Tiger kills visitor inside Delhi (India) zoo.

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latest update... bystanders reported that the guy felt into the cage because he climbed on to a tree to throw stones at the tiger. while throwing a stone he lost his balance and felt into the cage.

seriously... no pitty at all. that asshole deserved it!
It's not about whose at fault or blaming the tiger for being a tiger, but ya, fucking kill the thing if it's about to kill someone. I'm on team human, not team tigers.

It's not a thing it's a living creature, a tiger!

Sorry still team human.

Even the most sensible person can go overboard with drinking once in a while, they do not deserve to die for it.

Obviously tranc if possible, otherwise take out the tiger

i can't remember the last time I needed to get ripped to go to the zoo. Irresponsible behavior should not be rewarded.

I think they kill gators in FL after it eats a dog/cat/person because it will develop a taste for it. Not sure if true but maybe Floridian GAF can confirm.

Well alligators and sharks have been found with tires and toilet seats in their stomachs. Guess we should protect those items as well. It's a stupid line of thinking that needs to die. Animals don't develop a taste for anything in particular, they hungry they eat.

I don't think anyone here is saying that.

You might want to Reread your posts.

Seriously? People who would let a human die by tiger mauling are insane.

What can anyone do besides distract the tiger? Then you're the target. I'm not dying for some drunk dumbass that wanted to get up close for kitty.

Seeing that guy scared out of his mind waiting to die was intense, Fuck that zoo for being able to have such an animal without safety measures.

They do have safety measures. Hey have a moat around the enclosure, they have a 15 foot fence and a smaller fence around the moat. What more do you want? Electrified fences? Here's a thought, maybe people should follow the zoos instructions once in a while.
latest update... bystanders reported that the guy felt into the cage because he climbed on to a tree to throw stones at the tiger. while throwing a stone he lost his balance and felt into the cage.

seriously... no pitty at all. that asshole deserved it!
If you think someone deserves to die for throwing rocks then you have some serious issues to work out.


I do feel very sorry for the man, even if his behaviour was unwise (I've seen reports that he may have been suffering from mental health problems, although that's unconfirmed) - it's an awful way to die. Fortunately it seems the tiger isn't being killed, but just monitored by zoo staff for now. I hope he'll be allowed to live.

God damn, the Tiger bites his whole head and drags the body around like its nothing, dude looked like at least 150 lbs if not more.

Scary animals.

Yes, big cats do have amazing strength. Even leopards are capable of hauling a carcass weighing 60kg or more straight up a tree.



Couldn't they throw some kind of rope to get the poor guy out or threw some other meat to distract the tiger ?


latest update... bystanders reported that the guy felt into the cage because he climbed on to a tree to throw stones at the tiger. while throwing a stone he lost his balance and felt into the cage.

seriously... no pitty at all. that asshole deserved it!

Yup. I actually think you deserve to be mauled by a tiger for this comment.

I don't. It's a pretty stupid thing to say.


i can't remember the last time I needed to get ripped to go to the zoo. Irresponsible behavior should not be rewarded.

You get drunk and are capable of doing very stupid things. It's irresponsible but you do not deserve to die for it, short of taking another persons life.


People have no problem with a tiger dying, another living creature... as you can see it can go either way.
No, it doesn't go either way. Saying you're okay with someone being killed, doesn't mean the alternative option is that the tiger has to die. It's a ridiculously stupid thing to say.

This video is disturbing.

The Lamp

It's not a thing it's a living creature, a tiger!

i can't remember the last time I needed to get ripped to go to the zoo. Irresponsible behavior should not be rewarded.

Well alligators and sharks have been found with tires and toilet seats in their stomachs. Guess we should protect those items as well. It's a stupid line of thinking that needs to die. Animals don't develop a taste for anything in particular, they hungry they eat.

You might want to Reread your posts.

What can anyone do besides distract the tiger? Then you're the target. I'm not dying for some drunk dumbass that wanted to get up close for kitty.

They do have safety measures. Hey have a moat around the enclosure, they have a 15 foot fence and a smaller fence around the moat. What more do you want? Electrified fences? Here's a thought, maybe people should follow the zoos instructions once in a while.

You're changing the scenario. No one suggested someone jump in there with him ffs.


latest update... bystanders reported that the guy felt into the cage because he climbed on to a tree to throw stones at the tiger. while throwing a stone he lost his balance and felt into the cage.

seriously... no pitty at all. that asshole deserved it!

If true, then I'd agree. Well, maybe not "deserve" to die, but I don't feel sorry for him.


