Where are you story wise right now? I don't care about spoilers since the story is so bad so shoot.
I've a bunch of them available right now so I'll go and see what's up with them. I really like that characters even during regular conversations showing some emotions, excitement etc, not to mention can move around and do stuff - this is something ZZZ can improve on a ton cuz in ZZZ you just stand on the spot completely mute and literally nothing is happening but dialogue exchanges and idle animations. Also, I can't help but to mention how worlds apart ZZZ and WuWa are in terms of water rendering:
Sure, water is not a huge part of ZZZ, you can't swim in it and so on, but ffs, it looks abysmal in one location where it must looks great with so much stuff around to reflect and such.
So everyone who plays the game now will have terrible story experience with no way to go back and experience a much better one (if it'll ever be a thing that is)? I've nothing but curse words to discribe what I feel and think about all this.
Speaking off...
I've gone through tutorials for each character and it made me realize just how bad and terrible 99% of A ranks are in comparison to S rank characters.
It is especially noticeable when it comes to characters with guns - Carlotta is so in the whole other universe combat wise in comparison to A ranks with guns that it's not even funny. Same goes for other characters with swords and spears... like, why would you even use some crap A rank with boring as all hell sword gameplay when you have a character with a spear and a green dragon? Like, I haven't seen SUCH A HUGE difference between A ranks and S ranks in a gacha game from a pure combat perspective (I haven't played a ton of gachas, but still). I mean, sure, ZZZ has better S ranks, but never have I felt that A ranks were that bad like in WuWa now that I've played it for 10 hrs. Even Ben in ZZZ when fully built is not that bad especially with Koleda around. I've a bunch of A ranks now and I will never use or lvl them up cuz they're terrible... plus a bunch of them are males and kids.... and I am not fan of kids so... yeah, S ranks all the way baby.
Also, I don't like the way they handled team switching - why do we always have to go back to the pause menu and make a ton of clicks to switch the team? Why can't it be done via quick wheel like other stuff where we can easily pick a team? It's so freakin' annoying especially considering the fact that it can be fixed in a small patch in a day or two

There is no gameplay / story content in gacha games for which you need to pay. It's all free. As for how often content is released... each month, but the main problem of gacha games is that it's bite size at best, cuz they can only do so much in a ~ month.