I was scrolling through this page and only read your post and nearly had a heart attack haha
Soon, Syph, soon.
I was scrolling through this page and only read your post and nearly had a heart attack haha
After scrolling past the last few posts in the B2W2 OT, I think I need some brain bleach.
Huh, why?
The PETA stuff, I guess.
The wait is killing me. I keep checking the UPS tracking on my order every 5 minutes to see if it's changed. Never buying a Nintendo game from Amazon ever again. Everything else yes, but never a Nintendo game.
I've only gotten my first badge (still trying to get my fucking team together lol) but the presentation is several steps up than that of BW1. And the music is already amazing. Rival theme is boss. Can't wait to finally dig in.
You monster. ;_;
Do you live in the US? Why didn't you just go to walmart like I did? Got the first copy they sold right at midnight
I do live in the US. It's just that I had a code for 10 dollars off and I used it on my order. I figured 25 bucks for a brand new Pokemon game would be worth the wait. I was wrong. :<
Dead wrong.
I've made a huge mistake.
Haha, not really, but I did have a scare.
I traded over my HM slaves, and since you can use them without badges, I'm exploring the full Castelia sewers from the beginning. Just a small Surf away, the trainers jumped 10 levels above my team.
Luckily, Scraggy was bred to know Dragon Dance and has Moxie. Pew, pew. OHKOs.
wutI've made a huge mistake.
Haha, not really, but I did have a scare.
I traded over my HM slaves, and since you can use them without badges, I'm exploring the full Castelia sewers from the beginning. Just a small Surf away, the trainers jumped 10 levels above my team.
Luckily, Scraggy was bred to know Dragon Dance and has Moxie. Pew, pew. OHKOs.
I'm gonna summon the spirit of Oliver Twist and ask you for one more pokemon. Do you have a beldum of a jolly nature? I've been trying to get one on Dream Radar all day but I don't even have thundurus yet.
I can get one. Let me finish up my Black 2 stuff, and I'll switch over to 1 and start trying to breed one.
It was like that in Black 1/White 1 too, but I didn't know it until I beat them.
It is making exploration a lot more fun!
Luckily, Scraggy was bred to know Dragon Dance and has Moxie. Pew, pew. OHKOs.
Ok now you guys are making it so I want to raise a Scraggy.
How do I get one like yours Ike?
Breed it with a Haxorus for Dragon Dance. You'll have to chain breed for Drain/Ice Punch, though.
Name it Desmond.
I actually had a Dragonite with Ice Punch and Dragon Dance, so that did it for me. ^_^
Do you think you could bread one for me please.
Remind me; did it state in Black and White that older Pokemon had entered Eastern Unova because of an accident at the Pokemon Transfer Lab, or was that just some headcanon I adopted?
You rule! Is their anything I can trade you in return?
Wasn't it just that tourism picked up, bringing in new Pokemon with them or something.
Might be my imagination too.
It's been two years since my brother disappeared. He used to send letters to my Trainer's School every day; explaining to me the Pokémon he'd met, the Gym Leaders he'd defeated, and the growth and evolution of his own team, but all of a sudden, right around the time of the terrorist attack on the League building, they stopped. Cheren and Bianca told Mom that he was okay last time they saw him, but they've been off studying so long that I haven't had the chance to ask them myself. Ever since he vanished, I've been so distracted that I almost flunked my 12th grade exams twice, and since I just got my Trainer's Licence, I don't even have a Pokémon of my own to comfort me or take my mind off of things. My family even moved from Nuvema Town to Aspertia City last year because the place brought back too many bad memories for my mother.
Everything changed today, though. I woke up to my mother shaking me awake, exclaiming that she had received a call from Professor Juniper (an old college friend of hers) declaring that in honour of my graduation and 19th birthday would receive my very own PokéDex and Pokémon, just like my brother had two years ago. I jumped out of bed immediately, realizing this was my chance to go on an adventure of my very own, and maybe even locate my missing brother.
As I rushed off to meet Juniper's aide at the Aspertia Lookout, I was met by Brett, a kindly and rambunctious boy who's the only real friend I've made since moving here. He explained to me that due to his breeding prowess (he'd recently hatched and raised a orphaned Snivy, one of the rarest Pokémon in the region), he had also been selected to receive a PokéDex.
As we climbed the final flight of stairs leading up to the lookout, it was revealed that the aide was none other than Bianca, my brother's childhood friend. I immediately grilled her about his whereabouts, but she gave the predictable answer that no one had heard from him in three years. She did add that since his PokéDex entries were still being transmitted to Juniper, he had to be somewhere in the Unova region, but no one could track a precise location.
After spending some time catching up and reminiscing, Bianca us a PokéDex, and me a Pokéball containing an Oshawott (who I named "Jake" in honour of one of my favourite television shows), cheerily exclaiming that it was an offspring of her Samurott. I could've spend hours gushing over how adorable it was or how powerful my brother had told me it would become, but my fantasies were immediately cut short by Brett suggesting we have a friendly battle with our Pokémon to test their strength. I of course accepted and two minutes later, his Snivy lay dizzy on the ground, clutching its bruised head.
My mom didn't want me to leave. She said that she didn't want me to turn out like Desmond; that she had let one child too many out of her reach. After hours of arguing and tears, she eventually broke down and allowed me to leave on my own, so long as I didn't go farther than Virbank City (which could still be easily monitored from the Lookout with the right equipment). I begrudgingly agreed to her terms and, worn out by my first day of being a Pokémon Trainer, collapsed into my bed for the night.
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life. I don't care how far I have to traverse, or what region I need to visit. I will find my brother, no matter the cost.
-Amaya Kane
I wonder what is making me want a Turtwig in my White 2 team.
I hope I catch a Growlithe.
This isn't anonymous, but I'll confess it anyway. I've secretly been naming the images from my avatar things referencing people or things on NeoGAF for a while now. Not all of them are NeoGAF related, mostly just silly things.
Here is a list of the things I've named the files.
"my plan to rule this thread will now begin 4kids dubs being superior"
"people tell me arceus is dead but they are wrong"
"gravijah im more than just a hime"
"it's a hard knock life pokerus"
"Turtle Pokemon are the worst"
"Gravijah I know all your secrets"
"I know you're reading this please help me"
"Gravijah likes squids"
"so you think you can play childrens card games"
There are more than this, but these are all the ones I had saved still.
Cross-posting this from the confessions thread.
I have this urge to train a yanmega but I don't know if to breed it with tinted lens or speed boost, mmm...