/dead people.

I agree that they probably need some method of trying to handle a situation like that. It doesn't seem right for that much time to be able to pass and the zoo keepers to be able to do absolutely nothing.

And gaur. From the tiger wiki:

An adult male gaur can weigh 2200 pounds; not sure how much that one weighed.

Yeah it's scary how powerful these animals are.
I'm not watching any fucking zoo snuff movies. The zoo sounds like it should be closed down or at least not allowed to have animals it doesn't have the capacity to safely subdue in the event of an emergency like this.

Also I think if it comes down to it yeah, I would support killing any single animal to save a single human life. Regardless of what the human did to 'deserve' being killed by the animal. You've got to think of all the people that a person dying will impact. A face off between an unarmed human and one of the most effective killing machines on Earth isn't the moment to condemn our practice of caging animals for people to look at.


And now I'm trying to think of what I would do if I somehow ended up in such a situation

I got nothing. Is there anything you can do?


And now I'm trying to think of what I would do if I somehow ended up in such a situation

I got nothing. Is there anything you can do?

Don't get into the situation is really all you can do...

Don't climb shit at a zoo, respect borders/signs at national parks...simple really.

As far as putting down the animal, fuck that, it's bad enough you have him caged for people to gawk at...


it always seems like people are so accepting of killing an animal after it kills a human..

Seriously, it's not like we don't that the tiger would eat anything that we put inside its cage...

The tiger was fine until people started throwing shit at it, then he felt threatened, took the boy and peaced out...

#TeamHuman is the reason most of these animals are in cages.

Step 1: Bring animals from natural habitat and put in cages.
Step 2: Profit
Step 3: Kill animal when cages are breached

lmao. so true
And now I'm trying to think of what I would do if I somehow ended up in such a situation

I got nothing. Is there anything you can do?

Dodge an attack
"Heh, that all you got?"
Unsheathe my katana
Teleport behind tiger
Slash and the tiger is dead
Backflip outta there
"Guess you could say...I earned my stripes"
Resheathe katana
Utterly insane that A) he was able to get into the enclosure in the first place, and B) that in 15 minutes they couldn't do anything like get a ladder or get a tranquilliser?

But the tiger doesn't deserve to be killed because of this. Just put a fucking fence around the enclosure.

I don't think lowering a ladder into a tiger cage ends well for anyone.
I was about to ask "How can you stumble into the Tigers cage/area by accident?" but looking at the small wall up at the edge, doesn't really look that high, having people leaning easily over it.


These animals are huge and built to kill, you just don't fuck around with that. These animals are also almost always stressed the fuck out from being in a zoo as well. Tiger just did what a tiger would do in that situation. Zoo needs to make it harder to get in there and idiots need to be more careful around giant predators that will murder them.


No thanks. Watched a video long ago of some guy getting ripped to shreds right infront of his family when they were on a safari tour (he decided to get outta the car for better pictures). The screams :(
I was about to ask "How can you stumble into the Tigers cage/area by accident?" but looking at the small wall up at the edge, doesn't really look that high, having people leaning easily over it.

The wall is on the other side of a short fence. That would be some Jerry Lewis type move to stumble over both of them.
No thanks. Watched a video long ago of some guy getting ripped to shreds right infront of his family when they were on a safari tour (he decided to get outta the car for better pictures). The screams :(

I saw that back in the kazaa/limewire days. Really disturbing video. Yeah I don't want to watch this one, I can visualize just fine don't need to see the real horror.


Do they not have tranquilizers on-site? I hope they didn't kill the tiger afterwards unless there's fear it has a taste for humans now, which is still a shitty reason as it's mostly in a caged area anyways.
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