If you don't mind me asking, how do you all get shinies so easily?
Rng takes say....10 minutes to get a shiny.
and I got lucky with my zoura, scyther and scraggy with masuda in the old thread.
If you don't mind me asking, how do you all get shinies so easily?
the joys of RNG.
The joys of people RNGing for you.
Make me a shiny eevee and litwick and pikablu.
Make me a shiny eevee and litwick and pikablu.
I like Marill it's current color because the later games made shiny Marill really bright.
Incoming best Marill sprite.
Haha. Oh no, Kokonoe. Is Dawn's outfit made from the Whimsicott's cotton? It looks so sad when bald.
Now I want to use Marill...
Haha! I'm going to change back to my Black 2 hype avatar when we get closer to the game's release date.I only use the highest quality Cottonee for my winter wear. Team PETA is after me, but I cannot resist the fashion. This is my way of hyping for Black 2.
It actually makes me want to play original Gold, but I want to fully experience HeartGold first before I do so. The later sprites just don't compare to me on Marill. I suppose it's time for me to take backloggery forseriously.
Personally i use flaffy wool.
burn in the deepest circle of hell
Save theWailordsfluffy Pokémon!
Have you ever wondered how bad it would be when a Dragon Pokemon drinks something really cold?
Have you ever wondered how bad it would be when a Dragon Pokemon drinks something really cold?
Make Ice resist Dragon please.
Eevee evolves into a fish creature, Pokemon doesn't make sense. Bring on the balance patches.
Eevee evolves into a fish creature, Pokemon doesn't make sense. Bring on the balance patches.
venoat - butterfree
caerpie - metapod - venomoth.
But it would look really ugly! (I think that might be it.)
not if you.....umm fuse it with beautifly?
I got a Shiny Wurmple, wanted Beautifly, got Dustox.
Have you ever wondered how bad it would be when a Dragon Pokemon drinks something really cold?
Well many can use Ice-beam despite being weak to it so I just try not to overthink it much
I like chubby Pokemon, like Turtwig. Anyone else?
I think prefer fluffy Pokémon, if my recent posts haven't already alluded to such information.
That would hurt!
Dragons can still get burned or paralyzed.