same design, better stats
Can Arcanine get something similar?
same design, better stats
Why did someone think that was a good idea.
Can Arcanine get something similar?
Why did someone think that was a good idea.
*wonders what he just looked at*
Is it just me or does the new Mewtwo form seem smaller than his regular form? It looks like a less matured form of Mewtwo to me...
Perhaps another attempt by Team Rocket to clone Mew?
UnoDosTres or ArtiZapMol i'll let you choose
I think i'm starting to prefer Mewtwo's new form over its original
I was never a big fan of Mewtwo, and his new form has that creepy "dangerous, psychic alien" vibe going for it.
Thanks, I was looking for an excuse to repost this
no one reacted last time
As one of the few people on the planet who doesn't think that Mewtwo is the best legendary, or even better than Mew, I actually like the new one.
.............The fuck is that thing lol.
.............The fuck is that thing lol.
Thanks, I was looking for an excuse to repost this
no one reacted last time
YAY! Finally can play through Emerald again. I never had a chance to get very far when it originally came out. Seems like it's one of the harder to find Pokemon games nowdays :/
I loved Emerald. My favourite thing about is the incorporation of Team Magma and Team Aqua. Having both teams in it really did so much wonders. The Battle Frontier is pretty kickass too.
The battery on my Emerald cart recently died, so it won't let me set the clock anymore.![]()
You can replace the batteries though, right?
Time to eat crow. lol
YAY! Finally can play through Emerald again. I never had a chance to get very far when it originally came out. Seems like it's one of the harder to find Pokemon games nowdays :/
Looks OK. Don't care for the cutesy eyes, though. Mewtwo is a mean Pokemon.
You mean it's piercing, powerful eyes amirite?
Also, i've decided today that i'm going to try to and catch every Pokemon in Black 2. Too bad I missed that Melotta event and too bad i'll never get a Deoxys ;_;
My other form can't be this shitty
I agree, I feel sorry for Newtwo. Looks pretty pissed off after viewing what it used to look like. Mewtwo seems pretty bummed out that Newtwo doesn't like Mewtwo's look.
fuck you falkner
using youre dads pokemon you pussy
xatu is the shittest pokemon ever
I like Xatu. He looks like a Totem pole.
its just theres only room for one aztec psychic bird
Natu? I don't even remember any other psychic birds. Unless we're counting that weird flying thing from Gen V.
Speaking of awesome Gen V designs: DARMANITAN.
I can lend you my Deoxys so it's registered in your Dex.