Ah, I meant shorts for the movies.
Yeah, the ANA shorts have been a thing for quite a while.
They are better off as their own stand alone thing rather then wasting screen time during a feature length presentation.
Ah, I meant shorts for the movies.
Yeah, the ANA shorts have been a thing for quite a while.
They are better off as their own stand alone thing rather then wasting screen time during a feature length presentation.
.....im a guy...unless that was sarcasm lol.
They were lv 20 Gyarados.
gyirados...y u no water flying....
water/dragon sorry
With these new avatars looking so similar I thought you were talking alone ugh.
Choice Scarf MoxieMence is awesome, just got to watch for Ice Shard.
Best Dragon is Gible.
Cynthia uses RNG. Duh.
Whatchu talkin' bout, Stage? Gotta Dance was better than the entrity of the Jirachi movie.
Well to be fair the Jirachi movie is hardly the high water mark of the series.
Later moves would wouldn't have been as good if they had cut screen time to shove shorts in.
So, you won! Congratulations! You're the new Pokémon League champion! You've grown up so much since you first left with Bulbasaur! Red, you have come of age! Blue! I'm disappointed! I came when I heard you beat the Elite Four! But, when I got here, you had already lost! Blue! Do you understand why you lost? You have forgotten to treat your Pokémon with trust and love! Without them, you will never become a champ again! Red! You understand that your victory was not just your own doing! The bond you share with your Pokémon is marvelous! Blue! Come with me!
I came when I heard you beat the Elite Four!
That's a strange way to spell Hydreigon![]()
Judging by your avatar, you must be stoned out of your mind to say that! Gible is the best dragon, followed by Dratini. Haxorus is a much better Gen V dragon anyway. We only remember Hydregion because of Ghetsis.
Dragonite is the best dragon though.
That card is a lie.
Cynthia does not own Rayquaza.
That card is a lie.
Cynthia does not own Rayquaza.
Dialga was a really popular Pokemon during the 2010 season of the Pokemon Video Game Championships when they allowed two of the uber powerful 'mons per team.I mean a non legendary one since most people don't use Legendaries
I like a lot of regular ones more than the Full Arts, but the coolest ones are the dual card things:personally, i don't like those cards with the art all over 'em. stay inside the box!
Favorite trading card, go!
I actually found this particular card in a box of my belongings the other day, so that's why it's on my mind.
I don't know about/never collected any of the cards past the Gym Challenge set.![]()
I need to see a Gengar card!