red/blue sprite is still way superior
Squaresoft.Why what.
I like all the Mewtwo sprites except the 'back' sprite in Black and White. However, the first one was never topped. Classic Mewtwo is bestwo.
Totally lame. Considering how well Pokemon sells you'd think they'd make an exception
not too bad if you ask me
Probably one of like maybe 5 you could say that for the old sprites.
Exactly. The company behind the Final Fantasy series I-X, Chrono Trigger/Cross, the first Kingdom Hearts, Mana series, Super Mario RPG, Front Mission, Vagrant Story...etc. Please tell me why not?
Exactly. The company behind the Final Fantasy series I-X, Chrono Trigger/Cross, the first Kingdom Hearts, Mana series, Super Mario RPG, Front Mission, Vagrant Story...etc. Please tell me why not?
Notice how you didn't bring up anything recent? That's my point.
But if you want the people who made SMRPG, go get the people at AlphaDream to make it.
Kingdom Hearts 2 was probably one of the biggest letdowns for a sequel since...I dunno actually. It put less emphasis on Disney, sent the story more off rails, made the combat system mashy, killed what difficulty it had and introduced the stupid Organization 13.
The guys who make Dragon quest would probably be able to make a pretty good Pokemon game.
I personally liked it much better than the first one, and in my opinion the only game that's come close to matching it so far is Birth by Sleep.
For me, it's:
KHII > BbS > 3D > KH > 358 Days > coded > CoM
Notice how everything recent is made by Square-Enix?
I'm still waiting for you to provide a counter argument as to why classic Square (Squaresoft) would be a bad choice to make a mainline Pokemon game.
Because they don't exist anymore.
*sees 12/10/2012 at the bottom-right corner of the computer screen*
My friend bred me a Timid Cyndaquil in Platinum. I guess I'll give it Fire Blast/Extrasensory/Focus Blast/Eruption.
Speaking of Square Enix, I still need to finish FF13. I only got to Chapter 9.
Play XIII-2, it's better.
I couldn't even get passed Bridge Access‎ in Chapter 9 of FFXIII. I did complete FFX, my favourite game though.
My favourite Final Fantasy is IX. It has the best characters, some strong gameplay, and really enjoyable writing. The only area in which it disappoints a little is the final boss, but at least it provides an enjoyable fight.
Haven't played many FF games, but I can suggest that beating FF13 isn't strongly advised.
tiggerkiddo said:9 and 6 are my absolute favorites but how can you not mention the music and the world of FF 9?!
Haven't played many FF games, but I can suggest that beating FF13 isn't strongly advised.
Haven't played many FF games, but I can suggest that beating FF13 isn't strongly advised.
Well it's not like persona it's better on that side...the beginning of persona 4 made me want to kill myself, it became enjoyable after 7-8 hours or so which is frankly too much (and that is why mainline SMT is much better).Yeah, people keep telling me to beat XIII. "It gets good around 100 hours in!" they say.
Anything that requires 100 hours to fully enjoy probably isn't worth my time when I could be playing Persona instead.
Those are kind of a given in a FF game![]()
How come most of Charizard's sprites suck?
Dragonite's suck even more
I like the pokemon and all but I can't use it for that.
How come most of Charizard's sprites suck?
I awoke extremely early today to the sound of loud music emanating from somewhere in the city. My bed was vibrating strangely; as if the earth itself was generating the music. I got out of bed and pressed my ear to the ground and sure enough, the sound got louder. I asked one of the Pokémon Center employees where the noise might be coming from, and they said it was Roxie's band, Dogars, practicing in their underground club. I decided I would go challenge her right then; not only to get a badge, but also some sleep.
Virbank City was a different place in the early morning. There was no hustle and bustle of people or traffic, no buskers occupying the street corners, and the city was unnervingly still, as if it were frozen in time. If not for the loud music and an unknown rancid stench that seemed to be coming from the same direction, it could have been flawlessly serene.
As I descended into the club, both the music and the smell got more intense. I flung open the doors at the bottom of the stairs only to suddenly be hit by a deafening wave of sound. Roxie's band was hammering away at their instruments like madmen, with the Leader and her drummer screaming into the mic just to add to the clustercuss of noise.
I approached Roxie and tried to shout a challenge at her over the loud music, only to be informed by her keen-eared guitarist that the sound was simply too much for her to understand me, and that I would have to defeat the other band members in order to get my challenge across. The guitarist and drummer's Pokémon fought valiantly, but in the end fell to the might of Jake's Water Gun. Roxie, noticing that her backing had stopped abruptly, whirled around and shouted something that sounded vaguely like a threat before hurling her Pokémon into battle.
She called upon a Koffing, the likeness of which was also plastered on all of her band's posters and instruments. It must have been the source of the stench, became it became almost overwhelming upon its appearance. I chose Ike to do battle, thinking that a Gym battle would prove once and for all whether or not he was a worthy addition to my team. Koffing shot forth a blast of toxic gas, but Ike deftly dodged it like a dynamic dancer, and fired a plume of flame that hit its target with a satisfying "FWOOM," and knocking it into the ground. The spherical Pokémon rose weakly back into the air, and I knew that the fight was over before it even had a chance to begin. With another blast of Ember, the Koffing collapsed into a charred, smelly heap.
In commemoration of my victory, I was awarded the Toxic Badge as well as the TM for Venoshock (what is it with Gym Leaders and giving out TMs I have no use for?). Roxie seemed a bit despondent about her loss, but maybe that was just because she would be washing the smell of roasted Koffing out of her clothes for the next month. I ignored her negativity and instead focused my attention and praise on Ike. He performed better than I could have dreamed, and earned his status of a loyal warrior to his trainer.
I'll check out PokéStar studios later this afternoon (Desmond's favourite films are made there, so maybe I can somehow get his attention through them), but for now I need to rest. I have some sleep I need to catch up on.
Why does Ash crossdress every gen.