Horde mode would actually be amazing in this game - it would be incredibly tense with the Stalkers and Clickers running at you, with their one-hit-kills. Scrambling to lay down mines and scavenge ammunition in the few seconds of quiet in between rounds and then getting back to safety to craft quickly would be superb. Make it happen ND!
I really don't understand the want for this. Most games that ship with a horde mode (like BulletStorm), people always complain about it not having 'real' multiplayer modes, or co-op campaigns etc, that horde modes are cheap and lazy. What does hoard mode offer that playing through selected chapters on Grounded difficulty using the Chapter Select feature doesn't?
They need to pump more maps and weapons into Factions mode. Can't believe we haven't got maps based on the Hotel, Hotel Basement, Hospital/FireFly HQ or the 'real' shipping yard where you meet Robert (Wharf is crap).
On a more unrealistic dream, they should do a multiplayer mode like Factions but with Infected running around the map. There's be a lot more shivving and silenced weapons, or strategically thrown bombs to cause noise, if there were runners, stalkers and clickers and a bloater running around.