No one's pressuring them to change their game. A person interested in whether there would be people of color (who did exist at the time, in that place, in small numbers) in the game asked them and they said there wouldn't be for historical reasons.
The same person asked a Tumblr dweller who specializes in POC during the time period whether there were POC in Bohemia in the time period, and she suggested that there would have been some, so exclusion of them was a choice by the creators.
Then Reddit it turned it into a big shit storm. Neither the Tumblr dweller, nor the originator of the question, sent any sort of demand to Warhorse that they alter their art.
You can make any sort of art you want to make, but if that art appears to other people to be excluding segments of the population for no good reason (or doing anything else someone might not like), some people are going to question your decisions as an artist. And that's okay. Making art doesn't protect you from criticism, it invites criticism. If you, or Warhorse, don't want your work to be criticized, then you ought not make it public, because the purpose of publishing art is to communicate, and responses from critics are part of that communication.
I totally get where they're coming from, and I get that they didn't initiate this. But the snark in their response makes it feel like they're saying "yes, this needs to be changed." They are making a value judgement. The response they received was scummy. People SHOULD have been a lot more diplomatic.
But "Warhorse, you proclaim you have a great character generation system" (game) but only have a white male protagonist (story)" really does feel like them saying "we want you to change this," and that's why I felt invited to say what I did.
You're right. Art shouldn't be free from criticism. If someone sets a game in New York City and only has white dudes, something is probably
very wrong with the game.
For me, it all breaks down to one thing. Is this art honest? Is it human? So honest, human art featuring a white male protagonist only? I have no complaints.
I honestly feel as though quite a few people who complain about the lack of representation aren't doing it because they're concerned about the
honesty of the work ("you should be able to play as a female character!" for instance, is not inherently bad; good narratives require solid characters, not the ability to play as anyone under the sun), but because they believe in the (silly) notion of activism.
As someone who believes that it is art that initiates societal change, not activism, this bugs me. Art is an exploration and understanding of what it means to be human. Activism exists to balance the scales. Its purpose is... not pure.
Yes, I absolutely wish there were more games featuring all sorts of demographics. If I had more people working with me, I'd be exploring a ton of avenues, but I don't. I'm just me, and there's only so much I can do.
Making value judgments about art based on a perceived societal need is a mistaken viewpoint, in my personal opinion. And I feel that's what some people are doing. Hence my response.
This. So much this.
I think that most people who are such zealots when it comes to social matters just don't get or care about art. Like people complaining about Up not passing the Bechdel test.
People complained that Up, one of the most human, beautiful stories out there didn't pass a useless test that
Sucker Punch passes?