I love it! I wish I was as talented as that~
Yo, I ran into a creepy pokemon fan today.
I love it! I wish I was as talented as that~
Yo, I ran into a creepy pokemon fan today.
wondered if any one can help me complete seeing all the unova pokemon in the 'dex.
if anyone has the following they could trade (and then back/or not):
baby mandibuzz (cant remember name) no. 111
no 119
no 121
no 232
no 262
no 265
no 266
no 271
no 288
no 292
yeah big list lol, this is white 2, just want to see all the above pokemon once (unova dex),
can make trades?
Don't go on /vp/
can make trades?
While what he said made me think of the more intracate details of the laws in the land of pokemon. It was wrapped in a creepy ass package.
So this guy posed this question
" if you have a Pokemon who evolves with love, like lucario for example, would you have to fuck it eventually"
he went into ... some very disgusting details....
while this question raises weird questions, like have their pokemans that were too attached to people.
Why would he even think of that.
I'll give you eggs for five of your choice.
It's Platonic love though.
I know. Thats what I thought, but apparently their his Pokemons love is a bit more , tangible.
Then my I thought about were there ever cases of Pokemon getting too close with their trainers and vice versa, and what would be the protocol for that.
He ruined my whole though process for a few hours.
wondered if any one can help me complete seeing all the unova pokemon in the 'dex.
if anyone has the following they could trade (and then back/or not):
baby mandibuzz (cant remember name) no. 111
no 119
no 121
no 232
no 262
no 265
no 266
no 271
no 288
no 292
yeah big list lol, this is white 2, just want to see all the above pokemon once (unova dex)
can make trades?
Hugh's Pokédex Skin live at 13:00 today
Password: Purrloin
Live until May 9th
~Your friendly neighbourhood Serebii
login and click on the big "Promotions" banner near the top (which leads here). then click on the one at the top of the list and enter the password Purrloin.What do you have to do to get it log into the dreamworld site? I wish they made this stuff easier.
Man, I don't think I've used Dream World for anything other than promotions since like July 2011.
We need leaks. I'm hoping for a surprise before the new movie trailer debuts.
I just haven't bothered.
I don't think I got anything I wanted.
Just hate the thing.
I don't know why people are expecting new things with every CoroCoro.
It's not just a Pokemon magazine.
Yay! I actually won a decent match tonight.
I only had two disconnects too. It's usually much worse.
Yay! I actually won a decent match tonight.
I only had two disconnects too. It's usually much worse.
Arcanine was tucked safely away in his Poké Ball, glad that he had decided to stay home today.
I wonder if PMD3 will get a "revised" version like Sky or Red Rescue.
I wonder if PMD3 will get a "revised" version like Sky or Red Rescue.
wondered if any one can help me complete seeing all the unova pokemon in the 'dex.
Nice, where was Arcanine though?
The funny thing is that you basically ended up with Scarfed Gyarados. My Choice Band Gyarados knows Outrage, WRECKS Dragons and most Bulky Waters. No one ever sees it coming lol.
I have Outrage Gyarados on my main doubles team too, except I usually use Fake Out + Dragon Dance. Gyarados is a boss.
I wonder if PMD3 will get a "revised" version like Sky or Red Rescue.
For the past two releases April was the month for stuff to be shown, but I guess the X/Y situation is different, so those patterns might not apply.
Wouldn't be too surprised if it was just Mewthree...
In fairness, it's got as much space on the cover as it often does. The Meloetta forme and Hugh/Nate art reveals that came along with the big BW2 blowout last April got the same sort of space.The CoroCoro cover was posted online, but it looks like it's from an official retailer because it's so clear.
We see Mewtwo's New Forme on the cover, and a picture of Ash and Genesect from the Movie Manga. They're squeezed to the side, so, yeah, wouldn't expect much.
Well, on /vp/, seems the dude who does the leaks (I think it's the guy?) just posted a picture of the magazine, with whatever promo item was included sitting on top to prove it's his and not just a picture of the cover.
Here goes...