Was the tiger trying to figure out whether or not they threw him in as food for the first few minutes?
The tiger was born in that zoo, it had never killed before. I guess it must have taken a few minutes for its natural instincts to kick in. People throwing stones at it just made it worse.
latest update... bystanders reported that the guy felt into the cage because he climbed on to a tree to throw stones at the tiger. while throwing a stone he lost his balance and felt into the cage.

seriously... no pitty at all. that asshole deserved it!
If this is true, then yeah, what happened was natural selection.


God damn, the Tiger bites his whole head and drags the body around like its nothing, dude looked like at least 150 lbs if not more.

Scary animals.

150lbs is shit to a tiger, one of the reasons you be as careful as possible when dealing with them.

latest update... bystanders reported that the guy felt into the cage because he climbed on to a tree to throw stones at the tiger. while throwing a stone he lost his balance and felt into the cage.

seriously... no pitty at all. that asshole deserved it!

If this is true, nothing of value was lost.


What scares me the most is, that poor guy looked at his death for 15 minutes. To us it's 15 minutes, to him, god knows how long it was.

I want to die quickly.
If you think someone deserves to die for throwing rocks then you have some serious issues to work out.

so you're not going to question the man for throwing rocks but instead feel sorry for his stupid behavior.

Couldn't they throw some kind of rope to get the poor guy out or threw some other meat to distract the tiger ?

seeing the video and the fact that the Tiger didn't seem aggressive at all, I think this could have worked. but Zoo staff fucked up.

You get drunk and are capable of doing very stupid things. It's irresponsible but you do not deserve to die for it, short of taking another persons life.

so you aren't going ask why the guy was drunk at a Zoo? or why he wasn't following the guard's directions.

You're changing the scenario. No one suggested someone jump in there with him ffs.

so what do you suggest? and I don't think killing the Tiger is an option, that's not fair.

The tiger was born in that zoo, it had never killed before. I guess it must have taken a few minutes for its natural instincts to kick in. People throwing stones at it just made it worse.

I doubt the Tiger wanted to "kill" the guy so much as he was curious I guess. we'll never know...

Did they kill the tiger now? If so, why? The tiger must suffer consequences for its action?!

they didn't kill the Tiger.


It's a stupid line of thinking that needs to die. Animals don't develop a taste for anything in particular, they hungry they eat.
I'd have to hear from animal behaviorists before I'd agree with that. An animal learns what is considered easy prey and will continue to hunt that.

Obviously this is a completely different situation than an animal in the wild. This zoo tiger isn't given a choice of prey and does not deserve to be killed. A gator hunting children is significantly different.


Did they kill the tiger now? If so, why? The tiger must suffer consequences for its action?!

I hope not. Tiger didn't do anything wrong. It followed it's instincts. Someone should have helped the guy though within 15 minutes. I'm surprised the tiger didn't attack him immediately if it saw him throwing rocks.


I'm glad they didn't. Good forbid a creature be upset over imprisonment. Poor imprisonment at that.

It isn't even about imprisonment, tigers are hardwired to eat other animals. Its how they live, and a big squishy meal threw itself directly into the tigers face. What else is the tiger going to do?
It isn't even about imprisonment, tigers are hardwired to eat other animals. Its how they live, and a big squishy meal threw itself directly into the tigers face. What else is the tiger going to do?
You took my comment a bit too literally Lol. A false environment isn't helping either way.


You might want to Reread your posts.

You might want to follow reading comprehension. If saving a human means killing a tiger, then yes, kill the fucking tiger. Killing the tiger after the fact because of vengeance is stupid, which is what I was responding to. The fact that people in here would rather sacrifice a living human being for a tiger is fucked up. You can be for wildlife preservation and love animals, and also kill a tiger if it's endangering someone.

Was the dude an idiot? Yes, does that mean he deserves to be mauled by a tiger because you hate zoos and value a tiger over a person? Fuck no.


I just randomly googled around to see if there were any updates on this, no idea if this is a valid source but:

Maqsood's obsession with tigers led to his death

"He never told us what was it about tigers that had aroused his curiosity so much but these stories used to excite him and he often shared his experiences at the zoo," said Mohammad Tahir, his grandfather.

Maqsood's friends say that his obsession only grew and he would often slip out of his house in the afternoon and visit the zoo to watch the tigers, and lions. The fact that he had lost his job four months ago gave him ample time. He often told his mother he was going out to look for a job but instead landed at the zoo. He used the little money he had saved to buy tickets at the zoo.



