Professor Beef
Why haven't I known about this?
Yeah, why HAVEN'T you known about that?
Why haven't I known about this?
Why haven't I known about this?
Yah, a guy in Game Freak's apartment in Celadon gives it to you, after you beat every gym. It totally rocks - it replaces almost every track in the game with the GSC version, albeit subtly freshened up, and even most of the new ones get 'demade' as well.Why haven't I known about this?
Why haven't I known about this?
Well, I think it's because of two reasons.Yeah, why HAVEN'T you known about that?
.....Thanks, and i'm definitely going to work on this now!Yah, a guy in Game Freak's apartment in Celadon gives it to you, after you beat every gym. It totally rocks - it replaces almost every track in the game with the GSC version, albeit subtly freshened up, and even most of the new ones get 'demade' as well.
Likely because you only get it so late in the post game that it's virtually worthless![]()
More games should do this.
Suddenly I want a 8bit gameboy style Platinum OST with the other games.
Cynthia's theme (Among others) in 8bit style would be too much for me. Couldn't handle it. Would die of happiness.
Actually, this might be better.
But this one does!That channel doesn't have the rival battle theme. >:|
Regigigas is the best. And 'grats on Member status!
3 months after your join date + 300 posts.
I just realized Regigigas would be killer in twos. Hit him with Coffagarius then proceed to destroy.
Accept that in the turn that he attacks Cofagrigus he would probably get attacked by both of his opponents Pokemon. Good luck surviving that.
I just realized Regigigas would be killer in twos. Hit him with Coffagarius then proceed to destroy.
Accept that in the turn that he attacks Cofagrigus he would probably get attacked by both of his opponents Pokemon. Good luck surviving that.
You could just hit him with Simple Beam instead.I just realized Regigigas would be killer in twos. Hit him with Coffagarius then proceed to destroy.
He's got enough bulk to survive a STAB Close Combat if he's holding the fighting berry. He's not going to be too worried about dying on the first turn.Accept that in the turn that he attacks Cofagrigus he would probably get attacked by both of his opponents Pokemon. Good luck surviving that.
Answer to the survival problem...
- Double Battle
- Team of Regigigas and Shedinja
- Give Shedinja Choice Scarf and Max EV Speed
- Use Skill Swap on Regigigas
- Regigigas' Slow Start ability goes to Shedinja and he gains WONDER GUARD
Wonder Guard CANNOT be skill swapped.
It can be Traced though.
I've always loved Regigigas, especially since it's reminiscent of Shadow of the Colossus, my all-time favourite game. I have another idea for a strategy with it:
- Send it out with Pure Power Medicham
- Have Medicham use Skill Swap on it
Too bad Regi doesn't learn any boosting moves or you could simple beam it.
Simple Beam unfortunately can't help Slaking though.
Did someone dump Reggie-gigas?
The 3DS couldn't get it going because of SLOW START
Awesome! I'm honored. I shall celebrate with a Regigigas image dump.
awww... i love Regigigas but it's not the best Regi
look at this motherfucker, it's made of ICE and has 200 on SpDefence
awww... i love Regigigas but it's not the best Regi
look at this motherfucker, it's made of ICE and has 200 on SpDefence
Don't you have a higher chance of getting the nature you want if the 1st Pokemon in your lineup has that nature?
Regigigas? Pff. Tyranitar's got the cooler-looking art.
by the way Regis are the best legendary trios
3)Gods (not the stupid forms of B2/W2)
5)Things in Gen4