[SPOILER]Venusaur gets Chlorophyll now, by the way[/SPOILER][/QUOTE]
He'll fear Leaf Storm, though. I actually noticed Chlorophyll, the Dream World has added so many awesome abilities to Pokemon. I think after I complete my second run of HGSS I'll use action replay to infinite the TMs and give Venusaur/Ninetails their abilities from Black and White so I can have it in my favorite version as well.
He'll fear Leaf Storm, though. I actually noticed Chlorophyll, the Dream World has added so many awesome abilities to Pokemon. I think after I complete my second run of HGSS I'll use action replay to infinite the TMs and give Venusaur/Ninetails their abilities from Black and White so I can have it in my favorite version as well.
What set are you going to use? Having SolarBeam and Leaf Storm seems kinda odd for Venusaur.
That's going to be my fun set, I surely wouldn't take Lilligant into competitive OU battles(gonna use it on my grass team). Kinda interested in using Pokemon that only spawn weather too, sounds fun.
I might do a Kanto run with just fire types. Charizard/Flareon/Arcanine/Ninetails/Magmar/Moltres
I mean what moves?
I'd suggest at least Sludge Bomb on there as well.
For the love of...Gold/Ethan's hair looks kinda stupid in Pokemon Chronicles...
Feel free to go back to your talk of whatever.
Touche but it's a dopey name anyway.
Meh. Used my Master Ball on Latios in Ruby
I don't remember, I think I wanted a Walrein cause it looked cool but then I saw Spheal looked cute so I just made a bunch of those.
Nate and Rose are so boring.
Found another sprite mistake.
The bag is on the front regardless if you go left or right, so the sprite was just inverted. However, when you move up and down, the bag stays on the correct side.
I dunno man, Sailor Leia is probably my second-favourite female playable character.
Palmtree-Hair has a pretty weird design, though.
I think he means their names are boring.
Exterminieren said:The localisations of the protagonists is really clever.
Kyouhei + Mei = Kyoumei
Kyoumei is resonate in Japanese.
Rosa + Nate = Rosanate
Damnit, Scrafty, I was gonna post that.![]()
Oh yeaaaah.
I remember I wanted to do this in Ruby but my asshole cousin SO PLAINLY stole my master ball.
I mean seriously, my game case was opened with out me knowing, he was in the bathroom for a long ass time, he "found my game" under the couch all of the sudden (slight of hand!) and when I restarted the game not only was my master ball gone but one of my many Spheals were too (I totally counted how many I had beforehand).
I wanted to kick his ass for this for so long.
He finally admitted it like 2 years ago.
man fuck him
Tyranitar may not fear Solarbeam, but I've had many opponents immediately switch out once I used Rain Dance instead of switching. People to this day still never predict it.
I thought Tyranitar's special attack wasn't anything to write home about...
I thought Tyranitar's special attack wasn't anything to write home about...
Thunder still hurts when it's doing double damage.
It can do that? I thought Rain just guaranteed it hit or am I missing something else here in your equation professor?
95 base stat is pretty solid considering things like celebi and starmie have 100.
95...that's...decent. I know he's a killer in game but is he a terror competitively?
Even though he's slow as molasses? Or do people get around that by just using Trick Room?
Politoed is weak to electric, so a Thunder does 2x the usual.
Well in Gen 3 I remember most people using Dragon Dance on him, but now with priority moves being common DDTar isn't really viable anymore.
In Gen 4 I remember most people using Choice Scarf on him to boost his Speed.
Gen 5 Tyranitar's seem to focus more on Bulk so he can outlive Politoed/Ninteails and Sandstream becomes the permanent weather of the battle. And Tyranitar has the stats to survive a lot of hits, especially on the Special Side. Just watch out for Fighting moves.
Why would he need to outlive Ninetails? Or is it because people use Solarbeam with Ninetails?
Oh...wait Ninetails gets Drought? Boy am I out of the loop, I thought that was exclusive to Groudon.
*Yoink from BW2 thread*
Hey, man, Busaiku is the one who said it, not me. Pretty cool names though.
I didn't realise the new Kyurem forms are gotten byThat's a bit too weird for me. I assume the plot explains it?literally fusing together Kyurem and 'rom/'ram.