Thankfully he was probably dead very soon after the tiger got his throat. Notice he doesn't really struggle and big cats usually don't feel safe dragging their food away until they're at least mostly dead and not struggling.


I think a lot of you see the word Zoo and then compare it to the well state and federally funded zoos of your childhood in places like the US or UK, and then compare it to India which is still developing.

I very much doubt the guards they've hired are qualified to fire tranquilizer rifles, have the supplies on hand, etc. Labor is extremely cheap and I doubt they have 60k a year making vets and animal control officers on hand like in the US.

As for the situation, it's sad. What can you do? Unlike here, you don't really have a safety first mindset everywhere else, especially India. The man was supposedly drunk and then the onlookers agitated and scared it, and so it decided it didn't want to lose a potential meal and dragged it away to get away from the stones and noise. Had they not done anything, the tiger would have kept waiting or pawing at him. Additionally, I bet the tigers and wild animals are also not adequately fed, so you cannot blame a wild, apex predator for being hungry and looking at a potential meal.

Stage On

Then he deserves to be arrested and charged, not mauled to death by a tiger.

What can I say, if he played with fire like that then I'm not going to shed any tears if he ends up being burned.

In any case Tigers are endangered, especially white tigers which are super rare. Killing it, even if it was to save another human would be an utter tragedy. Violence isn't always the answer to ever problem.

That said given how much time they had you'd think the zoo employes have at least tried to distract it away using a hunk of meat as bait or something :(


Sooo... In this situation, what do you think is the best way not to get killed? For some reason you fall in the enclosure, there is a tiger approaching, people are not trying to help you. What do you do?


Sooo... In this situation, what do you think is the best way not to get killed? For some reason you fall in the enclosure, there is a tiger approaching, people are not trying to help you. What do you do?

Tell everyone to get help and to shut up themselves, tigers don't like loud outside noise. Then, try and fight or confuse the tiger as best as possible. Unlike bears, tigers/lions will drag away what they think is a corpse to eat it. Never cower or make yourself smaller than a tiger. Try and fight back, move your arms, yell loudly. Of course it's a tiger, and you're shit scared, but you'd rather lose an arm trying to punch or scare away a tiger, than cower and have it chomp on your neck and kill you. You'd think someone standing around would be wearing a belt. Use it as a whip on it etc.


In any case Tigers are endangered, especially white tigers which are super rare.

I definitely agree with you that it would be tragic if the tiger was shot, and I'm glad he's only under observation at this point. White tigers aren't really endangered though, because they're not a unique subspecies of tiger. They are Bengal (or part Bengal) tigers that are homozygous for a recessive allele causing them to lack orange pigment. They are born very rarely amongst the Bengal tiger population, perhaps 1 in 10,000 births - the last recorded wild white tiger was shot in India in the 1950s. In fact, the white tigers in captivity in India are descended from a single male captured in 1951 (white tigers in the US are mostly descended from a cross-breeding between a Bengal and Siberian tiger in the 1970s). The only reason why there are so many white tigers in captivity is selective inbreeding to produce more of them for circuses and exotic animal displays. This doesn't have any conservation value, and is actively harmful to the cats, since they can be born with genetic defects as a result of the inbreeding.


God damn, the Tiger bites his whole head and drags the body around like its nothing, dude looked like at least 150 lbs if not more.

Scary animals.
Thats not really impressive to be honest. Tigers can weigh two or three times that and are way stronger than humans.


The fuck kind of mickey mouse zoo allows people to get into the tiger enclosure anyway?

Usually they have walls twenty feet high or are completely enclosed.
I really hope they don't kill the tiger, it doesn't deserve to be killed because of an unfortunate accident.

I think they kill gators in FL after it eats a dog/cat/person because it will develop a taste for it. Not sure if true but maybe Floridian GAF can confirm.

The options for gators fall under either:
1. Death
2. Relocation/gator reserve

When you force a gator from its original home it's going to make that shitty retention pond next to your copy/paste house its home whether you like it or not.


Tell everyone to get help and to shut up themselves, tigers don't like loud outside noise. Then, try and fight or confuse the tiger as best as possible. Unlike bears, tigers/lions will drag away what they think is a corpse to eat it. Never cower or make yourself smaller than a tiger. Try and fight back, move your arms, yell loudly. Of course it's a tiger, and you're shit scared, but you'd rather lose an arm trying to punch or scare away a tiger, than cower and have it chomp on your neck and kill you. You'd think someone standing around would be wearing a belt. Use it as a whip on it etc.
In such a situation there's nothing you can do if a tiger decides to attack you. Nothing. It's a 200kg animal with 1050psi bite force.
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