How could you kill MikeMyers.
Even if you had them, there's nothing worth fishing for. B/W has some god awful water Pokemon designs.
Simipour? Nope.
Alomomola? Lol.
Basculin? Ugh.
Swanna? Meh.
Jellicent? ...Eh.
Seismitoad? Get it away from me.
Carracosta is the only one that looked remotely appealing, and that's including Samurott.
Hey guys, this has been up for a while, dunno if you guys saw it.
By the way Palutena, you made it in the game.![]()
Yea i heard, a little dog told me.
Man, I am getting destroyed in the Unova Leaders cup in the PWT. I thought I had a decently good team (3 of 6 are fully EV trained). I guess my Pokémon don't have very high defence and speed though, I keep getting 1-shoted by non-super effective moves. Bah.
So, favorite Gen VI starter?
Team Chespin is go!
So, favorite Gen VI starter?
Team Chespin is go!
When do we get new pokemon information this month?
It wasn't my fault!How could you kill MikeMyers.
I don't do video calls anyways.Eastern Standard Time (GMT -4, I think). My webcam's on the fritz though so it'll have to be a voice call. I'll message you once my roommate's out of the house so there won't be any background noise.
Sorry.Too disappointing to even watch the rest.
I think it respawns after you beat the E4.
Too bad about the critical hit on Gyarados.
I don't do video calls anyways.Just voice, while you watch me play via stream.
Alright, cool. Any major rules/regulations? I'm not sweary so you don't need to worry about that ;P
Will we record only one, or two?
We can start with one and see how it goes.No rules really lol
No mention of Scolipede?
Hey guys, this has been up for a while, dunno if you guys saw it.
By the way Palutena, you made it in the game.![]()
Just a little thing RageCandyBar is a lot more useful in this game than before. You can buy the RageCandyBar and then trade it on the Underground Path (Route 4-6) for TM64 Explosion.
Also shame that you KOed Gyarados but you've already got a rediculous amount of water types anyway.
Oops, I knew I forgot one. Scolipede is really cool too I even used it in my Black playthrough. And Venipede is kinda cute.
Anyone think Chespin might have some sort of street dance motif going on? Just that the hoody-looking chestnut thing calls Scrafty to mind and it's called Chespin so it might spin around for some sort of breakdance attack.
I actually don't mind Jellicent now. When I first saw it I wasn't a fan, but I ended up using it in my second play-through of B/W and it was pretty boss.You dare hate Jellicent's magnificent gentlemanly mustache?! Well I say sir, you are a ne'er-do-well and your great aunt has hair on her teeth!
Definitely can't get behind this one though....Seismitoad would have to be one of my least favourite Pokemon ever. It's ugly. I'm also just over Frog/Toad based Pokemon (which is why Froakie annoys me too). It's like, COME ON gamefreak! There are plenty of other animals you haven't touched yet, we don't need all these damn frogs.Seismitoad is freaking awesome design.
My Serperior, Zebstrika, Darmintian, and Seismitoad are all level 48 and I'm about to take on Iris who I assume uses Dragon types. How screwed am I GAF?
I actually don't mind Jellicent now. When I first saw it I wasn't a fan, but I ended up using it in my second play-through of B/W and it was pretty boss.
Definitely can't get behind this one though....Seismitoad would have to be one of my least favourite Pokemon ever. It's ugly. I'm also just over Frog/Toad based Pokemon (which is why Froakie annoys me too). It's like, COME ON gamefreak! There are plenty of other animals you haven't touched yet, we don't need all these damn frogs.
I agree, except for this badass right here:
Which game, White or B2W2?
Favourite is probably Chespin atm, but I'm considering going with Froakie for my site playthrough
Permit me to clarify, I do three playthroughs typically, each with a different starter
First - Japanese - For site
Other game Japanese - For fun (while picking up version differences I've missed)
English - For fun
I'm not entirely sure how to do this with worldwide launch, but I believe it won't be same day, it'll likely be Japan at the start of the month, everywhere else at the end. At least I hope so, for my sanity's sake.
hopefully this time the generation reveals go without a hitch >.>
last gens got pretty heated when some twitter account was revealing pokemon beforehand.
I want a situation like Gen IV. In that, I was playing through and discovering Pokémon even 2ch hadn't seen yet, and posting them to the world. It was fun and how game coverage should be![]()
Well, I've been told that security is much tighter this time because they don't want a repeat of that situation, so who knows how it'll go this time.
I want a situation like Gen IV. In that, I was playing through and discovering Pokémon even 2ch hadn't seen yet, and posting them to the world. It was fun and how game coverage should be![]()
Well it's unlikely to be like that this time around with us getting it at the same time and all. Somebody is going to end up getting a hold of the strategy guide early and then we'll know pretty much everything
You guys think we can get multiple file slots.
It'll be an interesting situation having everyone trying to download the games at the same time through eShop at midnight
YOu know what would be cool? If you could swap Mystery Gift cards through StreetPass, so if you dropped by GameStop to pick up your shiny _____, you could potentially pass the card to everyone that you pass, who'd then pass it to their passers, and so on and so on.
Or alternatively/also, have distributions being passed to you without you having to do anything, through SpotPass. Waking up to a surprise new Pokemon in your inbox would be super awesome to me. GF just has to do it this way, it's too good.
Pokedex 3D Pro will be on sale for $9.99
Pokedex 3D Pro will be on sale for $9.99
...but the money I have saved for is set to Harmoknight![]()
It'll be an interesting situation having everyone trying to download the games at the same time through eShop at midnight![]()
Just pulled the trigger on a 3ds. Got it for a little over $100. I am happy.![]()
Hope you enjoy it! I bet you're now looking forward to XY now, eh?
For sure. I should be getting Fire Emblem soon too though.