DLSS image isnt too dark, you just dont know, what you dont know. In RDR2, the lighting and colors changes literally every few seconds. One second the sun is shining brightly. A few seconds later everything changes as the clouds move. When I was taking screenshots, I saw this difference.The big problem with this post is that the windmill you are using for comparison is right in the region where it should begin being occluded by fog, so the 'more detail' as an assertion of correctness is tenuous. I would argue they all look wrong. TAA is tonally correct but under-sampled resulting in broken aliased edges, but the other two are too soft, with the quality DLSS being too tonally dark.
Then in the CNN vs New Transformer image, without marketing labelling guiding the viewer to the right image, both images have as many advantages and disadvantages over the other.
As for the comparison between native and DLSS in the Tomb raider video, native is still superior by the reviewer's own comment about the the canopy artefacts in the DLSS render at the very first comparison. Can ML AI look better than native in stills? most definitely. Is native typically superior in motion and latency and generally correct but under sampled at worst? Yes. On that basis are we at the point of saying ML AI can be superior to native in motion over a full game play through? no, not universally.
DLSS at default settings arnt using as strong sharperning filter as TAA in this game, I said it very clearly. When I play the game, I disable the in-game DLSS sharpening and use my own reshade filters and the sharpness looks much better. The TAA image also looks better with my own reshade settings, but during motion everything blurs (it's like watching 1080p resolution during motion). In comparison, even DLSS performance looks much sharper during motion. Having tested every single AA method in this game, I have to say that DLSS destroys every other AA method and clearly offers the best image quality even in performance mode.
As for the Shadow Of The Tomb Raider video, watch it to the end. This reviewer showed examples where the DLSS 2.0 image had significantly more detail than the native TAA.
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