A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
Well that's because We Gotta Power is the best Japanese DBZ song.
Well that's because We Gotta Power is the best Japanese DBZ song.
Ah don't cop out by using a legendary. I'd be way more impressed if you leveled up Clefable a bit and beat him with that instead.
Stop talking DBZ guys!
You might attract... him.
3. Piccolo is made into a joke, and he was never as frightened and stiff like this ever before. He would fight practically anyone, even if he knew the circumstances weren't in his favor. He gets turned to stone in a blink of an eye by Dabura, which he could've dodged if he wasn't completely paralyzed by an irrational fear.
Piccolo's cool and all but he was a joke since Raditz. He had a brief run in the Android arc as the strongest, but he woulda lost to #17 anyway and he indirectly led Cell to the Androids locations.
All of Goku's rivals turn into jokes, the only one that stayed relevant is Vegeta.
Piccolo's cool and all but he was a joke since Raditz. He had a brief run in the Android arc as the strongest, but he woulda lost to #17 anyway and he indirectly led Cell to the Androids locations.
All of Goku's rivals turn into jokes, the only one that stayed relevant is Vegeta.
Piccolo did more to Frieza than Vegeta, and I don't think he would have lost to 17, he most likely would have killed him with Hellzone Grenade. Cell Saga even gave Tien his chance to shine, which in the Buu saga they replayed the same thing, but took away the significance.
Blaspheme. Piccolo is a more strategic fighter then 17 could ever hope to be. Since they where pretty much even the smarter fighter would have won in the end.
Frieza was just fucking with the both of them. And Vegeta did way more in that arc overall anyway.
#17 has infinite energy and Piccolo was starting to wear down, and I'm not sure if Hellzone Grenade would have finished him. Plus, it was the fight that gave Cell the knowledge of where the Androids were located.
I don't know who you guys are talking about but it sounds bad. Bad things will happen to this thread of Medabots show up.
Tako-chan, tako-chan, tako-chan!
He must appear now, right?
Tako-chan, tako-chan, tako-chan!
He must appear now, right?
If by toying you mean by not transforming, yes. Vegeta was practically whiped the floor with the entire Frieza/Vegeta confrontation except the part of his first form. Piccolo was actually going toe to toe with his second form. Piccolo also kicked Frieza in his last form to save Goku. Sounds funny when I mention that, though.
Android 17 wasn't above Piccolo, even with the never ending energy.
Actually when Frieza went in his final form, Vegeta saved the Z Fighters from Frieza's beam as Vegeta was the only one who could see them. Also overall Vegeta did more in that arc.
As far as #17 vs Piccolo goes, well it could have gone either way. But Piccolo was the reason Cell showed up, so I guess he screwed himself over anyway.
Also don't be dissing Piccolo.
Alright, I decided to use Clefable over Aritcuno.
Intense grinding session begin!
Onix - Gyarados
Hitmonchan - Gyarados
Hitmonlee - Gyarados
Onix - Gyarados
Machamp - Gyarados
Remind me to invest in a Gyarados sometime in White 2.
Gor for a moxie.
In honor of your victory
Go for a moxie.
Unstoppable Gyarados?
Sure. Its strong enough to completely break ingame lol.
I wonder whether there's a way to make Snivy/Servine/Serperior smoke everything in sight. (Nickname, hmm) (Don't spoil)
Contrary ability + spam Leaf Storm
Contrary ability + spam Leaf Storm
Don't think that combination exists yet.
Still wouldn't do much more then tickle a Charizard.
It needs to become legeal already.....so much potential.
and thats where hidden power ground comes in.
And getting Uber'd?