1) Yeah but the problem is all costs have risen. You won't make Uncharted 2 for 20 million today considering the voice work, mo cap, developer payrolls and the fact you keep to run ND studios in the first place. Don't forget UC2 was developed almost 20 years ago at that price.
2) Besides that, people want an improvement on that game.
3) Uncharted feeds off graphics and animations of the highest standard in gaming.
4) Lets be honest here, take away that eye candy from Uncharted and what remains?
5) After 8 hours I have my fill of these linear games offering the same shootouts over and over.
6) On the other hand, people bitch Elden Ring for its mediocre graphics, but though I am not blind to its perf and shortcomings, I'd take it over any ND game any day of the week.
Technology is deflationary.
Uncharted was released 15+ years ago, when AI didn't exist.
AI will replace actors and even artists.
You also have to realize that modern programming is way easier than writing assembly for the SPUs and juggling DMA transfers:
2) I don't consider those real fans of Uncharted.
Should Sony release an open-world version of Uncharted with tons of pointless filler missions in the name of "progress" and at the expense of storytelling?
3) Rest assured, I didn't spend 2200 hours on Uncharted 3 due to graphics.
Graphics are nice the first time you see them, but if you want maximum engagement, there are better ways to achieve it.
I get it though, many "gamers" are like ONS: they just wanna have sex with a hot girl and move on to the next hot chick. This is not sustainable though.
4) If you only play the SP, sure, but some people will play 2-3 times for the Platinum trophy and there's also a quite unique MP to explore.
Linear games tend to have more replay value compared to 200-hour open world RPG wannabe collectathons.
Nobody will play AC Odyssey for the 2nd time, while many people have played Uncharted 2-3 multiple times.
5) Maybe linear games aren't for you. You sound more like an RPG guy that would rather spend 2200 hours in Skyrim with tons of mods.
6) That's fine, but I'm not an RPG guy. I hate skill trees, endless grinding, pointless fetch quests. I never said ND games are or should be for everyone (Soulsborne is not for me either).
I like linear games like Uncharted and then hopping on the MP for the next 2-3 years.
Sony wants maximum engagement, right? Then they should stick to their tried and proven PS3 MP recipe:
Sadly, the UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Beta came to an end earlier today, racking up over 1.53 MILLION unique players participating! This makes UNCHARTED 3 the LARGEST online beta to appear on the PS3. I cannot describe how awesome everyone in the Naughty Dog studio feels about hitting this...
Wow, this was a massive week for UNCHARTED 3! We kicked off the week on Monday by updating the available gametypes in the UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Beta to provide more variety from the prior week. Then, starting Tuesday, the UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Beta was opened up for wide PSN access. The Beta...
There's a reason UC3 MP was by far the most popular MP game on PS3 (FYI: CoD only had 500k players at most), but you probably won't understand what I'm talking about if you've never played it (especially with friends).
It would shine on PS5 at 4K 60-120 fps with gyro aiming, adaptive triggers and haptic feedback! But no, Sony would rather release pointless, wokey MP games that nobody wants to play (not even MP fans).