I will be fully on the hype train if there's a new type. Shake up the metagame, aww yeah.
The only thing I want... is that nothing bad ever happens to them. Don't get fired. That's all I have to say.
Don't get caught if you want to leak, either. Hard to say whether they'll not get caught when they leak, though. It's not a matter of if, but when, knowing them.
If they're caught and got punished for leaking, well... oh my.
I thought Hiro was fired.
There has to be a new type. Nothing about that skyveon trailer suggested flying and it would be so stupid for gf to remain silent about a flying type pokemon.
They kept quiet about the types of Reshiram, Zekrom, and the Kyurem forms, too.
Anything to keep people talking about the games.
All three were obviously dragon types and their secondary typing could easily be gathered from a trailer. It isnt quite the same.
I'll take what was posted with grains of salt because he is fired from Nintendo Spain, so unless he still has sources...
Anyway,Xerneas and Sylveon are Fairy and Yveltal is Dark/Flying
I only see one semi logical type to add to the game, and that's Sound
There was no trailer at the time. They revealed the legendaries and kept quiet about the types of each Pokemon.
EDIT: I think it was known they were Dragon types because they said so, but their secondary types weren't revealed.
Fairy is logical type too ever since they added Clefairy, Chansey and Jigglypuff. They look like Fairy type to me rather than Normal type. It would be very interesting if they change several pokemonn's types, like those pokemon that I just mentioned.
Right. Im saying both were obviously dragon and HAD there been a trailer both typings would have been simple to discern. Looking at slyveon in that pokemon short i cannot say the same thing. Plus it makes sense to be coy about legends but an eevee evolution?
That doesn't make it logical too. That's just what they're based on.
Sound however, has a proven mechanic. Many moves are classed as Sound, and there's an ability that negates it, too
I only see one semi logical type to add to the game, and that's Sound
This whole thing is just a mess. We'll see in CoroCoro
But most of them are spread on different types iirc, like Bug Buzz.
Ah I see.Actually, only five of them are not Normal-type
Regardless, I think a new rumour from a previously reliable source probably deserves a new thread.
I disagree here, but that's just me. I only feel confirmed info should be spread around. Hell, Newtwo didn't get its own thread when it leaked, did it?
Regardless, I think a new rumour from a previously reliable source probably deserves a new thread.
Personally speaking, I think it should have.
Anyway, this isn't some random guy on 4chan, this is a guy who has serious prior form.
Don't get me wrong, I'm labelling the thread up to the eyeballs with rumour, but if nothing else it's an interesting discussion point.
So I just realised something about Movie 16. I think that Red Genesect and Mewtwo are not parodying DBZ but they are actually parodying Gundam.
Red Genesect is said to be faster than regular Genesect. Char's Zaku II is 3 times faster than a normal Zaku II. They are also both red, while their normal counterparts are purple and green respectively.
Awakened Mewtwo is like the Qubeley, which is a mobile suit that takes full advantage of Newtypes who have pseudo-psychic powers. Their colour schemes are also similar.
I know the DBZ connotations are a more popular way of thinking about it, but I couldn't help but think about Gundam when seeing that second trailer.
So I just realised something about Movie 16. I think that Red Genesect and Mewtwo are not parodying DBZ but they are actually parodying Gundam.
Red Genesect is said to be faster than regular Genesect. Char's Zaku II is 3 times faster than a normal Zaku II. They are also both red, while their normal counterparts are purple and green respectively.
Awakened Mewtwo is like the Qubeley, which is a mobile suit that takes full advantage of Newtypes who have pseudo-psychic powers. Their colour schemes are also similar.
I know the DBZ connotations are a more popular way of thinking about it, but I couldn't help but think about Gundam when seeing that second trailer.
Just for the record, I've been suggesting Fairy-type since Sylveon first popped up. Seriously, you can look back through my posts. I even suggested Xerneas being part of it, and Clefairy being re-typed.
So, yeah, surprise, I actually had secret sources all the time too!
I never wanted an Infernape, until I realized he's clearly based off of the Monkey King. So I checked my SoulSilver game and apparently I never got a Chimchar from anybody.
Life is pain.
This is straight up the weirdest line of dialouge in a Pokemon game, I think.
new mistery dungeon is some heavy shit
This is straight up the weirdest line of dialouge in a Pokemon game, I think.
I don't see how Hiro's hints warrant a new thread or all the calamity... Yes he has a proven track-record, but I really don't think he knows anymore than the rest of us, and whatever he knows, has been speculated 1000 of times before. It's obvious Sylveon is a new type, we just don't know what it is... come on, if Hiro is right, it would not have taken a genius to figure out all along what Sylveon is. None of us have been able to confirm, neither has he... Moving on... The only thing we can hope for is something new next month that confirms, and if it does confirm FAIRY type, let's not give this guy credit, because 1000's of others called it first. This is the same guy that said Sylveon was Flying type two weeks ago.