Shame Ash is an idiot because it would be easier to feel sorry for him.
Next region should have European influence /flavor.
Next region should have European influence /flavor.
Shame Ash is an idiot because it would be easier to feel sorry for him.
Next region should have European influence /flavor.
If Ash is such an idiot what's that make everyone who's every lost to him?
Yeah, that episode is called Fire and Ice, where UltimateIke used his Arcanine to battle Ash's Kingler.
If Ash is such an idiot what's that make everyone who's every lost to him?
Anime logic works weird.
Ash fights a Darkrai with the perfect counter and it gets blown away.
I had forgotten about that fight.
Excuse me while teach my Arcanine Bulldoze and find a Pikachu to beat up.
Freaking hack Pikachu...
I had forgotten about that fight.
Excuse me while teach my Arcanine Bulldoze and find a Pikachu to beat up.
Freaking hack Pikachu...
Who did he fight Darkrai with?
Aw *snif* but we get along so well. My Pikachu and your Arcanine should be pals!
Ran the standerd Arcanine vs standered Pikachu
Flare Blitz: 286.25 - 336.96%
ExtremeSpeed: 127.48 - 150.23%
Wild Charge: 0 - 0% (Lightingrod Ability)
Close Combat: 190.99 - 224.64%
Who did he fight Darkrai with?
They can be best pals as long as you don't get any ideas about jumping in pools of water and knocking out Arcanine from a super-sudden power boost.
Heck, I don't even have to bother with a new attack...
Pretty sure it was Heracross. Although I'm also pretty sure Ash's Heracross wasn't running Sleep Talk, right?
The list of attacks that won't OHKO Pikachu is pretty small. dem paper defenses.
Pretty sure it was Heracross. Although I'm also pretty sure Ash's Heracross wasn't running Sleep Talk, right?![]()
Didn't help that Mr hax had a latios backing up his Darkrai. The writers made ash to strong in DP and they found the loophole to make him lose.IT was Heracross and yes it DID have Sleep Talk and it still got it's ass kicked anyhow.
To be fair Legendary Pokemon are way stronger in the anime then the games. The fact Ash was smart enough to come up with such a good plan proves he's not stupid.
IT was Heracross and yes it DID have Sleep Talk and it still got it's ass kicked anyhow.
To be fair Legendary Pokemon are way stronger in the anime then the games. The fact Ash was smart enough to come up with such a good plan proves he's not stupid.
Hey guys is SoulSilver/ HeartGold worth it?
It just feels so sloooowwww : (
Did he ask about Platinum?
He did not.
That game has Barry in it.
Platinum is comparable in quality to said games, no?
The craziest thing ever happened to me today. I bought a used copy of Explorers of Sky in preparation for BW2, and just out of curiosity, I checked the Pokémon that were in reserve.
To my surprise, one of them was an Arcanine named Ike.
Props to you, random Montreal PokéGAFer, or thank you universe for providing me with the most awesome coincidence ever.
You know if Iris fears Ice types, why doesn't she fear Dragon types too?
You know if Iris fears Ice types, why doesn't she fear Dragon types too?
What would you guys nickname an Oshawott?
I was gonna call him Cap.Badass but it just looks ugly -_-
Derpaderp or Fancypants for me.
Maybe Brent if I'm taking his final form into consideration.
This might just work....
Decided to EV train the Pichu I just hatched. He's modest and has max IVs in HP.
Only took about an hour and now he's completely EV'd trained with max stats in both speed and special attack. And he's a Pikachu AND he's holding the light ball his dad was holding.
Plus, I used some of my BP and had a tutor teach him Signal Beam. He's been ripping through the Battle Tower now with my Latias, oh man.
Maybe it's as hax as Ash's Pikachu.