Don't be so down on yourself Scrafty.
I feel remorse for my actions.
Don't be so down on yourself Scrafty.
Apparently Ash's Butterfree is making a comeback, and Clair has a shiny Druggidon.
Iris and Cilan are also waving goodbye and saying "Sayonara", so it looks like they are definitely out by the end of this season. Seems like Ash will still be continuing though, but with two new traveling companions. Probably gym leaders from X and Y.Apparently Ash's Butterfree is making a comeback, and Clair has a shiny Druggidon.
Pretty far if you're good enough. One of the game's best players doesn't RNG and usually does interesting things with his teams.All this talk has made me wonder: How far can I get with a non-standard team, no RNG abuse, only normal breeding with best guesses?
This is what happens when you say no to Espeon. Scraftys revengeance.
Oh boy... I'm sorry for your lossDunno why but I found ScraftyDevil's reaction to be funny:
oh no...oh no... oh my.
Btw ScraftyDevil, I'll still read your posts in a husky manly voice!![]()
This is what happens when you say no to Espeon. Scraftys revengeance.
But Jolteon, and Glaceon.
I would say use Glaceon, but Scrafty's curse may not let you go so easily.
Tomorrow is the last day for Meoletta in NA right? Getting it with Luigi's Mansion.
I can't get Glaceon in HG unless it randomly shows up.![]()
It should be dead bye now!Apparently Ash's Butterfree is making a comeback, and Clair has a shiny Druggidon.
That wasn't really ScraftyDevil's fault, don't be so down on yourself. (You also don't have a tiny voice like you warned us!)
Nah, I take responsibility. I told him to use an X-Special Defense instead of switching, and look where that got him.
Also, I said I have a weenie voice, which I do.
Nah, I take responsibility. I told him to use an X-Special Defense instead of switching, and look where that got him.
Also, I said I have a weenie voice, which I do.
No one can take crits into account.
And no you don't.
Aggrotek said:Crit happens.
And for the record I think I have a dumb voice.![]()
You're a kinder soul than most of my friends, Refyref![]()
I need a shirt that says this immediately.
Also, why doesn't PokéGAF have a shirt yet?! PonyGAF has like, ten for chrissakes!
Just curious, has there been a glitch where you can evolve Pokemon without trading in RGBY? I want a Gengar![]()
So when is Pidgeot coming back.
Oh wait, he never caught Pidgey.
he caught pidgeotto, cheating scumbag
So when is Pidgeot coming back.
Hey, if a gym leader can catch one at that level, so can Ash!
Sod that, I need Primeape's glorious return.
Butterfree's ep also came out in PokeSmash, and usually PokeSmash reruns tend to be related to an incoming anime ep.
Escavalier is really good! It's one of Korea's favourites! I consider it their National Pokemon XD
First up was my Stantler...I don't think I've ever used this guy (I forgot if I finished EV training him), and I didn't realize Pokemon under 40 weren't boosted up, so it was a Level 40 Stantler vs. his Infernape. Surprisingly, Mach Punch didn't kill Stantler...he actually survived it and OHKO'd Infernape with Earthquake. I was fucking pumped!
Not this time. They've started taking viewer requests
Besides, if that was their intent, they'd have shown it just before the ep where it allegedly returns, like they did with Charizard
Escavalier is good? I always thought it's inferior when compared to Accelgor.
That is far more likely. In a recent opening, Primeape was seen in Oak's Lab, Pidgeot was not.
Primeape also made an appearance recently during one of the flashbacks
So this maybe implies that Ash gets his P1 Grand Prix super Primeape back from Hitmonchan man?
I can only assume in the past decade it's conquered the entire pokemon fighting world, all that's left is the Pokemon league itself.
Why are you celebrating Brock? you brought a Geodude to a fighting pokemon tournament ya moron.
Primeape vs Conkeldurr, book that match up and i'll watch the anime for it.
Yeah, Stantler had Intimidate, but even then it seemed like Infernape would've still been able to pound him into the ground with the 10 level difference. I guess it might've just been his in-game Starter for D/P/t and thus wasn't EV trained like my Stantler was.HAHA brilliant! Underestimation bit him in the butt. That or a weak Infernape. Does Stantler have Intimidate ability?
The anime logic must be it looks like a fighter so it counts, type disadvantages be damned.Still not as bad as Georgia bringing a Bisharp to a Fighting-type tournament and somehow managing to make it past the first round.
I guess they didn't adress why Primeape ended up back at the lab in the first place, well here's hoping.It's possible, though the Oak's Lab scene showed all of Ash's Pokémon in training, Charizard, Squirtle, Primeape and Gliscor, as being within the laboratory. This then got furthered though from Ash calling Oak for Charizard recently so it's hard to say
Here's an idea...
What if Primeape returns because it has a Gen VI Evolution. 0.o